Everything posted by 71datsun240z
Im Graduated!!!!!!!!
HELLA YEA WOOOHOO IM OUT OF HIGHSCHOOL EVERY BODY. at my graduation party i got hella mone yall for my z 1,175 plus another 279 for sway bars im soo happy
engine swap 2.4 to a 2.8
engine swap 2.4 to a 2.8
and will the triple dell ortos fit the 2.8 engine? are they universal between the 2 i thought they were if they arent ill stick to my 2.4 because right now i wanna build with the engine i got and the only reason why i wanted the 2.8 was yea because of the power jump but the 5 speed i thought was only 4 the 2.8 once my z car is done i plan i buying a seperate car with extremely good gas milage and takeing the z from where it will be to a whole new lvl 3.1L but thats waaaaay in the future
engine swap 2.4 to a 2.8
hey all which 280 engine can i drop into my 240z? which year ? because i want to have a 5speed and a bigger stock block
Unorthadox Pulley Kits
hey guys i was on the net last night i found a full set of pulleys for my z they are 299 shipped though so im gonna wait till i get my header, and flywheel and someother before i getthe pulleys
NOCAL Z meet...Aug. 4th...
hell yea dude hwats all gonna be there ill bring my friend also he has a 300zx 84' will they have things for z's fpr sale there?
Unorthadox Pulley Kits
im just curious if they make pulley kits for 71 240z's and if they do who makes them and where can i get them?.... stock pulley are like this small . when after market ones are this big O. i know that unorthadox makes pulley kits for cars for 79-120 but i dunno if they make them for datsuns....
Wanted:lightened Flywheel
yes i aam asking these questions before i buy them im gonna buy one off ebay wight is 10lbs also as for the electric fan kit my friend is giving me one for free as well as all new filter,oil,platinumplugs, and anything else like that as a grad present all i gotta do is ask he said... for my other friend for his birthday my friend got him a ice man cold air intake and a electric fan kit. my friends are good to me:)
Wanted:lightened Flywheel
hey all im looking for a lightened flywheel for my z i want the lightest one possible which is 10lbs correct let me know thnx
5 Speed Tranny?
HEY ALL WHAT 5 SPEED TRANNY CAN I GET FOR MY 71 240Z? JUST CURIOUS? OR CAN I GET ONE? if not which engine can i get that has one and also that will be able to have 40mm tripple dell orto carbs on it? cuz im buying the from zemfly on the forums
For My Graduation
hey everyone i graduate from highschool this thursday:) and for my grad present from my uncle hees getting me full sawy bar kits:) my other uncle is getting me the msd ignition kit i wanted.... even the 10mm conducter wires and the blaster coil
In Search Of Other Z People!!!:)
HEY ALL im looking for people with 240z's in the bay area like .... hayward, sanlorenzo,san leandro,castrovalley, fremont, oakland.... i just want to see whos around me with z cars. mabe we could get info from eachother like where good deals are for different parts and such
balancing an engine....
thnx 4 the info dude
balancing an engine....
has anybody here had thier engine sent in for a balance job.... ive been told it gains about 15 hp because its lighter,faster, and the engine doesnt work against itself costing you hp (the 15). this can also gain you hp easy-er with other high performance parts on your car as well. just because the fact that everything will be les restrictive on the engine. also this if done properly will add life to an engine.... correct me if im wrong on anyof this .. and do you all think its worth paying for?
advice one bore job
how much should i bore over my cylinders for my triple dellortos ill be getting soon they are 40 mm carbs i can get the borejob done for free but i dunno how much over i should go
Read This 1st Plz
hey i wanna buy the carbs but do they have all nessesary mounting parts for it and the intake for it so i can just bolt it right onto my engine and start getting it in-tune? if so ill take them along with the gas tank and which way would you like to be paid?
Read This 1st Plz
which rear end and cam then ? which would be best to get? and i should change the gearing in the rear end?
Read This 1st Plz
yes im also going to get a apexi N1 6-2-1 HEADER/ lightened flywheel/ msd ignition full kit with 10mm cable lines. and k&n filters all around. with an electric fan kit .
Which Carbs Are Best For Me?
i have a job teaching drafting hehe and im only 17:) anyways thats part time 18 dollars an hour. and thats for the car over all only and im looking for another regular job for everyday stuff
Read This 1st Plz
are these carbs good for a 71 datsun 240z because i want extremley good performance and are they even meant for 240z's dell ortos 40mm carbs? i saw they had them for motorcycles
Project "z"
hey all somewhere else theres a post sorta like this one but this is newer anyways..... lets say hypatheticly speaking i had 4600 dollars and a 71 240z in diar need of restoration. my friend and his dad are both mechanics and his uncle is a machinest who can bore my engine for free. the car needs as far as mechanicly speaking ....everything. what i want to do is as i build this car with the money i have replace the old parts with new or rebuilt high performance parts..... i want a posi rear-end so which rear end whould you recomend for my z? also i want a new tranny 5 speed, my friend can rebuild an engine for me for free. also is there any where that they sell piston,cam..etc kits for my l-24 engine so i can possibly got to a 2.8L or 3.1L? like kits where all i need to do is install everything and then it will run. also my friend and i are good friends and he will be teaching me as we go along sso i know this car inside and out:) cuz i dont wanna be like one of those rich guys who just throws money away cuz well im not rich:). also where can i get all new... fuel equipment/electricalharness/ignition...etc... also i want an electronic choke because i dont really like the manual choke lever that much . right now im probably gonna buy triple carbs from a guy on these forums as well as a gas tank from him. i gtg so ill repost the rest of this thread later all bye and thnx for all the help with PROJECT "Z"
Which Carbs Are Best For Me?
which triple carb setup will be best for me?..... i plan on driveing this car everyday/mountainracing/streetracing/ and eventually race the z against my teachers turbo 5.0 mustang at laguna seca (not to faaaaaar from me)...
71 240z gas tank and triple webers
hey can you give me like a day to think it over on the carbs so i can research them a little bit but 90%chances are that ill buy them ok? thnx dude a teacher at my school worked for nissan z's only so he will be able to help me out thnx again dude
71 240z gas tank and triple webers
hey all im looking for both the tank and carbs both used and cheap lemi know all thnx.
hey all im finally back on the forums but i need a question answered
which engine would be best for my 71 240z though they had a long list of l28 engines and i didnt see anythat were turbo