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Everything posted by veritech-z

  1. veritech-z replied to ArnieTX's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I added them as an edit to my prior post, but then I realized that wouldn't bump the thread and nobody would know...First pic showcases my rattlecan paintjob, in an attemt to justify why my wheels have such an odd paint scheme. I rescued them from a kid with an 82 Carolla liftback (the half-wagon deal, not the real hatchback) that didn't even know what he had. He was dreaming of chrome, so I gave him $100 bucks to help him on his way and I got these for my trouble. Every time I see some old wheels languishing somewhere, I feel compelled to do something about it...I'm such a wheel whore, I think I need councilling.
  2. veritech-z replied to ArnieTX's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I do, let me upload them, hang on. Keep in mind that I had to fabricate my own lug nut covers, so these are not the orginals. They go with my car though, so I can't complain too much. I had to make them out of some old Saturn lug nut covers (I work at a Saturn dealership, it's what I had available). Be right back with the pics. By the way, that $1200 for Onis was in 17X8, 0 offset. It was a buy it now eBay deal that comes up pretty regularly. Also, my quoted re-offsetting was from www.kodiakracingwheels.com if anybody with deeper pockets than me wants to look into it, and it was in UN-polished, polished was like $80 more per wheel.
  3. veritech-z replied to ArnieTX's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Mine look slightly different than that, but the offset is correct. I looked into having the offset changed to 0 by replacing the shells (3-piece wheels), but it came out to $1200 US, and I've seen Advan Oni's in the same size and offset for that price... You can see that I've painted mine, but aside from that instead of all those little ridges, mine have 8 point bolts that are all stamped "impul" on the heads. Also, mine were never polished like those, they were painted that alloy aluminum color most wheels come in.
  4. veritech-z replied to hls30.com's post in a topic in Polls
    I'm kinda surprised by the number of "whatever I can make work" votes to be honest.
  5. veritech-z replied to ArnieTX's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Right now I'm alternating between MOMO quasar 15X7's and Impul RS-III's in 17X7 front, 17X8 rear (depending on which has better tires at the moment...right now it's the MOMOs). At that time in addition to these two sets I had one set of the western turbine wheels with the tight spokes in 14X7 and another set of the wide spaced turbines in 14X6 (but I had 5 of those :cheeky: )...I'm trying to consolidate my collection a little bit now. Sorry for the thread jack, back to the super clean 240!
  6. veritech-z replied to red_dog007's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    84 turbo should have had the little hood scoop and five lug wheels, shouldn't it? Also i've seen z31's with the "turbo 3000" plate on the intake, I don't know if that was all years or just some of them. Just trying to think of ways to ID quickly if it's turbo or not since the turbo can be hard to locate just by looking down into the engine bay. I don't think I'd be tempted to get into a derilict Z31 at any price unless I was seriously considering stripping it down to a shell for racing and only using basic wiring. I like the look of that car (I think I may be in the minority on this one, but as they say: there's no accounting for taste), I just don't have the patience to bring one back to life in an as new condition.
  7. veritech-z replied to ArnieTX's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    My 77 280z had those on it before I junked 'em. As far as wheel covers go, they are probably the classiest that I've seen. If it was an actual alloy that looked like that I'd have thought about keeping them, but the last thing I needed at that time was another set of wheels and tires.
  8. veritech-z replied to MC75Z's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    It's my understanding that the NA injectors are 19lbs/hr while the turbo injectors flow 21lbs/hr. Would they work? If by work you mean mount the same and squirt fuel then yes, but if you mean run better then the answer is probably not, the extra fuel wouldn't be doing you any favors. I'm pretty sure the turbo fuel pump has a higher output as well.
  9. veritech-z replied to trisha's post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    It's usually stamped on the back somewhere if it's there at all. A lot of times it will either be on the back of one of the spokes, or it will be in a recess on the back of the mounting flange between the lug nut holes. You can see the size information stamped on the back of this Advan Rally wheel I took from an eBay ad. You can see it says: 15X6JJ (the JJ tells you what the bead is shaped like-extrenious information for your purposes) 45 (which means it's +45 offset, negative usually has a little "-" on it) right there in between the bolt holes. In an attempt to get some clarification about the available wheel sizes, I got this from a google search. No help on the size avaliability, but interesting none the less: http://www.zparts.com/zptech/comparisons/wheels/pages/are_vs_noname_back.html
  10. veritech-z replied to jayhawk's post in a topic in HISTORY
    The California Z widebody kit is still available from a company called Jim Cook Racing. The car in question was built by a member of www.hybridz.org, I don't remember his screen name. He also put together a silver car with less dramatic flares that was pretty nice. These super wide flares are aftermarket (actually, it looks like the seller made them himself in the q&a section of the listing). They aren't as wide as some that are out there, most of which are replicas of racing packages like the IMSA kits, but I've seen people adapt all kinds of crazy stuff (volkswagon beetle fenders for instance) to get the widebody look.
