hey man! sounds cool! so are you guys going to sell the body alone so i can build my own car or are you going to be selling the cars allready built. personanaly i would go all out and (or most of the way) and build a shaft drive 4wd ride. like fitting it onto a associated or hpi chassy. what will be the wheel base? if it is a standard wheelbase it should fit on most 1/10 scale cars, eh? i really want to acquire a 240z body only. i have been looking for one for some time now. keep up the good work! this sounds almost to cool to be true! have fun!
trany type stamp lacation?
sorry for the burden,......but wondering on the location of the trasmission type stamp. i got help on the head and block id stamps and was wondering about the tranny. i have a five speed in a 72 with 81 enigine/head. the paper trail here ends with the 81 engine and no trany. do i have an 72 five or a 81 five or what? are they the same? i have looked for this in the books and manuals but dont see the location of the stamp. i will have it on a lift soon and would like to know what i have. my manuals and books talk of the ratios and id #'s and such but not the location of the stamp. this may be self evedent when it is up in the air but would like to know where to look first. i thank you for any help. :nervous:
Engine sputter after turning off ignition
just wanted to be more clear on my deisling experience. when i'm out running around and come to a stop the idle is at about 1100 to 1300 rpms. i tap the gas kinda hard and let off....the rpms drop back to about 800 to 900 rpms. then off goes the key. this seems to clear the lines and the carbs of extra fuel. before my 1/16th turn adjustment it ran a bit higher. dropping to 1100 to 1000 rpms. (it may have been even 1/32 turn. keep it small and wait to see if it helps, or try the gas tap trick first) this seems like a good first step as it will be much more simlpe then valves and timing. like yours my engine purrs like a cougar when at running temp so i doubt it is timong or the like. no offence z train. im a rookie here:stupid: hot spots in the fireing chamber would be true diesling and much more serious. this sounds like your just sucking gas. i also run as high octane quality fuel as i can. dont skimp on gas. modern fuel has more ethenol then 1972 gas. especialy the cheep crap. get high octane w/techron or even add "stabil" fuel stabilizer to keep it all water free and clean. i add "stabil" for the winter and my spring fire up seems better then in the fall! on the fuel note , at 20 cents more per gallon, at ten gallon fill up, thats 2 dollars more per fill up. seems like a get about 5 to 6 dollars more out of it in milage. same goes for my 2000 ford. that pays itself off, especaly when considering wear and tear, spark plugs and filters and such. i hope this is a help and not a hinderince. good luck! i hope all it takes is a tap on the gas and or a slight turn of a screw for you! drive safe out there!:laugh:
Engine sputter after turning off ignition
i had this and all it took was to back off the idle screw about a 1/16th turn. also to make sure the rpms were around 1000 or just below before turning off the key. very simple for mine but all the other stuff is a possibility. please dont take my word for fact here, i am a rookie. :stupid: but this was something even i was able to slove. be easy on the carb screws. it freeks me out to mess with them. good luck!
how much did you pay for you're Z?
welp.....just wanted to poke in on this real quick. i got to wondering what ive put into it. added up all the recipts in the pile including the 1$ i paid for it. (mind you, it did not run when i got it.) $1675. I need to redo the front end , the u-joints and get new tires, and track down a mystery short in the electrical system this summer before I feel "safe" in it. then it will be time to dive into the rust issues. so it adds up real fast. good luck and drive safe!:classic:
Shauna's engine work.....
......there is a god......and her name is Shauna!
sweet guys! i have been hunting for a 240z rc body for years! cant wait to see what you come up with. I was just about to sell most of my rc gear to help fund my 1/1 scale project. i may need to rethink that. i guess i will still unload all my nitro gear if any one is interested in 1/8 scale buggies. i have a killer hoped up ofna hyper7 pcr for sale . pm me and i can email photos and such. sorry to get off topic a little there! look forward to that 240z body! you guys rock!
We Produced With Spartan Air
Sorry to be "taking a stab in the dark" here. wind blows from west sounds like a line from an ancient zen poem or something. like from the time when farmers and fishermen constantly observe and relate to weather patterns. bieng on wheel/ tire copmonent all i can guess here is "high pressure system".(or low for all i know):stupid: i dont know why, but my brain wont let these "riddles" lay to rest. i will shut up now have fun all!
We Produced With Spartan Air
just wanted to add a little side thought here. how about "these rims are hot sh*#t!" really though i know many E.S.L(English second language) students who stuggle with all our synonyms, slang and crazy figures of speech. imagine translating from a language where a single character can mean a whole phrase or idea, into our wacky, exceptionss to the rules, multiple meaning, speaking style. i think this is why i, myself, cant splell for sh*#t! I recently found a kids boxing toy at the market called "pugilism king" how many 5 year olds know what pugilism is? also just to be clear here, to quote Humbles insert' "just so that no reader will take these observations to mean your author has elitist notions, let me reiterate my admeration to for both the datsun z-car and its designers, engineers and corporate people."
We Produced With Spartan Air
sorry i forgot the word "an air of undaunted discipline" how about simply "made with discipline" really, who cares those are sweet looking rims and are also a great conversation peice!
We Produced With Spartan Air
man weird! is this one of those lost in tranlation things?. as in wick humbles resto book "how to restore your z car" page 19 on the "Datsunisms and nissyntax" he quotes some stuff similar to this. i looked up the words seperately on dictionary.com and got this: Spar•tan ˈspɑr tn - Show Spelled Pronunciation[spahr-tn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –adjective 1. Also, Spar•tan•ic spɑrˈtæn ɪk - Show Spelled Pronunciation[spahr-tan-ik] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation. of or pertaining to Sparta or its people. 2. suggestive of the ancient Spartans; sternly disciplined and rigorously simple, frugal, or austere. 3. brave; undaunted. air the general character or complexion of anything; appearance: His early work had an air of freshness and originality i know its a stetch here but i was thinking "we made these wheels with air of undaunted discipline." or something like that. funny stuff!
head type I.D. on L28 running SU's
thanks, Arne! i will look at that in the morning. gotta sleep sometime. now is that time. adios amigos! :classic: ....... just to brag a little and share my other types of work (i.e. my detail faults).....check out flappinflags.com "surrender the booty" and "prepare to be boarded" are my art. (shameless plug):pirate: hence the triple x pirate decals on my fenders. "good night, and good luck"
head type I.D. on L28 running SU's
you guys sound rowdy eh? i like that. just hard to read sarcasim ya know. fyi... i got a p79 head on a L28 #610125 block. Thanks to ya for the help with that. sounds like i can now better follow the advise on headers. the current manifold is looking a little "redish" if you know what i mean. i'm sure you do....:laugh: i'm kinda new to this....even the computer part, and i really appriciate the help and tolerence for igno-ramous sounding newbees like me! hats off to ya! drive well!
head type I.D. on L28 running SU's
rubbin it in eh? thats cool. i'll be rollin sooner than later....i hope. she still purrs like a cougar!