Polyeurethane Bushings- to squeek or not squeek
just came back from the shop that installed the bushings, they said that if there was supposed to be lube in there they should have provided it with the bushings. mine came without. all this just confirming that mine are running DRY... at least that's one less shop i'll ever go to. they told me to spray on some WD40, no words can express what i wanted to tell the shmuck that told me that. so i guess i need to buy some of the silicone grease and either take it all apart myself or have someone put that stuff on. some of you say that you can't here anything over the noise of your car anyway; that's not really the point as i can just play the radio louder and the noise will be gone, too. it's just annoying that's all. edit: any suggestions for the silicone grease or just anything will do ??
Polyeurethane Bushings- to squeek or not squeek
I had a neighborhood shop install these for me. Gave them the box of bushings as they arrived from MotorsportAuto. Since they squeek so much my guess is that there is nothing there. I'll look under tonite... Would there be anyway to still do it now or would I need to take it all apart again and lubricate from scratch ? PS. Is your ride quiet and squeakless ??
Polyeurethane Bushings- to squeek or not squeek
Hello, I got the Polyeurethane rear bushings installed a couple weeks ago. Previous rubbers were pretty much gone, and I was told this was a better way to go than rubber ones. My '72 240Z is an every-day driver and for the past two weeks my Z squeeks on every single bump in the road. Is this normal or is it just my Z that does that ? Will it ever go away ? Is there a way to maybe lube them up a bit ? Or was my choice of bushings wrong and it's time to save up for the rubber ones ? Being that we pretty much sit on the rear bushings the constant noise gets a little annoying... All things aside, I never got so much attention on local parking lots; when passing over a speed bump everyone turns around to see what the hell that sound was... Thank you for any replys. -slav.
-- FREE ! -- White Face Guage files to print up on sticker paper!!!!
Not to burst your bubble guys, but I hope you do realize you get what you pay for. These files are good, it's the printing process that will be most important here. Printing this at home would not be wise. Professional print shops could print this out on something better, kind of a plastic type sticker, something that probably can't be done on your home printer. The best way to go in many cases is 'rub-offs'. Paint the face whatever color you want, and then rub off the graphics from printed paper, sealing everything with a clear spray finish. Will last a lifetime, and never peel, something the stickers could do under high temperatures. That's at least my take on this.
I have restored my original seats, reapholseterd and everything... BUT the back of the seat is not straight. it seems that the left side hinge is holding firm when the right side bends back a little more, making my back rest at funny angle; shifting my entire back to the right. is there a way to fix this ?? don't really want to replace these seats, just want to sit straight.
update on speed hut indiglo gauges
I've got white faced 260z gauges in my '72 240z. To me the 240 gauges looked too bold for some reason. I'll post some pics of my gauges when i get home, but i believe white face with some kind of illumination is all one would need. Indiglo tend to be an overkill in many situations. That's just my opinion of course. For the past 10 years my father has worked for North Hollywood Speedometer, gauges are pretty much the life of our household. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.
Glove box replacement?
my glove box was broken when i got the car. i took the plastic box out of a 260 i think, and was almost a direct fit. took no more than 10 minutes with a handy drimmel and not only do i now have a box, it looks better than the cardboard box, too.
polyurethane rear control arm bushings
thanx Bambi killer, the main rear 4 come with 2 spindle pin bushings in a pack i got from Motorsport Auto, so that would give me 6 in the back, i haven't even started to mess with the front yet, but now i know i'll probably do it soon. thank you for your extensive answer. slav.
polyurethane rear control arm bushings
thank you for your reply, living in Los Angeles i'm not too worried about the cold weather squeek :classic: however i was just wondering, you're the second person that has mentioned the increase in performance, the first person sold it to me. i don't know much about these things, could explain please how just 4 bushings will affect the ride of my car ? and how does it differ from regular rubber. thanx, slav.
Bumping noise
hey hey, let us know if that took care of the noise, i've been having similar problem lately, in my rear left... thanx. slav.
polyurethane rear control arm bushings
hello, are all of them making noise ? i just ordered some today, i was told they're better than the rubber ones... anyone else having the noise issue ? slav.
- z-pics
240z... disconnecting half shaft ???
hello, my '72 240z has made weird knocking noise from the rear left seems like forever now. i finally got around to taking the wheel off today and saw that the half-shaft is pretty much lose as it connects with the wheel. I could disconnect it with my bare hands. The right side is the complete opposite and very tight. What's there to hold that shaft to the wheel ? I couldn't find any nuts or bolts. Nor have i found a diagram that would explain this to me. I'd like to fix this, just don't know how. thank you for any info. slav.
240z Horn Assemby Kit
...well, what actually broke is the spring that holds the plastic part on the Horn together with the steering wheel. Could anyone help me with some info on how i could get my horn back on the steering wheel ? i wanted to buy the whole thing again, but Motorsport Auto says it's no longer available. Thank you for you help. slav.
MSA 2002 pix...
I also have some pictures from the show. There is 80 pictures there, some good, some not much at all. You decide. I just did this for fun. Motorsport Auto Show