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Everything posted by JimmyZ

  1. OMG! That's UNREAL and completely uncalled for. How anyone could think it's OK to hop in something they don't own and thinks it's kosher? Perhaps she was trying to steal the car or something inside?? I think you would have been OK to confront her about what she was doing. I was at an airshow once and caught two bozos hopping in/on an F4U Corsair. Not only is it a rare plane but they are $1-2.5 million by the time you get one restored. The people who own such planes attend airshows because they want to share/show what they have. I know how you felt because I was almost opened a can 'O whoopass on them for being so ignorant/uncaring/selfish. In the "spirit" of this thread I'll call it righteous indignation:) Jim
  2. You got a post in before I could finish writing:) That would usually be the release bearing going bad. (Sounds like a hum) You can drive a bad release bearing for a long while so don't panic. It's just an annoying sound. You might have the release bearing riding on the pressure plate. It is supposed to ride slightly off of it when your foot is off the pedal. The pedal height and slave cylinder need to be adjusted for it to function right. (System bled properly too)
  3. So we can help, tell us what model you have. Assumming you have a 240Z.. Did you get a 240Z pressure plate? They suck! The reman ones suck even worse. The 280Z PP grips very well and is flatter than the 240 PP. (You did compare the sizes of this part and the last) I once bought a PP and didn't open the box until I got home. They had given me a 240 PP which I tried but removed after experiencing what you are. Other things it could be.. Perhaps your clutch collar is on wrong. (One guy somehow installed his backwards) Perhaps the collar doesn't match the height of the PP. (Do a search on this site for clutch collar) You did bleed and adjust the slave cylinder and have the clutch master pushrod set at the right height right? Spray the flywheel AND pressure plate with brake parts cleaner or appropriate solvent before attaching clutch? (There is a protective oil coating on the PP) Was the clutch disc new and free of any oils etc? Was the flywheel worn or scored from a bad disc? Just running my mental mouth. 2c Jim
  4. Wow! Nice vid! You are experiencing something which most little grey people of the world may never know... True adoration and appreciation of a fine car which you happen to own. There's nothing like driving your dream. Music was good but Deep Purple's "Smoke on the Water" or "Highway Star" might be a good one to try next time. Wish I was single and 18 years younger:love: In the age of airhead Paris Hilton wanabees, girls with substance like yourself are a rare commodity. Jim
  5. A semi scriptural reply in a jovial form. I am not religious or trying to poke at anyone. Such commandments wouldn't be necessary if people knew "tzedek". (Hebrew for righteousness) Treating others as God intended us to extends to all aspects of interaction with others IMO. What ever happened to "Thou shalt not drive in the left lane while everyone is passing you by"?? Better yet.. "Thou shalt not crawl up someone's backside at a light, especially when it's a meticulously restored Z car" Oh yeah, "Thou shalt not set thine baby seat on my HOOD or lean on my nice paint"! "Vengeance is for the Lord" but what I would give to have a death ray or perhaps a laser sighted semi-automatic hypodermic dart gun which could flatten offending driver's tires. Driving in today's cities has lost its fun due to rubberneckers, congestion and the "me first" attitude which pervades driving society. Like ways of sinning, people invent new means of getting to the front of the line while pissing everyone else off. As I age it's amusing to see what passes as acceptable road behavior today as compared to twenty years ago. Sad really. Jim
  6. I imagine you tried new plugs and wires? Checked the ditributor caps for cracks etc?? Try using a timing light on it when it's missing. Use the inductive pickup on each spark plug wire to figure out if it's an ignition prob or fuel. A misfiring plug will not create a flash from the timing light. This is also a fast way to isolate a fouled plug on an oil burning engine. Fuel or ignition probs can sound alike. Ignition is easy to figure out but fuel on a 280 needs a bit more thought. 2c Jim
  7. Guess Nissan was a bit proud of their more "modern" systems at the time of writing. This caused them to use fancier terminology. They should use "self adjusting" or semi-automatic:) This is especially true when the hardware is aged. Guess it means that you don't need to get out of the car and adjust them. Back up fast and E-brake.
  8. Get Tom Monroe's book about rebuilding the L series. Research the misinformation in it's pages as there are a few things which are incorrect. This site has a few references to this. Don't take it apart until you have or can afford to buy all of the parts which will get it assembled. Be careful where you take the engine for machining. The good places sometimes have a long wait for them to get around to your engine. One shop in Orlando used to have an extremely long wait time but rumor had it that it was worth it. Inspect the finished work, especially on the head. My nightmare was sending the head off and requesting a three angle valve job and getting a two angle job back! They also claimed to have replaced a few valve guides but instead merely knurled all of them. Place a mark on the outside of you head to verify that you get your head back and not an exchange. Write down your block serial number since it does not match the VIN. Visually inspect parts and have them magnafluxed/zyglo'ed where applicable. Don't skimp on this! I bought the pistons myself but found that the shop that did the work could have gotten them cheaper. (Worth looking in to) An engine stand is a very nice thing! I did my first rebuild with no stand using pizza boxes spread over the living room floor! (Apartment) Do your own assembly unless you have taken it to a good shop who cares about what they do. Such a shop will do a better job since they have superior tools and experience. It is fun to do it yourself though.
  9. If your hubby has a lot invested in his engine or the CR is really high you might want to stick with the expensive stuff. Forgot to add this earlier.
  10. AVgas scented exhaust smells NICE too!! Too bad CO is lethal to inhale.
  11. Aviation fuel is much cheaper and you can simply mix it 1/2 to 1/2 with unleaded. The "low lead" aviation fuel supposedly has a lot more lead than the stuff that used to run through our cars and might foul the plugs. You could always try varying the ratios. Befriend and FBO (Fixed base operator/owner of airport) Worth a try.
  12. I wouldn't want to do that but I'd really hate to see you get towed home again too. My Z has only been towed twice in 18 years. Did you ever get to checking the tranny fluid? Good luck:classic: Jim
  13. Huh?? I've had mine run dry before but never encountered the problems you described. I thought you had it rev several thousand rpm higher while in gear at speed followed by a loss of power. Glad to hear you're back at least!
  14. I'll take a swing... How's your fuel filter?? Try changing the filter after it dies. See if the restriction in your fuel rail is plugged. (The small opening on the return end of your fuel rail. Try blowing air through the fuel rail with the lines removed. (remove and plug your carb lines for this) If you have on, take a siphon sandblaster's pickup tube and attach it to the supply line.(After the fuel filter) Run some air through the gun hold a rag over the discharge end and see what kind of crap ends up in the rag. Did you take off the carb float bowl tops and check the needle valves? I once had a rusty tank which clogged the filter every few miles. I removed the tank, dumped as much crud out of it as I could and bought some time/functionality before restoring the tank. Here's a fuel tank refurbishing page I made. It might help. Nice pics at bottom of page. http://warbuddies.homestead.com/gastank.html Cheers Jim
  15. Very nice!!! Something to be proud of! Did you spray clear on your polished aluminum after polishing or do you just keep at it?
  16. After looking at the side shot I'm wondering what suspension changes have been made. Your dad has the PERFECT Z! Oh yeah.... Please please tell me some suspension specs. Jim
  17. While you have the fuel bowl covers off check your needle valves. Both carbs needle valves were stuck after after prolonged storage. (Not to be confused with fuel metering needle) Unplug the return line at the fuel rail and verify that it's not plugged. Careful with the spilt gas! Having a fire extinguisher nearby would be a good idea since you will be cranking. You did try using the choke right??
  18. Best to sandblast or bead blast them. This will also help smooth any gouges/scratches in the surface. Aircraft remover would be my second means of stripping. Electrolysis can eat aluminum once the paint is gone so be careful and watch over your parts if using this method. Research electrolysis on aluminum it if that's the way you want to go. 2c
  19. WOW! Makes me want to go back to the original color. (L.Yellow) You should be making posters or something. Magnificent! Jim
  20. It's got to be the tranny or rear end. I'd almost bet my left nut on it. ALMOST!! Jim
  21. In neutral the mainshaft and halfshaft are turning. If there are any crunchies swimming in the tranny or a bearing gone bad it will be difficult to turn. The only way to isolate the engine from the tranny is to use the clutch. (Assuming it releases properly) The more I think about it it is probably something in the tranny. Drain the tranny fluid and see what's up. Jim
  22. I'm sure Nissan will get it's head out of it's arse someday in the future. Three guages should have been replaced by a HUD by now anyway. I think it's funny how the new Ford Tarus is a cheap ripoff of the Honda Accord. True creativity is dwindling. I'm sure it will all go out the window when hydrogen cars hit. Things will look more like the "Smart Car".
  23. JimmyZ

