Everything posted by Caen Fred
New Psycho paint
Woah that's controversial! Do not worry it's gonna be vinyl I have it for free! It's just that I want to save enough cash to have a pro paint job in 2 years from now. The car is sound but spray patched, so the vinyl will focus the attention instead of the off colour panel, that's for sure! I don't drive under the rain, so I don't care too much about humidity trapped under the vinyl and I am not afraid of going different path. I am a big fan of the Porsche 917 hippy from the 70'... seen them racin' whoah!!!!!!!!!
New Psycho paint
Here's the plan for the next 2 years... What daya think (I don't even smoke tobacco, so it's only a tribute to those wonderfull years) should I go that far... YES:rambo:
Monte-Carlo, hop-in
New pict ... on the forum
Monte-Carlo, hop-in
http://www.datsun-france.com/forum/showthread.php?p=4740#post4740 We will try to keep you informed as much as we can!
Which tires to get?
I run 205/65r14 from Kenda... good tires
BRE spoiler install
Strong? you bet, it weight only 62g and hold 20Kg so with 4 of them I have 80 kg of holding power... until today hasn't moved on its own. But I could go higher with 25 kg magnets... and use 8 of them, that would be hard to pull out!
BRE spoiler install
Herrr, my camera is down... but what I did was to fill the inside of the spoiler with isolation foam in can si I could glue/hide 4 strong magnets in it... then I used bondo to make it kind of sealed. Painting and a thin sheet of anti-skipping rubber... tada the cling on and off rear spoiler... up to now it's good to 100 mph and up... I havent tried it at full speed! But if it fly off it will be just a matter of more magnets! BTW I did the same trick with the badges... glued on a magnet... so I can go clean or Racing look in 30 second
v12horse this one's for ya
Hey I live in the west coast, no? I didn't passed it in french tags yet... I miss the hand brake cable... so the car cannot pass the test. I take the Z out only for short runs. All should be fixed next month...
Tire opinions
I have Kenda Komet in 205/65r14 stick like glue on dry and average on the wet, but hey... I don't drive my Z on the wet anyway.
v12horse this one's for ya
Just to let you know that your not alone on this path... even across the pond wo do like them a lot! I will send better pict when the sun will dare to come out...
Auto crossing auto ?????
Thanks guys... I had 2 5 speed 240Z before this one. I also had a 280ZX with the 5 speed... My daily driver is a 192 hp corolla 1.8 litter TS with 6 speed... I do know how good is a manual gear box. The thing is my current 240Z is coming straight from California with Aircon (ditched, don't need that) and an autobox. As I have my home made 2,8 (f54/p90 with a ported head fast cam en 3 45 dellorto on a 6/2/1 with a twice pipe) waiting in my barn... I will bolt it anyway and let you know if I can kick a few a.s around here. BTW : last jully I did 2 full lap of the real... Le Mans track in a 240Z going at full speed... woaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh Steve Mac Queen I am coming... in a yellow 240Z auto
Auto crossing auto ?????
42 view and nothing, will I be alone on this path???
Auto crossing auto ?????
:knockedou I just would like to know who's using their 240Z automatic for week-end race. After all weren't all the “Chaparal†auto box. How is it on the track... If you have enough power, could it be torquy(?) enough to be efficient on a track session? I am big Kart fan and... and most of them have no gear box. So I am thinking that with BIG (read strong, nor enormous) braking power and a good susp. set-up it could be good fun the keep up with the 5 spd box, no? My 0,1 cts of euro
Did it at Le Mans
Last week-end I was at Le Mans for the 3rd Le Mans Classic race! Two 240Z on the track and lotta Z&ZX in the club area. What a nice week-end. At first I wasn't supposed to get close to the race car, but as we supplied them with racing parts and even a clean shell from California, they called on us when the car started to act weird... That was too early in the week-end to presume anything good for the next days coming; it was after all only Friday night! The team is French, and they are already racing 4 240Z in rally events, bur a track car is an all new game for them. They where lucky that one of the best Z specialist in Europe was with us for the week-end. So Dave Jarman rushed in the pits and scratched his head to find what was wrong on the poor thing! Turn out that everything was wrong! Wrong fuel pump, too much carb for the stock engine, leaking air in the carbs manifold, you name it we had it! Still with patience and knowledge we had the car on the track on time for the first one hour race… It did well for a poorly assembled not run-in race car racing on a stock 280Z engine, going better and better and ending in the low 30 of a +60 cars field. I have to tell you that the competition was no kid stuff, Porsches 935, 936, Renault 443, LOLAS, CHEVRONS, … the only thing that was in our range was a FORD Capri and the BMW CSL or a few 911RS. As for myself I had the luck to do 2 laps on the track with a friend from UK, amazing feeling to be able to let it all going on the LA MANS 13 km track with absolutely no marshal, rules or even recommendation from the organisation!!!! Not even a helmet So, let me tell you that you should build a US 240Z to enter the 2008 race, the Britt are going to build one, the Spanish one, the Dutch one, the French have one… Could we start a 240Z world championship? here the link : http://www.lemansclassic.com/2004/index_uk.htm
Stiring the pot...
