Everything posted by Caen Fred
Historic Rally Monte Carlo 2004
Two of them belong to the Zen club de France, cocoriccooooooooo.
Looking for custom front bumper...
Dave Jarman from DJR have it, at least the mold! He is in England, look for him in the GB Z/ZX club...
Side Flashers / Side Markers
Alan, the French also had the same "no cut" front valance. I think that they had already a euro law at that time stating about the height of the light and side markers! What about the Dutch and German… But again when I look at the Alpine A110 siez, I wonder?
For the guy who has everyting...
hey, lets buy it for the club, we could make a nice track on it, and have a big club lounge, a room for every one, and campaign it around our Z world...
I am puzzled on this one
I am puzzled on this one
my server seems to be down !!
I am puzzled on this one
Humm do you know who it might been? Alan? Guus?
Iraqi Pinata
I have heard that more and more male are wearing string today, I never thought it could be that uncomfortable... they must be mad! I stick to my old Kangaroo’s pocket Jake if you don’t mind...
the thing to do?
I was staring at a hole in my rusted front frame rail and, it got me thinking. I saw a pict of the WORKS ZG shell, and guess what? They drilled the whole body to a point that it could be made out of Swiss cheese you wouldn't notice! So do we" really have to patch all the rust damage? can't we just try to control the steel cancer? This hole in the very front frame rail could be useful to spray inside from time to time, maybe a clean rubber type of body plug could be just as good? It's early here and I am not really awake, but... tell me what you think. It's not an excuse to do nothing, my welder is ready and I was planing to put in clean metal, but still...
Watanabe wheels
I am the proud owner of one of Alan's wata set! The other wheels (minilite, superlite,...) just don't match, if your after that real Z racing look! The wheels where in good shape, and Alan went a long way (sandblasting, renewal of the thread!) to make them perfect. Just my two euro cents...
... F1 car rocketing across a tarmac followed by a...
Humm! Saw that ????? It's an every year event, to reward the ego of the Italian fan, I guess it's good. What I really would like to see is the plane (even an F16!) doing a full lap at the Monza track (with the chicanes!). What I would not like to see, is an F1 doing a full loop, or doing a bombing dive on the pit lane! But most of all I would like to see true F1 car opposition for Ferrari during the 2004 season...
Monte Carlo Historic rally
Two of those cars belong to our French Zen Club. The cars are just plain 240Z, as for the front valance, it's the standard (and only) one, as we had on all French Z. Those stupid laws about the heights of the lights... If you want more info, just ask. Fred
Hit and Run
Sorry to here that Alan, I thought that England was one of the last place on earth to find this kind of “Latin†behaviour. My best to your V6 butt! Fred Honest, it wasn’t my land !
Opinions on racing stripes?
Bambi or not bambi, what are you planning to do to my "bumper" and without rubber? Don't come near my bumper, please! Being European doesn't mean I am an easy guy ROFL
shooting break
For sale (well some must build it first...) the needed Z to go to the shooting range!
Thoughts on Stainless Steel Hardware
I have Stainless bolt on my car, the one from Z creation, great service and perfect match! I am French, and have all the tools in metrics so no prob for me. Beware of one thing, if you are not concerned by rust anymore, they might create some oxidation with aluminium... the same you might have on a boat! So keep an eye on it.
Zedator, well done guys!
So who's next on your list? Don't you think that Vandame name would make a lot of "sense" :stupid: :sick:
Zedator, well done guys!
After a personal mail from Clint, arguing about being also part of the politician Californian scene, here it is the mighty 44Z... Go ahead, Z my day! ROFL
Opinions on racing stripes?
here's what I plan to do, carrera style, in easy tear off vinlyl... :love:
Opinions on racing stripes?
You don't really have to paint them anymore!!!! outstanding vinyl around today... so you can change every month if you want... http://www.viggdesigns.com/
Zedator, well done guys!
After all, your new Governor is from the old country. Is it a sign of reconciliation? Anyway, here my contribution to the free world culture, the first limoZ. This one's for ya, Arnold!
Zedator, well done guys!
Ahah, Terminator is here, behind the wheel of CA. I think this guy deserve a proper car, build him a 240Z limo... after all you live in California no? You guys... I am speechless! Terminator! woah...
Indecent proposal
I have no idea of the cost yet, I only know that I would do that on a Pal basis, meaning that I wouldn't charge a close friend, and that Z lovers ARE close friends. It depends of what each wants. Campsite, Nice small hotel, luxury... you name it I get it! La Rochelle is about 500 km south/west of Paris, right in the midle of the atlantic coast.
Post pic of your Z and your home
here's my house... no way I can park my Z in front yet...
Indecent proposal
Now that I have your attention, who would be interested by a French tour, behind the wheel of a nice condition Z or ZX? I am asking all our American, or Australian fellows Z lovers. I was thinking in setting up such a tour, you see I just love my country, and our Z and I enjoy sharing its beauty and treasure. I was thinking of theme tour, like all the French famous racetracks and famous Rallying roads… One week memories for a lifetime!