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Everything posted by zKars

  1. The only set of new poly I have is a pair from GMachine, labelle as for 260/280. The left side bushing is 1.45 thick. I also measured the right side bushing flanges. Same width as the left side, 1.1 for 240 and 1.35 for 260/280. i have one stock 240 (used) bushing set, left side is 1.15 wide, no wonder it takes little aging to make them loose. Notice that the steel caps that hold them down are all the same width. So the outside groove in the bushings all all the "same" regardless.
  2. Ok, 240 rack left side flange spacing is 1.1 inch, 280 1.35 inch. This is measured across the flats above the chamfer/curve at the bottom.
  3. 240 racks have a narrower driver's side flange on the racks, so maybe your rack is 240 but the bushing is 280? I need to go measure each of them. Hang on. All that said, the poly bushings are a very very tight fit. Many have trimmed the inside edge to match the chamfered/rounded rack casting down at the bottom of the flanges and I've had to use hose clamps and grease to squeeze those suckers in place. Usually have to use longer M8 bolts to catch the caps without the bushings fully seated then tighten them down to squeeze everything together. Later you can change out the bolts to the right length.
  4. Excellent writeup. How many triple carb setups have I seen with a little K&N filter on the block tube and often the same on the valve cover. I just checked Rock Auto's listing for PCV valves for the 83 NA and Turbo models to look for differences. They list the identical valves for all of the approx 6 manufacturers of valves. Great..... And while it's "possible" that all these valves meet the turbo sealing spec, I think we know the truth about that... And to assist with the actual question, once you get your balance tube back on, put the stock PCV valve back in and run the stock PCV hose between the block vent and the PCV valve. Put a little knipple on the back of whatever air cleaner you run and put that hose onto the valve cover.
  5. Oh that's not right.....
  6. The clutch feel in my 2017 370 was also horrible. Nearly impossible to start out smoothly, crazy long travel. The shifter itself was generally "ok" but I'd often find myself hunting for the right "next" gear when driving it hard and shifting fast. Pretty crappy overall for a modern car. All of my older Datsun's feel a million times better. Bit hard to comprehend.
  7. Merry Christmas everyone from the snow bound and very cold gang here in Calgary. We asked for a white Christmas and we got one! 2018 is shaping up to be a good one. You-all stay safe and warm today.
  8. zKars

    510 Su's

    Oh sure, now the ideas get pretty thin and sketchy... Didn't mix up the domes/piston sets? Check for the tinest burrs, nicks, spider webs, nose hairs, something that's causing the dome to go on crooked.... Lather it all up inside with tons of damper oil? Color the piston all over with sharpy then get it to stick, then look for where it's touching by where the sharpy is wore off. Enlarge those holes where the locator pins fit to give you more position adjustment. Make whereever locates the dome looser or freer
  9. zKars

    510 Su's

    Oh oh. Start with checking if the needle is bent and rubbing on the jet tube. Try torquing down the dome screws in a slightly different order. Can it be put on 180 degrees rotated? Maybe hold the piston up with your finger as you tighten it down? Has the plating added thickness somewhere where it shouldn't have? Add some oil?
  10. Maybe he's referring to the modern "struts" you can buy that are the housing/strut and shock cartridge (and often the spring as well) as a one piece bolt-in affair. No such thing exists for S30.
  11. https://www.rockauto.com/en/catalog/nissan,1972,240z,2.4l+l6,1209169,suspension,strut,7584 If you want to maintain stock ride, the basic KYB GR-2 is hard to beat.
  12. zKars

    510 Su's

    Good question. Three possibilities. There is a 510 specific two choke cable, which I "think" I have one somewhere that needs work. If I use a Z console like I did on my 69, I can just use a Z cable and mount it in the console. Last I've been trying to dream up a linkage "thingy" that converts the dual carb chokes into a single cable for 510's since the "right" one is nearly un-obtainium. Maybe some cold night the right simple design will come to me. I keep thinking of stepper motors.... Heat shield. yes, 6 gaskets, both sides of heat shield and insulators. The back of the heat shield has gold reflective foil on it You're trying to block radiant heat directly between the header and float bowls, can't stop circulating heated air from getting around the heat shield without getting really boxy around the entire carb/fender area. Line of site baby.
  13. Engine is fine. Check the fuel supply.
  14. Now how am I going to resist the urge to go for a drive in a Datsun to the mountians this winter? Not sure where to find knobby snow tires anymore to recreate this properly..
  15. Oh sure, EXACTLY what I need and oh good lord, could you BE any further away... 8K Km round trip. In winter. Any body coming this way with a 1/2ton to say, Montana, North Dakota etc, for Christmas? I wonder what the maximun weight for airline carry on is?
  16. zKars

    510 Su's

    Jolly good! Wouldn't have imagined there would be enough meat to do that. I'll see if that's an option on these miniature 38mm wonders.
  17. zKars

    510 Su's

    Got these beautiful FLAT TOP carbs running on the 510 tonight. They run SO well. Took it out for a quick back lane romp and had TOO much fun. Here is proof of concept. Note. The idle is happening with the throttle blades 100% closed. I swear I'm going to get fake plastic hemi-spherical caps made that you can snap on your flat top bells so you don't have to be embarrassed every time you open your hood... And no laughing at the roof rack or the mack-tack paint job....
  18. Make sure your manifold has the holes as well. And make sure the spacer goes on the right way. One hole is for water into the carb, the other for water leaving. If only I knew which was witch... And now for something actually useful, (harhumfff...) I can help you with a pair of spacers. Llet me know if no one closer can help find you one.
  19. I know I know. If only parking space and money were infinite I'd have a 100 of them... We'll see what spring does to my attitude about this. Merry Christmas Richard. See you next year, hopefully more often!
  20. Only disadvantage I've seen is it keeps making me think something is wrong when I look at an L6 sitting on one. Then I remember, should be tilted over to the left a few degrees. Looks very strange sitting upright!
  21. I love this cradle design also have several in use. The simplist form is a pair of 2x6 long ones and a pair of 2x4's at the ends to let the pan hang down into the cradle at each end and allow you to position fore and aft as needed. 22 ish long 2x6's and 8.5" 2x4's inbetween the 2x6's at each end (12.5 total width)
  22. I did say that in a moment of weakness...
  23. oh oh. i kinda decided to keep her after a bunch of disappointing responses. We can talk I suppose.
  24. zKars


    Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Don't even bother, and it ain't just the rust...
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