Wisconsin Z Club?
Your best bet to find people with an interest in z's in this area would be to check out the races at Road America. I usually see one or two besides myself there that are not racing. especially on vintage race weekends.
Vintage racing weekend - Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin, several Zs and 510s running
I was there, didn't get to bring my z though. there is another vintage race in the spring that usually brings a big crowd and 4-5 z's. I have also seen a couple z's running in the June sprints that they have at road America as well. neat to see the older cars running at the same time as newer stuff in the June sprints.
Clutch slave push rod problem
I had the same thing happen when I replaced the clutch on my car. slave rod kept coming out the end of the slave cylinder. after some reading on here, i came to the same conclusion you did about the throw out bearing length. my fix was to cut the slave rod at an angle and weld it back together, slightly rotated to lengthen the rod. I haven't had any problems with it since. there was some suggestion of an adjustable slave cylinder like what is on the 240z, but for the 280z, (do some searching on here, Thread is not that old) but i did not look into it much, as i had already fixed mine in the way described above.
clutch slave cylinder busted.
Also note that not all the rods are adjustable. the 240 style is, but the 280z is not. just a heads-up. i had to cut and weld mine to get the extra length needed to prevent the over-extension of the piston.
clutch slave cylinder busted.
Has the throwout bearing been replaced recently? I had a similar issue where the slave piston would push out too far whenever I depressed the clutch causing the piston seal to come out and loose fluid. First I thought it was the cylinder and put in another, but it did the same thing. I did a little reading on here and found that some throwout bearings are different lengths, and a lot of the replacement parts were just using a general one size fits all. I ended up lengthening the rod for the slave cylinder and its been happy ever since.
The official "Post pictures of your wheels" thread
new paint
new paint
new paint
new paint
new paint
new paint
here's mine, just painted this past spring. the middle two were taken with a phone, so they aren't very good, but the other ones show up nice.
LSPR 2009
LSPR 2009