Everything posted by Caen Fred
260z Samuri Conversion in Australia For Sale
DJ road and race, yes Dave IS the Z master, over there in the old lands... I have a samuri spoiler on my car, the only really good genuine part...
Thank you President Clinton
So was he the penauts boy?????
Thank you President Clinton
Carter, was it the one who could get down the stairs with style... Las Vegas style... ROFL
Thank you President Clinton
spot on bamby, as usual. Are you the only with memory in the states ROFL Tsssss Mac .Athur ROFL
Thank you President Clinton
Woah, you don't even need the French anymore to steer the pot... what a relief... ROFL ROFL I want Mac Carthy back, you all need to be straightened a bit... :love:
I lived in Montgomery, I had one hell of a time there, used to go to the Art Academy, where I passed a Bachelor in Commercial Arts. My dad lived there also, he worked for CFMI a joint venture SNECMA/GE, they built the most successful jet engine as today the mighty CMF56 and up… I did a few contract for GE at that time, and was amazed by your over specialisation, maybe because you are so many… that give jobs to more peoples. It took 10 American where they used one French, but again it make sense and we have too many unemployed here in France, so if I had to chose a piece of the cake for everybody!!! Humm, as for the love/hate thing, just when the street was calming down, and swallow the (Mass destruction thing), it raise again with Bush’s warning to Syria… Give us the whole list at once… :ermm:
Sorry, I don't get it? (but what do I get, anyway:classic: ) Sharpen the picture for your poor French budy here, thank's. Go Bengals, hooday...
I don't know where you take that from??????? But that's a good question, do we like you? - well first do we have to? - Do you need it? For the peoples I have around me here, you are far from being their main interest, no offence but we are on a big planet and you are very far away. They don't like or hate you in general because they don't have any close relation with the US. All they see is TV Bullsh... ranging from Hollywood Rambo like fiction and lately Rambo like action. Like some of you they just DON'T KNOW YOU. Do they like what Bush did recently, no! do they feel that going there for protecting your country from a potential threat was a plot? yes! Would they have supported you if Bush had said that it was a UN mission to free one country from evil and stop children from starving, hell yes! look on the net and you will be surprise of the presence of the French all over the world in all the stinky countries with Doctors and nurses instead of you know what... Do the French dislike you, no sir never had, never will. We are like that, but we do like the Russian and German, Spanish and brits also... In fact we have the same bounds with the white Russia than with the States, we are coming from the same culture (they had 80 bad years, but they are very educated peoples, with one hell of a culture), did you know that French was the official language in the Tsar surround... When you grow up, you realize that loving is sharing not dividing. It's not math it's emotion and there is some place for lot of peoples there... even you, bad boy Read back my posts, I always said that, maybe because you feel so strong that you do not feel the need to use diplomacy, you took a bad angle for this... You can achieve a lot more using brain power instead (or even with) muscle one!!! Sometimes (often, always with women) words are the worse lockup, worse than a gun on a head, use the wrong one and your history. So, I resume : French don't "like" you because they don't have to. They respect you because of all you what did and are going to do. And me? I loved the baby your Nation was 250 years ago I loved the child your nation was 150 years ago I loved the strong teen your nation was 50 years ago I pass on the young arrogant you are today... I trust, trust and retrust the adult nation that you will be tomorrow... you show to the world that a multicultural world is possible, that’s enough for me to build you a new French statue It's hard to grow-up, you always have to kill your oldest (gun down, it's only an image ) to build yourself. So If we are the old fart for you today, it's fine with me, I know that you have all it take to be the greatest human being tomorrow, I will wait, you will learn... Listen to the oldest, only from time to time, listening isn't obeying. Go reds...
After reading some of your reactions, please consider that it take some balls, to say the least, to stand against a friend for your own opinion, and especially when he is 10 times bigger than you are. For me the little animals you are referring to, are the one who think like Chirac and don't have the balls to express it !!!! Real friend do communicate, no? By the way, am I the only French around here? I know Sean sneaks in from time to time, and that he is even Frenchier than I am (a britt, living in France, like a French, as a French, wait a minute you spy, get out of there budy... :love: ). Even if I do not support Chirac or any political clown, my health is starting to weaken under all your hard shots, I am heading to my cellar now, I need some magical potion. YOU ARE ALL WELCOME TO OUR Z MEETING? NEXT JUNE IN FRANCE, REALLY WILL YOU DARE... :classic:
Mean, like a French Kiss, or are you gona bycott this one also, talk to your love first, before any drastic decision ROFL
Herrrr, my wildest dream would be that the United Kingdom would join us in the big Europe, but they do not seem to want that. I think they have all they need right now, they have still one of their ex colony (us) working with (for?) them and all the common wealth, that’s a lot... As for Spain, you forgot Italy, the decision took by their gvt. was really against the streets will, Aznar is going to pay that toll pretty soon, he made two huge Oups in a few month. You know there is a lot more than currency that bond us here, most of the decisions concerning, agriculture, industry, economy are coming from Bruxel. In fact, this situation might very well be what we needed to get closer in our Euroland? I do pray for all the peoples in this conflict... cause it's far from over there. It a good thing Sadam is not there anymore, but we are still waiting for the evidence Busch gave to the world about those weapons. It too late now to find them, it will always be entached with suspicion about who found what, and who put it there...
