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Everything posted by astrohog

  1. astrohog replied to mars23z's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    Actually it is called the "throttle closer delay diaphragm" and it did come on the carburated engines. I took mine off and fixed my problem. When I went to the Nissan dealer, he said they are not available anymore. Regards, Astrohog
  2. astrohog replied to astrohog's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    Carl, After fiddling with these things, I have decided to go back to the stock air filter box. I just can't find the threaded studs that have a female "coupler" to receive the two cover bolts. Any ideas?? anybody?? Thanks, Astrohog
  3. astrohog replied to mars23z's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    was having the same problem on my '71. I finally found the culprit. It was the "slow idle return" thing. All I had to do was back the screw out 2 turns and the problem went away. I have noticed, however, that when I shift gears, the idle does want to return to a low idle rather quickly and can make for some rough shifting. I will give it awhile to see if I can get used to it, or I will try to find a new unit and/or fine tune adjust the one I have. Astrohog
  4. astrohog replied to astrohog's post in a topic in Interior
    You guys ROCK! Thanks for all the help! I will write down all the part #'s you guys supplied and start my search at the local places as well as the e-bay store. Thanks Again! Jeff
  5. astrohog posted a post in a topic in Interior
    Hi All! I just did a search for this and all I came up with was a thread from 2003 that pretty much said "good luck finding a single hatch strut" I have tried a strut from a 280Z that had two struts, and of course, it was not strong enough. My single strut is not strong enough to hold the hatch up and I really would like a new one. I am hoping that between 2003 and now that there is a source for these. Anybody point me in the right direction? Regards, Jeff
  6. astrohog replied to astrohog's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    dzrt1st - Very cool! I have the oval ones, but those look like what I need! Thanks sooo much! Regards, Jeff
  7. astrohog replied to astrohog's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    1 bravo 6 - thanks, but, yes, oil level is fine!! Zeiss 150 - the problem does NOT go away when I tap the pedal. I very well could have some kind of vacuum leak as all the hoses and lines are all original. I will do some closer inspection of vacuum lines. kenz240z - I have inspected the brakes (and replaced the rear shoes!!) Have not got to bleed the lines yet (no brake bleeder and no helper as of yet!:mad: ). You offer very good advice on the flex lines. I will do that next!! Coolant system/radiator was next on my list. As I do not have a garage here at home (hopefully get that built next spring??) I am getting ready to store my Z for the winter and start on her again next spring. Beandip - I will try to get some pics of the Weiand covers for you. I think they are cool looking (and (after-market) period-correct), but have been told the stock airbox is probably better, so as soon as I get the stock box cleaned up, it is going back on! The mech linkage seems fine, but I will have to re-check all of the springs as they are all old and should be replaced. WOW! Thanks for all the suggestions guys, I sure appreciate all of the support!!!! Regards, Jeff
  8. astrohog replied to astrohog's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I have not had the domes off, so I know they are not "switched". The piston drops as it should. At least I think it drops as it should! I don't really have any experience with these, but it seems to drop "smartly" as one of my manuals says it should. As this car is all original and appears to never have been messed with really at all, I think it is probably time for the carbs to come off and get overhauled. I might as well learn em now, cause I ain't getting rid of this car any time soon!! If there are any other ideas, I would certainly welcome them, and thanks for all the responses so far!!! Regards, Jeff
  9. astrohog posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I am finally getting my 1971 240Z into reliable running order. I have had her for about three weeks and have replaced the following: tires, exhaust, plugs, wires, distributor cap, points, condenser, alternator belt, battery and terminals. Today, I thought I would take her for a spin as it is beautiful out, so I called my buddy (1973 240Z) and we met up, decided on a route to take and hit it. He had asked me to get up to 80 mph on the freeway so he could check his speedo, so we did...then 85...then 90, when I went to back off the throttle, the rpm's would not drop!! I had to use the brakes to get the r's down and got off the freeway. When we stopped and popped the hood, the mechanical linkage looked fine, no binding, broken springs, etc. The engine would start fine, but idle at 2000-2500 rpm's. when I would give some throttle, it would just stick at the highest rpm that I would feed in with the pedal. I limped her home this way and I am stumped. I pulled the carb covers ( I have the Weiand covers) and started her up. As I fed in throttle to say, 3000 rpm and let off I could feel the piston oscillate a little like it wanted to drop back to idle, but would not, it would stay and the rpm would hold at 3000 and want to continue increasing. I am no carburator expert, so I am not sure where to go from here. Anybody have any advice?? Thanks for any help!!! regards, Jeff
