I'm brand new here and while I have basic automotive knowledge, I'm not real familiar with these cars, so I'm looking for some short cuts:) I have a 1973 240Z in my back yard that belongs to a young friend of mine who bit off more than he can chew; I have no idea when it last ran but it's been in my yard for 2 years now. It is a complete "project car" and he's in no position to restore it so now it is for sale. I want to see if I can at least get it to run to make it a little more attractive to a potential buyer. I transferred a battery from another car and the starter spins the engine over. I've got compression, I've got spark, but the fuel line from the tank seems to be completely blocked; I cant even blow through it with my air compressor at 150 psi. So I temporarily ran a hose from the inlet side of the fuel pump into a gas can and after cranking the engine over for a couple minutes I got fuel to the carburetors, so the fuel pump is working. At this point I was thinking I'd have it running soon...maybe not well, but at least running. But as I contuined to crank it over, raw fuel started pouring out of both carburetors (had the air cleaner off). I had to stop tinkering 'cuz I had someplace to be, but I guess I need to tear into the carbs and at least give them a good cleaning. My question is, what in particular with the SU carbs should I look for that would cause this. I've never worked on side draft carbs before so I'm not sure what I'm getting into, and since this car is not even mine I don't really want to spend any more $$ on it than is absolutely necessary to get her to run and then find her a good home. Any help is appreciated.