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Everything posted by zKars

  1. Dustin: I'll get some pics of the brackets up asap. Send me mail to z240@shaw.ca and I'll send them that way. The trip is a work in progress. Just know we are leaving the snow after Christmas. What Island are you on? Maybe it will help make up our minds! Jim
  2. dustin: I have a set of front brackets for 70-72 240 bumpers. The expensive part is likely the shipping, but i'll package and send them slow postal. I'm in western Canada. Asking $40 for the two brackets and whatever shipping is. Give me a zip and I'll give you the estimate. Hey, wait until January and I'll deliver personally! Jim
  3. When I did mine I was able to find a 5/8 bit with a step down shank that allowed it to fit in my 3/8 drill. Another great hole enlarging tool is called a Step Bit, like these: http://www.irwin.com/irwin/consumer/jhtml/detail.jhtml?prodId=IrwinProd100146 Cheap ones can be found at Harbour freight and the like. They tend to be very aggressive so be careful not to go beyond the 5/8 step! Good luck. Jim
  4. Terry: Its very likely just a loose clamp or a clamp too tight that bit through the hose. FIRST, Ventilate that shop! Open the doors and get a breeze going. Do not attempt to start the car again until the loose gas is GONE. One tiny spark and BOOM!!!! Z gone! Second do you have a fire extinquisher? GET ONE! Third, have someone else start the car for an quick second while you id where the leak is, then turn it right off. Ventilate, then troubleshoot that hose. BE SAFE! I know you know this. Save the Z and your house first. Jim
  5. I think I have the drivers side rear shock tower/Wheel well vinyl piece from 280 that you need. Drop me an email or pm with your e-mail and I'll send you a picture to be sure. Jim
  6. Depending on what head you have you may already have it. Take off the valve cover and look at the very front of the cam to see if you have the eccentric cup that drives the fuel pump. Also look if you have the block off plate where the fuel pump would go, or more precisely, if there is a hole for the pump. Later heads did not have it. Jim
  7. The lock actuation levers that attach to the back of the lock cylinders are different in the 77-78 doors than in the earlier doors. Look on the back of the cylinder and see if you can interchange the arms. The early ones have a little clip that holds it on. Many locksmiths can re-work your original cylinders to repair them if they are simply worn. Good luck! Jim
  8. Put me down for two please Arne. Looking for both 240-Z style Thanks for doing this. Jim
  9. My guess is your battery is not tied down properly and it moves, shorting out the + post to ground on the hood or the area around the post.
  10. I don't believe there is a hazard relay. Test the switch contacts directly with a continuity checker. When in Off position, Pin 4 connected to 5, and 6 to 7. All others not connected to each other. When in ON position Pins 1,2,3 connected to each other, and pins 8 and 9 connected to each other.
  11. $183 to your door in seven days. Tempting, yes? They also sell Samuri Underwear! Better yet! the next kids game craze! The Poking Box! http://www.japantrendshop.com/tuttuki-bako-augmented-reality-game-p-429.html Wait! It gets better! Get one these for that "annoying" loud companion at home or at the office! http://www.japantrendshop.com/noiseless-usb-karaoke-mic-p-576.html I have to move to Japan.
  12. The problems are resolved and Tom junior is on his way. There were many contributing factors. Day one it was low fuel pressure and leaks. Today it was ignition. Put the timing light on all the plug wires, #2 was not firing at all, #1 was intermittent!! Changed plugs, wires, better, but still lots of intermittent die, go again, die, etc etc etc.. idling it would sitting there fine, then die. Instantaneously. Turns out the distributor or ignitor/control box was not firing consistently. It had an optical crane trigger in the dizzy and after market igniter box. Tossed in a zx E12-80 distributor, kept the crane coil, and what a difference!! Night and day. That thing sounds and runs real strong now. No hint of a miss or flat spot anywhere. Glad to help, Tom senior. Tom J. is safely on his way. Thanks to all for contributing ideas. Jim
  13. Tom: Come on back if you like, we aren't done yet. I knew it didn't sound right when you drove away. Give me a call when you get a chance. Cell is best. Don't feel right about leaving you like this. Jim
  14. Tom: I can help! Really! Betting its a plugged fuel filter, stuff in the tank, plugged line. Pressure may be up there, but bet the flow isn't. That or the coil is failing. I have parts for all of this. Call me in the morning after 8:00 Send me an email to z240@shaw.ca or pm here, and I'll send you the phone number! Jim
  15. I have the parts you need. I can give the 240 firewall bracket or the shorter J hook that fits in the hollow bracket you have. PM me and we get it on the way. Jim
  16. I am fairly certain that all the L engines (mayby not 83 P90a hydraulic) have 0.010/0.012 inch cold and 0.008/0.010 inch hot valve lash specs. Checked the 82 AND 71 FSM You are likely just getting the mm and inches specs confused. Common mistake. Remember that setting the cold spec is just to get close, but after running it up to temperature, set them to the hot spec to get them right. Jim
  17. If you mean the plastic panel that covers the tail light wiring inside the hatch, you have it about right. Or is it the metal panel(s) on the outside that surround the tail lights? I have a few of the interior variety. What year Z are we talking about? Jim
  18. Have you considered why this happened yet? If that valve is bent or stuck you have more problems than replacing a retainer. Search here for Valve seal replacement threads. They give techniques for holding the valve closed with the head on, but seriously, understand what is up with that valve before re-starting.
  19. Ken: Jim down here in Calgary. Haven't been to Neerlandia lately, but I know where it is at least! There is nothing out there for fuse blocks. The stock fuse blocks are hardwired into the harness so there is no easy way to replace it. There are aftermarket fuse boxes out there (Painless and others), just takes time, solder shrink tubing and careful planning. I might have a fuse box cover if you need one. Let me know. Jim
  20. 16 x 1.5 mm thread. I think we did this already on hybridz... Lets play a game! What other thread(s) on an s30 are 16 x 1.5mm?
  21. Definitely a 280z tach by the plug and mounting technique. Which year? I'm leaning toward 77-78 by the font on the face, but some else might chime in. Likely work on any 280z with a matching plug. The tach connections are the same for all 75-78 280z, +12v (blue), ground (Black) and a trigger (Blue/White, all harness side, not tach wires) from the negative side of the coil (via a 2.2K ohm resistor), so any 280 tach can be made to work if the plugs are not the same. Jim
  22. I confirm the 2.2K ohm value. Easy to find. 1/2 watt is plenty. Jim
  23. Other than the length of the pigtail, I believe yes. Each wire is easy to trace, you can match them up. The 73 block just can't be mounted in the stock location. I have a nearly perfect long tail fuse block if worse comes to worse. PM me for details. Jim
  24. Bad news. The seller just decided not to sell the car. "Went out to take more pictures for us, then remembered why they bought it in the first place". Too bad for us, wise move on their part. Jim
  25. Zed I have 92 Z32 seats in my 73. They mount too high for my 6 ft' dness and required that I cut down the body seat mounts. I replaced the floor crossmember with a 2 x 1" steel channel welded in, that bought me about 1.5" and removed the rear mount pads to mount the rear through the floor. I had to modify the seat rail mounts extensively, as stock, they mount to a non-flat floor in the Z32. Other than about 8 hours cut weld and fab work, they bolt right in! The power drivers seat is about 3x heavier than a stock Z seat, but man are they comfy on my aging butt, and they look good too! Best of all, the shape of the seat cushion where it meets the backrest pivot area fits well with the 240 shape floor pan shape behind the seats to allow the seats to be pushed nearly as far back as the stockers. PM your email and I'll send some pics. Jim
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