  10. astrohog replied to astrohog's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    E, My Z has 102,000 orig. miles. I doubt if those were the original tires. They were in very bad shape and that is why I changed them. In fact, two of them had cracked so badly that they actually shed a 4" X 6" "patch" of the tread, leaving steel belts sticking out!! Jeff
  11. astrohog replied to astrohog's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    Will, I have searched the internet and not been able to even find mention the carb covers I have. I had new tires installed today and the tire guys were laughing as the old tires had tubes in them!! I feel like I stole this car as it was just a driver for all three previous owners, but everything on it is still very stock!! I still welcome any input on this, but I think I will just clean up the stock airbox and get a K & N filter element for it. Seems to be the popular choice, and still maintains the stock beauty of this car! Jeff
  12. astrohog posted a post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    Just got my 1971 240Z a few weeks ago and have been getting her in "reliable drivable" condition. So far I have a new exhaust, new tires, plugs, wires, points, rotor, cap, oil filter and oil change, new battery and terminals, alternator belt and rear brake shoes. The car is feeling much tighter and reliable, I wouldn't heesitate to take her on a long trip (with my tool box, of course! ) one problem I am having is the air filter foam element. my car came with the Weiand (sp?) carb covers. The carbs keep "sucking in" the foam element under hard exceleration (spirited driving:laugh: ). Upon closer inspection, the foam element is "eggshell" foam that the PO cut to size. I do not think this is the ideal density of foam for this application. I do have the plastic inner "basket" that is supposed to keep the foam away from the carb mouth, but with this foam it is not working. Finally, my question: Is there anywhere I can obtain the right foam for these filters? I do have the stock airbox, would I be better off using the stock one? I have heard that the stock box is adequate and well suited for this car, but it just seems so big and clunky, and the Weiand sure looks cool. Any advice you guys can give would be much appreciated!! Regards, Jeff
  13. astrohog replied to astrohog's post in a topic in Electrical
    thanks for the advice so far....guess this is a good excuse to get a multimeter and learn to use it!!! Probably get lots of use out of it in the future!!!! Regards, astrohog
  14. astrohog posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    Hi all! I have owned my 1971 240 for just over 3 weeks now. I am having some kind of charging problem. I just replaced both battery lugs with new and have a new battery. When I drive, the amp meter is positioned just barely to the plus (charge) side of the gauge. When I use the blinkers, it oscillates with them. When I turn on hte headlights, the amp meter jumps just to the negative (discharge) side of the gauge and definately starts draining the battery. Should I take the alternator out and have it tested? Should I just disconnect, and clean and reconnect every electrical connection under the hood? ( I eventually plan on this, but was gonna do it as I had time or replaced the components with new.) I am not too electrically inclined, so this one kinda has me stumped. Would less-than-perfect connections be enough to cause the weak electrical condition, or is it more likely one specific component? i.e. alternator, etc. Thanks for any help you mave have!! Regards, Astrohog
  15. astrohog posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    I tried a search and couldn't find anything on this. There is some kind of switch inside the glove box on the left side. Hopefully I am not being too ignorant, but anyone know waht this is for? Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Oh, BTW, it is a 1971 240Z (build date 12/70). Thanks! Regards, Astrohog
