Everything posted by 78zcar_blue
Door Lock repair for S30's
Hello TomoHawk, I used the wire because I figured anything else would probably snap off, the wire can resist the shear better because it can travel up the wire, just my thoughts.
Door Lock repair for S30's
Because the lock cylinders are made from soft metal there is a little shoulder that moves the leaver up and down and after time will shear off (these cars were never built to last this long, they are getting old like us) so this little piece of wire projects down into the lock cylinder about 3/32" of an inch, when the lock cylinder rotates, it than makes contact with the wire and acuates the lever, and yes mine still operate just fine. It will make the locks feel very solid and direct when you lock or unlock your doors. Hope this helps. If anyone would like for me to repair your locks with this fix I have come up with, I will if you send your locks to me, I would charge around $30.00 per set which would include return shipping cost (I need to check into the shipping cost), if anyone is interested.
just got my 15x7 rota rb's
They look really good, that is a very sharp Z, I went with the same wheels on mine but put 16x7, I really like the way it fills out the wheel well.
Door Lock repair for S30's
Hello sblake01, I edited my original message to make it more clear for others reading it for the first time. Since you notice my mistake in the very first post, Thanks
Door Lock repair for S30's
Door Lock repair for S30's
Hello everyone, If you are like me and don't want to spend $100 per door lock I may have the solution, I ended up repairing mine with 3 holes and a pice of clothes hanger wire. Please see attahed photo of my repair, it works very well. If you need additional help please reply to this thread I will be happy to help you. Mark
Losing Faith
Have you thought of replacing the "Black Box" with a GM HEI ignition? this is what I did and have been very happy with it, it is very reliable, and cost about $20 from any parts store. Just my 2cent. The black wire will go to a ground source on a 5 wire setup.
- Model and year of these door panels?
Mr. Matsuo on MotoMan..
Thank you for posting this video, I enjoyed it very much!!!
pictures of S30's with louvers
should volt gauge always be reading?
Hello, Yes, the voltage gauge should always display the voltage even with the iginition off.
15x7 rb rota wheels
Hello Scott, I went with the 16x7 rim with 205/55/16's, I like the way they fill out the fender well and no problems with rub.
SU HS6 on the Z???
I used the 83 Mazda RX-7 fuel pump carburetor model (O'reilly Auto Parts-" Bestest BE8016S") it is very quiet. I removed ECU wiring harness, leave the wiring where relays are at the right hand side you will have to leve the fuel pump relay, also you will have to run a new wire from the run side of the iginition swith to the fuel pump relay to power it for the run cycle. If you can get a hold of the 260Z intake manifold it has a little better flow than the 240Z, I use the 240Z manifold and it works for me. You will also have to pick up several brass fitings to make up fuel lines at the fuel pump as well as under the the hood 3/16" to 1/8" this is the fun part but it can be done. Also I would pick up a inline fuel filter to place right before the hardlines to the carbs, also you will need to pick up a 240Z fuel rail, also I removed all of the EGR stuff. It took me a little time to gather everything up but I am happy, I have simplified my life witht he carbs. I have nothing against EFI but the previous owner did some very bad things to my wiring harness. If you shoot me a private message I will send photos of my setup if you would like.
SU HS6 on the Z???
Hello Marco, I just got through doing the same conversion with my 78 280Z , (4) screw carbs and I got with Bruce at ZTherapy "Great people to deal with". I agree with the advice of Powderkeg. I know the drill very well since I just did it about 3 months ago, if you need a plan of how to make it work Mark
New Mississippi Member
Welcome fellow Z car owner! there are alot of good folks on this site with a wealth of information that will help you. I live on the coast of Mississippi and just have completed a 3 year ground up restoration on a 78. These cars are a lot of fun to drive and I have enjoyed the restoration process, now looking towards another project. I wish you well with your car(s). I have been thinking we need a Z car club in the state of MS, if you are ever on the coast please give me shout.
Where can I buy injector pintles?
The connectors can be found brand new on Ebay, that is where I purchased mine for around $25.
Installing electric Fuel Pump - what can I clean up?
I have just completed the conversion from EFI to Carbs on a 280z, I was not sure if the fuel pump would supply 3.5 psi for the carbs, so I installed a regulator. I would like to know more about the pressure switch that you installed beandip to place on my car, Thanks
Fuel injection to SU carb swap
I am in the process of converting from EFI to SU's on a 78 280Z, my question what about the control relays for the fuel pump? I changed the fuel pump to the Mazda carb style, I wanted to know will the control relay and fuel pump work as before without the EFI wiring? or will I have to rewire the relay or something else, Thanks in advance for your help. By the way everything is hooked up carbs, choke cables ect, just the fuel pump is not functioning.
Photo of EFI Main Wiring
Hello Everyone, Does anyone have a photo of the EFI Main Relay wiring on a late 78 280z from the EFI main relay socket out as it hooks up to the various wires. We have tried to hook it up as per the FSM wiring diagram and blew terminal 71 this is one of the terminals that are connected to the 40 amp fusible link. The previous owner did some creative wiring and it is now very difficult to figure out what was done. Thanks for any help that you can give me.
1978 280Z Restoration
Hello Dan, You and I are the same age and we both live in the Southeast and I bought my Z in Nashville, TN. Please say hello to Roger becuse he has been of GREAT Help to me he is a super guy, I even went by to see him in "06". I'm just about through the restoration of my 78 280Z. I went with the Dynamat on my car it seems to work well. I totally strip this car down to the shell and restored it from the bottom up new rocker panels, capped the frame rails, you name it I have probably done it on this car, even down to the point of to restore the dash. It has taken 2.5 years but it is now a beatutiful example of a 280. I wish you well and if you need help the guys here can help you they are GREAT and I can assist if you need. I wish you well on your journey, just keep your eyes on the goal and enjoy the Ride.
1978 Carpet Kit - who's got the best one?
I purchased one from Black Dragon this year and it was a whole lot of cutting to make it fit, I would not buy another from them unless they were to insure me that it would fit a whole lot better than the carpet kit that they are selling right now. Just my 2 cents.
Roger has helped me many times in the process of restoring my 78, he is a very good friend to have when restoring any Z.
what do yall think of this quote on body and paint?
I had my car painted in June 09 it cost $4,500.00 for the body work and paint in Gulfport, MS by a friend who does it on the side at a body shop. I had other estimates as high as $8,000.00. I was very satisfied with the work that was done. Just my two cents as one who has been through it lately.
NEW NISSAN 240z 260z 280z splash pan ???
I feel like a dunce for responding to quickly after I realize that the price was clearly written in red.
NEW NISSAN 240z 260z 280z splash pan ???
I need a splash pan for my 78 280, what is your price?