The problems are resolved and Tom junior is on his way. There were many contributing factors. Day one it was low fuel pressure and leaks. Today it was ignition. Put the timing light on all the plug wires, #2 was not firing at all, #1 was intermittent!! Changed plugs, wires, better, but still lots of intermittent die, go again, die, etc etc etc.. idling it would sitting there fine, then die. Instantaneously. Turns out the distributor or ignitor/control box was not firing consistently. It had an optical crane trigger in the dizzy and after market igniter box. Tossed in a zx E12-80 distributor, kept the crane coil, and what a difference!! Night and day. That thing sounds and runs real strong now. No hint of a miss or flat spot anywhere. Glad to help, Tom senior. Tom J. is safely on his way. Thanks to all for contributing ideas. Jim