  16. Hey guys, I am not sure how to phrase this, but while I was working on my '71 240Z today, I pulled the steering wheel and half of the shaft off the car! All of the pgtail and wiring came unplugged and I was holding the rest in my hands! I was able to see four (screw?) holes at the end of the shaft, but could not find mating holes on the outer sleeve that it slides into. I just bought this car two weeks ago. Could it be the Po was doing some work and forgot to re-tighten the steering nut? Could something be broken, or is this the way it is supposed to be? when the shaft was off the stalk and in my hands, the top (splined part) of the steering shaft was sticking out of the collapsible tube thing. All I did was slide it back on with the wheel lined up. Is this how it is supposed to be, or is it supposed to be retained by the nut in the center or what? Please excuse my terminology!!! Hopefully you all understand what I am saying and can give some advice. Please let me know if I made no sense, and I will try to explain again adn/or take some pics, but I would like to get this resolved as I do not want the steering wheel coming off while I am driving!! Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to provide!! Regards, Astrohog
  17. astrohog replied to astrohog's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I am no expert, but what I have found is that, technically, yes, more is better, but at a price. First off, Dynamat and its knock-off counterparts is expensive. Second, it is also heavy. All the research i have done indicates that little strips (placed in a chevron pattern?) will help tremendously. I read somewhere that you could cover a relatively small percentage of the available area with the material and get 90 - 95% of the effect ov going crazy with it. Disclaimer: I have no ACTUAL experience with this, but have done hours of reading in different audiophile and auto forums. Regards, Astrohog
  18. astrohog posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Has anybody used dynamat in their Z restorations? I have never used Dynamat myself (not a big audiophile) but I have done some reading on sound-deadening cars and I would think that using a few small strips of dynamat here and there (door panels, c-pillars, inside back hatch) would really help the Z sound less "tinny" and rattly. Maybe this would detract from the "character" the Z's have for those of you who are truly Z purists. I would like to hear from you all (uh-oh, I just asked for opinions:) ) on what you feel about this, or if anyone has actually done it and if it made a difference or not. Regards, Astrohog
  19. I DO NOT CONDONE ANYBODY SLAMMING ON THEIR BRAKES TO TEACH A TAILGATER A LESSON! PERIOD! Besides being dangerous for all involved, it will never teach that kind of driver a lesson. It will just anger them more. Occasionally, I like to drive FAST. When I do, I try to do it as safely as possible for me and the other drivers on the road. Yes, we have speed limits for a reason, but I am not a Police Officer and it is not my place to enforce the speed limit, so when I am approached from behind by a driver that wants to drive fast, I simply pull over to the farthest right lane and let them by. If EVERYBODY would do this, our highways would be much safer for all! In WA State, it is AGAINST THE LAW to drive in the left lane unless you are passing. What drives me crazy are the people that have no awareness of the other traffic surrounding them and drive in the "fast lane" at or below the speed limit. If you want to drive the speed limit, then stay RIGHT! Again, if everybody followed those two simple rules everybody would be able to drive whatever speed they feel comfortable with and it would really cut down on the "ragers". Thanks for allowing me to add my $.02 on this topic, I FEEL MUCH BETTER! :D Regards, Astrohog
  20. I LOVE takin' down Mustangs!! (IN A WAGON!!!!) Thanks! I thought it might be fun! And Thanks again! I hope people say that about my Z when it is done!!!!! Regards, Astrohog
  21. Hey all! Just curious, what other cars are you all driving or own? Daily driver, etc. I have found that car enthusiasts rarely drive "boring, or non-inspiring" cars, so I would like to know what else you all drive. I drive a 2001 Dodge Ram 2500 w/ Cummins turbo diesel. (I know, kinda boring, but I need it for work and to pull our travel trailer). My wifes daily driver is a 2005 Subaru Legacy GT Ltd. wagon. Now that, my friends is one helluva car! I do not want to start anything with all of the Datsun purists out there, but I have been LOVING the Subie since we got it in May!!! So whattya think, this might be a fun thread! Oh yeah, pics are always good, too!!! Regards, Astrohog
  22. astrohog replied to astrohog's post in a topic in Introductions
    this is all I have so far!
  23. astrohog replied to astrohog's post in a topic in Introductions
    more pictures....
  24. astrohog replied to astrohog's post in a topic in Introductions
    more pictures.....
  25. astrohog replied to astrohog's post in a topic in Introductions
    Any of you Washington guys belong to ZCCW? Here are some more pics. No Interior shots yet, but the interior is in better shape than the outside! Not a crack in the dash. Passenger seat is orig. and not a single rip or tear. Drivers seat has splits on the stitchesw on the bottom only (the back of seat is perfect). has original carpet and is in good shape, although it is quite faded. not a rip or tear anywhere else in the interior! The "diamond vinyl is perfect as is the headliner and sunvisors. Enjoy! Astrohog

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