240z radiator???
Thanks for the input guys... Cel
MegaSquirt Electronic Fuel Injection Computer
Z/Zed fans, What do you guys think... http://www.bgsoflex.com/megasquirt.html Cel
240z radiator???
Hi fellow Z/Zed fans, The radiator on my 240z gave up on me today…(bad leak on the core) I was wondering if anyone know of a good shop/store that sell radiators… What I meant was…not your stock 240z radiator; I would like to get at least the 3-row radiator or performance radiator that would bolt up over stock. My budget is small (hence the word budget) will be 200usd. Yes, I know that’s not a lot of money but someone out there might know a shop or a store. Good or bad, your input is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Cel
Since my heart is bigger than my brain... Kmack has proved to me that the driver was ok and at fault... Thanks Kmack for helping me see the big picture! Sorry guys for being sensitive…that picture just reminded me of my accident 5 years ago, driving my old Z, now THAT was sad. Cel
Sorry, I guess I'm the only one who doesn’t know the meaning of "E ticket ride"...explain please....
I can't believe what I'm reading...aren't you guys even concern about the driver or/and passenger (s) that came upon this horrific accident??? have you guys EVEN consider that MAYBE another driver was at fault???:disappoin ... this really saddens me…
Classic Datsun Show, Anyone?
I'm also going to be there...but I will take my red 1200 See ya there, Cel
240z fender flares
driftmunky, Try this site: http://classicdatsun.com/new/240_glass.html Cel
13b rotary on a Datsun 240z
Tim, Seems like you have something against a competitor engine...no problem. I admit, Nissan engines are way better but I really would like to get a rota on a Z this year...something different. I've seen many V6, V8, L6 engine swaps...Ford, Chevy etc. Why not a Rotary??? nothing last forever...but if you have the knowledge and the supply, sky is the limit. Cel
13b rotary on a Datsun 240z
Timmy, If you could tell me where in the USA I could get a RB20DET for the same amount on a Mazda 13b engine for only $400.00 and all you have to do is to port to gain massive HP.. I would certainly do it in a heartbeat. Please let me know…mate... Cel PS Just by porting alone on a normal aspirated 13b, you can gain beyond 300+ hp...plus considering the weight ratio on the 13b
13b rotary on a Datsun 240z
crazymrf, Thanks for the tip...do you have a contact number for the Z doctor in Roanoke VA?? Cel
Couldn't resist this one...
Z fans, come on guys...although we all have our differences with different type of paint jobs, we should all respect other peoples choices... what the hell was I thinking Cel
So...Who is going to the MSA show?
Hello, I'll be there on Sunday...but will be driving my red 1200 because my Z is not yet ready.... Thanks, Cel
Fuel injected dilemma!
Z fans, Thanks guys...will trouble-shoot after work tomorrow!!! Thanks, Cel
Which Z event to attend?
If you can, you should try to attent the Z show in So. CA. it's the biggest Z nut show...besides, It would be nice to see faces instead of computers.... It's only once a year...try to make it...if you can, I'm the one with the Datsun 1200 (fixing my Z) Thanks, Cel side1200.bmp