- For Sale, 4 Door 240K
For Sale, 4 Door 240K
Sold, pending final payment
For Sale, 4 Door 240K
Hi, I'm selling one of my 240K ( 5/'77 ) It's 90% complete, excluding the engine and gearbox ( which i will remove later ) I'm after $6,500 it's in Burnie, Tasmania, email me at noddle at email dot com make sure in the subject you mention "enquiries, Datsun 240K" and don't bother emailing me, if you not serious, or think I will see it for a few thousands only. Nigel
Noddles Front Brake Upgrade
The slot for the rotot looks to small ( this maybe for a solid rotor ) Nigel
Noddles Front Brake Upgrade
They are actually from a '91 Toyota Surf, ( found my ebay bid )
Noddles Front Brake Upgrade
Sorry for the later reply, Calipers are Toyota S13WB ( 4 runner from memory, each caliper had, 4 x 45mm pistons ) Rotors, were special order DBA425USL & DBA425USR ( they did not have the stud holes drilled / blank ) Nigel
L28 EFI setup on l24 motor?
Find yourself a MR30 skyline, it has a L24e engine in it, swap the head if need be (NM47, or the whole engine), and all the fuel injection bits, I original did this on my 240K, but now I moved onto megasquirt II Nigel
JDM Style Tail Lights
No, I was not happy with the resin I used to make the lens with, it deteriorated in the weather. Nigel
Welcome Kenmeri <3
The early one has Mile Per Hour, and Kilometer Per Hour on the same face, The tachometer are different with how they capture the RPM ( different electronics ) Nigel
Welcome Kenmeri <3
I see you do not have the earlier speedo..
Another 240K on eBay ( Coupe )
My daughter found this one, 1975 Datsun 240K Sedan | Cars, Vans & Utes | Gumtree Australia Tasmania - Hobart Region make sure you are sitting down, first... :-) Nigel
What colour for my K?
I have one with this colour, with a vinyl roof ( sedan ) Nigel
My new 240k Hardtop
HI, Will this cause clearance issues with wide rims / tires ? Nigel
Mr. Loud and smelly
If I was to do it again, I would put the "pickup" inside the fan belt loop the way I did it, I would have to remove the pickup to replace the fan belt, I have not had to do it yet, but i would make it easier .. Nigel
Mr. Loud and smelly
Mine was done like this, EDIS Nigel