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  1. Hls30-51947 production date 10/71 color code 111 shipped to Boise,Idaho 12/72 and has remaned here all her life. I'm the second owner, car came with the warrenty card and the Datsun service schedule manual.
  2. thanks Bloxman I will check them out. I just replaced the manifold to exhaust gasket but i never checked the manifold to head connection. I would also like to thank the people who maintane this web site . I freakin love it..... Brock in Boise
  3. Thanks for the reply. I pulled the pan and checked the rod/main bearings they both look great. I'm starting to think its either the wrist pin or valve. Thanks again. Off the subject my older brother just got a great job in Roseburg and will be moving there soon, he says Its A beautiful area, I will have to check it out someday! got to run,later..
  4. my 72 is breathing new life after being stored for the last six years,forgot how much I love my Z! Anyways evey thing seems too be working good except for a miss in three hole. I have been through the fireing order many times, run the valves both hot and cold and I can't get it to go away. It sounds like a very poorly adjusted rocker tick tick tick tick, when I pull the plug wire off it stops making that awful noise and definatly draws down the engine. I checked the plug wires,there all good.I checked the plug in the three hole its also fine. any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Arnie from spring field are you coming too Idaho any time soon I could definatly use some of your zwizdom right about now! thanks Brock from Boise

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