Yes it's this very car, I know it's a fake... But the car is going to Kuwait anyway! So it's back to my Z (could be worse). The price was kind of high for an old car... But it's a rare old car, very rare in this condition and I think that it sum equal with the price of a restoration... 6500€ Still yhe RB could go in my 240Z:bunny: :bunny: BTW how do you know this car??????????????????
Stiring the pot...
Isn't she a beauty:bunny: :bunny: Thanks, my japanese is worth than my english it start ans stop at KenmariLOL Is he happy with this setup?
Stiring the pot...
I am after a GT-R replica that's hiding very close to Santa's factory, in Finland!!!!!!! Just in case I ever take this car down to my place, I am checking for engines options! I still have my 240Z engine, a L28 with the usual combo F54/P90/3 carbs… I understand that I would need to deal with the oil pan… I think I can do it but it’s not a bolt and run thing. So option 2 could be… A RB25 with… 3 carbs! You guys from down unda’ have anything like that on your roads? I think I saw this set-up one day on a Japanese web site but where????? I don’t want 400 hp but a strong 250 would be good enough for the old mule and in sync with the original concept.
a better auto box ?
no doubt it's a good product, but is there a better one ? :knockedou Would a late BMW one fit ???? They also have L6
a better auto box ?
How much power can the std 240z auto box handle? Full monty ? 2,8L, track day cam, three 45 dellorto, 6/2/2 twice pipe? Is there any high perfo auto Z running on 6L around? Is there a better auto box from a later jap car (5 speed auto?)
help !!!!!!
I hit the curb in the curve...
help !!!!!!
I have a spare set of wheels, I swaped them and nada still vibe and noise... I have to say that it's a 280zx from 83 so I dont have u-joint but tripods one! Today the noise was so loud that I canot use the car any longer! So I know for sure that it's not the wheel- The noise is strong on left/right turn and while braking...
help !!!!!!
I hit a border on curb last monday with my right rear tire (no excuse , I take this curb twice a day ??????) And now the car is shaking all over when I turn right, a bit less when I turn left, and not at all in straight line! How strong is the rear diff ? Did I damage the diff, or more likely the half-shafts ? Are they rebuildable or do I have to find new ones ? How to tell if it's the diff or something else, I did put the car on a lift and nothing looks bended or even out of place, no leak, I know a tiny bit is enough so! Well, as it's my daily driver, please be fast to respond!!!!!! Boomer
Well a Maxima over here is ... a Maxima ! Back to the post, who have a perfo/auto in the club? Could it run in the low 8' for the 0-60 Miles whithout trashing the box? The handling of the Z is so Kart like that a perfo auto/Z would be fun (if not the fastest) around a track, no?
BRE Turbo kit (L28E)...any good?
I have a kit in my garage, waiting to be bolted! The only thing that stop me is the banjo vaccum switch... as I haven't yet a clue to where it goes on my 1983ZX.. and I have to custom make an exhaust pipe fot it. As anyone pict of a finished set-up
How much power could a stock auto/box handle? Full 3carb/header/cam ? Is there a nicer box that could be bolt to the engine ? A later 5 speed auto with all those nice gizmos... sequential ? Fred