76 280 running without injector plugs- confused
My 280z has not been running right for some time now. I have tried many different things but as of a few min. ago I tried something new. The car will crank and run but not well enough to drive. It runs really rich and sounds as if it is not running on all cyl. Tonight I cranked the car with no trouble and it ran like crap as usual. I began to pull the injecter plug wires off the injectors. The car continued to run. I then began to put them back on and the car sputtered and died. Do the injectors defualt to open? Im not sure whats goin on? the motor was rebuilt within the past year or so. the injectors are rebuilt and the fuel pump and fuel tank is new. There is a brand new tps in it as well. most of the components i can think of have been check or are new Help me if you can
What year Zcar do you own?
I own a 76 280 and a 90 300zx I love and hate them both brothers got a 88 300zxt
New Member and engine trouble
cough...zcar.com...cough Its not their fault. I would post and not get a reply. It happened more than a few times and i got fed up with it. Zcar is still an awesome sight. You can still find all kinds of interesting stuff, just not the stuff i needed.
New Member and engine trouble
thanks for the help and encouragement. I have not had time to work on the car yet but yall are already far more helpful than the other guy thanks
New Member and engine trouble
o snap sorry i forgot to mention that all those sencors on the thermostate housing have been replaced. Sorry i keep forgetting to list everything that I have replaced. Thanks for the input though.
New Member and engine trouble
Well I really havent checked much at all because I am not really sure how. Im pretty good with actuall mechanical parts and things but i get lost with electronics. My trouble shooting is not worth anything. What you said makes scence but I just dont see how it can go out over a 3 day period like that. I will get a little volt meter thing and test away. I was lucky to find an fsm on the internet.
New Member and engine trouble
Hello all on Classic Zcar I have been workin with Zs for a few years. I have a 76 280z and a 90 300zx. You will have to excuse me because I am still getting used to this forum layout. I come to this forum in request for help. I have browsed the search funtion for help but i have not found to much to my liking. My 280 ran solid for about a month after the rebuild and gas tank replacement. The injectors were also replaced early on. One day it started to run a little rich. It ran fine just a little rich. Over the next few days it got very bad. I drove it to school and it stopped idling. I sat in traffic holding the gas so it would idle. It was towed home that evening. I relizes that it most likely will be an air/fuel mixture problem. I need some guidance. I have not gotten it to run to check anything. If i could get some suggestions it would be awesome thanks zrunner