Middle Tennessee Z Club Presents April 13 & 14, 2007 Nashville, TN Fellow Z Owners and Enthusiasts, After a one year hiatus and many requests, the Middle Tennessee Z Club has resurrected the ZATTACK weekend event and car show for 2007. This year’s ZATTACK features our traditional schedule and offers some very exciting new functions. As always, we will start things off on Friday, April 13 with a tour of Nissan’s Smyrna Factory, most productive assembly plant in North America and the home of the Altima, Maxima, Frontier, Pathfinder and Xterra. We will end the afternoon at Crawford Z Car in downtown Nashville for the infamous pre show and welcome party. Saturday, April 14 will start with our People’s Choice Car Show being held at the Lane Motor Museum (www.lanemotormuseum.org). Following the show there is a free period to rest, see local sites, or enjoy a Z Car cruise on the scenic Natchez Trace Parkway as we make our way to the post show gathering at Rolling River Estates pavilion. If any of this were not enough reason to attend, this year we have a few special offerings. With the recent move of Nissan North America Headquarters from California to Nashville, we have been able build a relationship within the Nissan family through various club members employed by Nissan. Upon moving to Nashville, Nissan brought their personal 35 car Heritage collection. This unbelievable car collection is on loan and is being housed in the Lane Motor Museum here in Nashville. It is by special request to the Lane and to Nissan that we are able to get a closer look at the collection. Your registration for ZATTACK will not only grant you access to the museum, but a private tour of the complete collection including cars not on display. This is a rare and exciting opportunity for any auto enthusiast. CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE ENTIRE COLLECTION We have reserved a limited amount of covered indoor space for the car show which will be given out to early registrants. There will be outdoor spots also, but since the indoor space will be limited depending on the number of entries, register early to secure your covered spot. Trophies will be awarded to first and second place for each the stock and modified class of each generation. In addition to these exciting activities we are continuing to work with Nissan and other sponsors for other possible surprises, activities, and giveaways. Here is a rundown and important information about each event. The club web site (www.middletennessseezclub.com) will be updated as more information becomes available on these extras. Event T-Shirt designs coming shortly! Middle Tennessee Z club looks forward to seeing you there! Download the 2007 ZATTACK Registration form: ZATTACK Registration, 71kb PDF or ZATTACK Registration, 133kb DOC Mail Registration forms and checks made payable to: Middle Tennessee Z Club 1622 State Street Nashville, TN 37203 (615) 327-4159 If you prefer to pay online, you may email your Registration and click HERE to make an instant secure payment IMPORTANT: Registration must be received by March 20 to reserve your shirt. 2007 ZATTACK EVENT SCHEDULE Nashville, TN FRIDAY, APRIL 13 Nissan Smyrna Plant Tour (2PM) Crawford Z Car Welcome Reception (5 PM) SATURDAY, APRIL 15 Peoples Choice Car Show (9AM – 2PM) Lane Museum Tours (9AM – 2PM) Post Show Gathering (4 PM) Driving Directions Crawford Z Car / NISSAN PLANT TOUR DEPARTURE TIME 1:00 PM FRIDAY APRIL 13 FROM CRAWFORD Z CAR SERVICE. CRAWFORD Z CAR SERVICE IS LOCATED AT 1622 STATE STREET NEAR DOWNTOWN NASHVILLE. YOU CAN DRIVE DIRECTLY TO THE NISSAN PLANT YOURSELF, OR MEET US AT CRAWFORD Z FOR THE GROUP CARAVAN. TO GET TO CRAWFORD Z CAR SERVICE, TAKE I-40 THROUGH DOWNTOWN NASHVILLE (NOT I-440). AS YOU PASS THROUGH THE DOWNTOWN AREA, TAKE THE CHURCH STREET EXIT. AT THE END OF THE RAMP, TURN AWAY FROM DOWNTOWN ONTO CHURCH STREET. STAY IN THE RIGHT LANE AND PROCEED TO 17TH AVE (APPROX. 2 BLOCKS). TURN RIGHT ON 17TH AVE. GO ONE BLOCK AND TURN RIGHT ONTO STATE ST. YOU WILL SEE A WHOLE BUNCH OF Z CARS AND CRAWFORD Z CAR SERVICE ON THE LEFT. DIRECTIONS TO THE NISSAN PLANT: 1. Start at 1622 STATE ST, NASHVILLE going towards 17th AVE N 2. Turn left on 17th AVE - go 0.1 mi 3. Turn left on CHURCH ST - go 0.2 mi 4. Turn right to take I-40 EAST/I-65 SOUTH - go 4.0 mi 5. I-40 EAST becomes I-24 EAST - go 18.3 mi 6. Take exit #70 towards SMYRNA. Turn left at the bottom of the ramp onto Nissan Drive - go 3.5 mi 7. Arrive at 983 NISSAN DR, SMYRNA, on the right hand side. Proceed to the security gate for entry onto plant grounds. The tour is scheduled to begin at 2:00 PM. Please schedule your arrival at the plant to be between 1:45 and 2:00. We will leave Crawford Z Car Service at 1:10 PM SHARP! Head back to Crawford Z Car Service afterward for the Informal Reception, to be held 5:00 PM – Until. Lane Motor Museum If you are traveling: I-24 East Exit 212 Fessler's Lane Turn right on Fessler's Lane, travel .3 mile, crossing Elm Hill Pike. Turn left on Murfreesboro Pike and travel .4 mile, we are on the left just after the Railroad Overpass. I-24 West Exit 52, turn left onto Murfreesboro Pike at bottom of off-ramp. Travel .6 mile, we are on the right after passing traffic light at Arlington Avenue. I-40 East Exit 212 Fessler's Lane Turn right on Fessler's Lane, travel .3 mile, crossing Elm Hill Pike. Turn left on Murfreesboro Pike and travel .4 mile, we are on the left just after the Railroad Overpass. I-40 West Exit 213 Spence Lance / US-41 / Murfreesboro Pike. Turn left on Spence Lane and travel .4 miles. Turn right on Murfreesboro Pike and travel .6 miles. We are on the right after crossing Arlington Avenue. I-65 (either direction) Take I-440 toward Knoxville. Merge left toward I-24 West to Nashville/I-40 East to Knoxville. Merge right onto Murfreesboro Pike exit. Turn left at bottom of exit ramp onto Murfreesboro Pike, travel .6 miles.