Please do not take this as raining (or ice storming or snow dumping, depending on where you are this past weekend) on your parade, but these GM HEI ignition modules can be "less good" than the stock ZX ignition modules. Your solution to keep the stock module but to "wire it through" is great to keep the dizzy sealed. Most just remove it entirely and splice into the two remaining wires, which does not solve the hole in the side of the dizzy problem unless you goop it up with somethin' They are definitely "More good" from the point of view of cost and sourcing a new one when the old one fails, no question. However their performance, especially at higher RPM's (above 5K) can be much worse than the stock module. There was a discussion on HybridZ about this, and it was pointed out that there are better high performance versions of this module available (from MSD I believe) that are designed for higher RPM and spark performance. is the simple one, for a real flame thrower! You must also be careful with your coil selection when chosing the HEI ignitor, (ohm internal resistance = 3ohm for most) to provide reasonable life with both the module and coil. Don't forget the simpliest and most modern approach of all, the now common Pertronix upgrade (discussed at length here), that combines the rotation pickup and ignitor in one tiny package inside the dizzy. So if the HEI upgrade makes your car run the way you like in your operating range, then great. Nothing more to do. If it gives you noticable problems at higher RPM's , then consider upgrade to a "better one". You chose the device.