Makes sense that the tabs have been off for some time. I think its a red herring. If the oil pump failed in the way I'm thinking, ie stuck relief valve, the pressure would spike HIGH, never triggering your alarm. The thing is I can't get past these two points. First the shaft engagement point of the crank drive gear is pretty substantial. And its between the dizzy and oil pump. How does a shaft jammed at the top, with the crank still turning, not destroy/bend/twist the shaft, gear or dizzy? Nothing appears wrong with the dizzy other than the tabs are gone. If those tabs got jammed in somewhere I'de expect some very noticable damage on something in the dizzy. And second, if the oil pump is "fine" and is free to turn, and you lock its drive spindle, is the momentum of the pump and oil enough to twist and shear the drive tab? Doesn't feel right. If the pump is free to spin, then nothing the crank or shaft can do other than stopping dead at 8K RPM would cause that type of damage. I think. And you say the car stalled in the pits. What caused that if the shaft can still turn the dizzy and its still in time (advance tabs being there or not at idle wouldn't matter) unless the gear on the spindle spun on the shaft during/just before the tang twisted off? This is easy to check. Compare the gear position on the busted one to a new one. If it IS spun, it doesn't prove which end of the shaft was "locked" at the point, but without any dizzy damage, and with the force required to cause that twist and shear, I'm strongly suspecting the oil pump end is the culprit. I'm sure you'll figure it out.