    Oem Fender?

    The dealer does't charge shipping if U pick it up at their parts counter right? In this case the OEM would be only slightly more expensive. I'd take OEM any day if it was in the budget. I got scammed trying to buy online fenders once. Check 'em out at http://www.ripoffreport.com/ if you do decide to but online. Ended up saving my fenders because of money lost in the scam.
  24. Eighteen years ago I had been searching for a 240Z for about a year. Finally found one for $2000 which was reluctantly for sale by an SCCA driver named Tom who raced 510's. (He lived in Altamonte FL) Could this be "turbo Tom"???? He needed a bigger better trailer and the Z was almost traded away for one 'til I stepped in. It hadn't been on the road for some time and was still banana yellow. Even covered in mildew it looked HOT. This was my first time sitting in the cockpit of a Z. The clutch was slipping badly but dayeeummmnn it was quick! A few days later I had it titled and was almost in tears driving my dream home. Falling in love with a piece of machinery... Is there a mental disorder for that? Three days later an uninsured driver pulled out in front of me and that was when I took the car completely apart/stripped/repainted the frist time. Women have come and gone but I will always insist that the Z stays. Jim
  25. Just thinking... Try releasing the clevis (from brake pedal) and see if the plunger retracts to where it should be. If it was rebuilt right the plunger should have come to you properly adjusted.
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