I am really serious, reading is not believing. I want to know what those peoples think! :cross-eye As for myself, I feel truly more European than French. I not sure it make sense for you, but for me it’s really obvious. That’s why I don’t really dig in this Anti-French thing. This is coming from peoples that think we still use Francs…:stupid: Europe is only a newborn, but our new life lies ahead, and that’s a great felling. So when I read things about “French†it make for me as much sense as if someone says things about “Texan†implying that is statement is good for all the US… But hey this is personal, I live here and this is how I feel. When I was in the states, I had friends in Cincinnati that had never been outside the state, even the county… they where very nice peoples and where very strong about their Ohioism (????????) but they where American… Well I am really proud of being French but I am European… But this is another story, you are right to spread this piece of info… and yes boycotting is nothing but a reaction of hate or anger, not very mature in both ways. C'est la vie, Fred
Hey, may I ask publicly that you send it to me privately? :stupid: This is a joke, right? You do not really use French products:finger: ? Hey, from what I have read we are close to non-existent? How could we have things that might be good for you? Please tell me what it is, I might find some for myself? The bycott is childish, you have no ideas of what the interconnection are in term of economics, trust me that you have a lot more to loose than to gain. You have huge investments in France, and weakening us would put a few of your retired on the streets… and nobody wants that! Just one quickie, did you know that most of all the meals served to the US troops are made by SODEXO, guess who owns it? You do not want to starve your troops, do you? I am very glad that only one people asked for the Black file, we ALL need now to get back to business and crank the big machine back. Bon courage to all, Fred And, you are all welcome to France, like before and like always. And if your need help planning a trip there just ask me and will be more than glad to help you.
Is it lifestyle
Hello all, I saw a 1972 240z with no clock? I do not mean that the clock was missing, it has never been there ! The shape was there for the clock, but it was plain plastic in the dash... So Prof Alan, is it a special 3rd world export model, how much is the clock? is it That expensive that you could "save" on this option????? I will not release the country's name, but they eat cheese and are always late for wars, maybe this is the reason why!
Your Cars' Name?
"grenouillette" could be "Frogette" to you. But after the L28 kiss she will become "Snow White". Hey Sean, will you let me play sometimes with your 'bebete"? ROFL
Let's build us a club race car ?
I am in for 30$, it's not that much of course but X 3000 ... no need for sponsorship.
Let's build us a club race car ?
No intl licence needed... driven by American in USA Aussie in Australia Brits in UK French in 'HELL???????' ROFL One of the thing that could be done is a ground-up rebuilding, with lots of picts and explanation on the site... Chapter after chapter, month after month... We would all learn from this. It's not about driving, we mostly have (will have) a Z that's runing on it's one. It's more about a nice project and advertising for a great site with the best peoples from ALL OVER THE WORLD So who is in, I want names: ...
Let's build us a club race car ?
it's "gogo" lately ROFL
Let's build us a club race car ?
Once the car is built, nothing wrong about going for a world tour... There must be great open racing around... Yes it would have to be built in the sate, but imputs could be world wide, no? Maybe we should use the work setup in order to be abble to enter race worldwide... 1 pan-am 2 US vintage race 2 Le Mans Classic 3 Good-wood 4 Spa vintage 4 Aussie race 5 ... all we need is a go... :bunny:
Let's build us a club race car ?
Why don't we get together to build the ultimate race car? We have all the knowledge, brain and talent to do so. We are a lot on this site, so a few buck each for a real adventure? What a way to get toghether around a nice project with our club flag on it. Here what I think, let's plan to run a car in the 2004 Panam race in Mexico... it's open enough to express our wildest dream... Any imputs welcome... Fred
What are you paying for gas?
4,23$ :stupid: :stupid: :stupid: Well, it's mostly (90%) taxes, so I guess it's going to my free social system, too bad that in 12 years of activity I never had even a flew... :classic: :classic:
My new "Z"aston martin
Yeah, what about a little Aston style for you V8 Z lovers ROFLROFLROFLROFL . Photoshop did it again... Fred
240Z Model
plastic kits Fujimi : has 1/24 and 1/20 scale model. Not bad, lot of options inside... 240Z, 240 ZG, racing one... Tamiya : has one very good 1/12 ZG Revel : a so so 240Z +- 1/20-24 good for the wheels so ! Nichimo : racing ZG, mouarf !!!! Arii : 1/32 ???????? boy racer 240z metal models Kyoho above the rest ... best $/oz Ebro ... Franklin Mindt very good but $/oz not as good as Kyosho Sun star ??? I use it for paint experiments... Well that all I know about our hobby hobby
tet's start some stats here
Mr Webmaster, could we have a place on this site with a nice grid for our results ? Please ? :love: :love:
tet's start some stats here
well done Russell, keep them comin'