  11. veritech-z replied to trisha's post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    What offset? Are you using stock suspension and brakes? Offhand, I'd be tempted to say yes, but if you don't have those wheel specs handy you may have to do a test fit. In general, on a stock-type suspension/brake (meaning no adjustable coilovers-these are usually narrower and give you a bit more clearance) S30, you can have 4.5" of backspace (backspace is a term that describes the distance from the mounting flange of the wheel[the part that touches the hub when you bolt it on] to the rear edge of the wheel) before you run into strut clearance issues. In order for that wheel to be a problem, it would have to be a pretty high offset, which it's probably not... Knowing that information about your Z (maximum backspace is 4.5"), you can figure out if any wheel of known specifications will fit on your car. The way you do that goes like this: take the advertised width of the wheel and add 1" (this will account for the lip on either side of the bead). Divide that in half, this gives you the backspace at 0 offset. (in the case of your 5.5" wheel: add 1", so now it's 6.5". Divide this in half, and you get 2.75"-so no problems there assuming they are 0 offset). Now offset is usually given to you in millimeters, so you'll have to do some conversions to figure out the rest, but it's not that hard (in google you just type in XXmm to in and it will give you the result you need). Positive offset (+30 for instance) means that the mounting flange of the wheel is moved towards the outside edge (away from the center of the car), and negative offset (-19 for instance) means that it is moved towards the center of the car (usually resulting in a deeper lip depending on wheel style). If you are given an offset of say +12, convert that to inches (about .5") and ADD it to your backspace number. If it's still less than 4.5", your good, if no, you'll need as much spacer as it will take to get your backspace back to 4.5". If you are given a negative offset (-12), then SUBTRACT that from your backspace, and start worrying about if you need fender flares or not. I've never taken any front spacing measurements, so I can't be much help there. My personal wheels stick out a bit, but I don't mind, it's not too dramatic. I've got Impul Hoshino Racing RS-III's in +38 offset, so I needed a 1.25" adapter to make them work like 0 offset. So in short, a 5.5" wheel of almost any offset should fit, assuming you don't have brake clearance issues. Hope that answers your question?
  12. veritech-z replied to hls30.com's post in a topic in Polls
    A man after my own heart, but you forgot zip ties!
  13. veritech-z replied to hls30.com's post in a topic in Polls
    Hey Will, "whatever I can make work" was fine for my purposes. I'm just not much of a purist I guess...I might have changed the Mahatma performance one to "ebay" performance though, since that seems to be the outlet shop for most of the b-side items of dubious quality and provenience these days.
  14. veritech-z replied to hls30.com's post in a topic in Polls
    That beetle is kind of hot...
  15. veritech-z replied to 1 Bravo 6's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I'm always amazed by the lengths marketeers think they need to go to sell something in another market. Why not just celebrate the diversity and say throw another Prawn on the bar-b? It's all just to make it seem more exotic anyway and get tourists to go there, right? As for rock lobsters, I'm not familiar with those, but here in Florida we eat Crayfish (sometimes pronounced "Craw-fish" or if you're REALLY southern, Craw-daddies) which are like little fresh water lobsters that taste like boiled dirt unless you use a lot of seasoning. They're about three to four inches long, is that about the same thing you guys are calling crayfish? I always feel a little bad for Australia, the way it's portrayed here in the states really does tend to make it look like a bunch of stereotypes, what with your Paul Hogans, Steve Irwins, Yahoo Serious's, and Mel Gibsons...I shudder to think what people in other countries think of the average American (but considering what I think of the average American, it can't be good...and I LIVE here!).
  16. veritech-z replied to hls30.com's post in a topic in Polls
    I can respect period correct, as well as all original. I'm really glad you guys who do that are out there, I'm just not one of you. As of right now, I've got fender mirrors from a 79 Mazda RX-7, side skirts from an early 00's Acura RSX-typeS, a steering wheel from an Acura TSX, a Nismo shift knob...well, you get the idea. Also, I've got no particular love for my L28, I'm looking really hard at an SBC.
  17. ]Here is the link: http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=112218&highlight=operation%3A+camo+zzzap%21 and for those that don't care to go that far across the internet, here's a pic or three:
  18. I did my own zzzap! paint job with rattlecans. It's not very professional, but you might get a kick out of it. I've got a thread about it on www.hybridz.org in the paint and body section. I'm locked out at work, or I'd post a direct link to it (same reason I can't just post pics on here...). If you search for a thread called "Operation: Camo Zzzap!" you'll find it. (also, that's my car in my signature, if you look close, you'll get the idea...)
  19. veritech-z replied to TomoHawk's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    You guys will probably jump on me for this one, but the LIVE ACTION Chinese production of Initial D (absolutely NOT the cartoon, that is the worst thing I've ever seen) was actually pretty good. I prefer it to Tokyo Drift (though that doesn't really say much), which I in turn prefer to the previous two F & F movies. "Wraith" with Charlie Sheen wasn't too great, but it did hinge on the cars pretty heavily. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang was pretty cool ("smells like chil-dren..."), I loved that movie as a kid. Some trivia: written by Ian Flemming (of James Bond fame), and produced by Roald Dahl, the man credited with inventing the concept of the "gremlin" in a WWII era children's book about RAF fighter pilots which is what inspired the Bugs Bunny episodes with the little guy trying to hit all the bombs with a mallet... I don't think I'd include Better Off Dead in a list of car movies, but it did have some memorable car moments: When John Cusack pulls up to the light, and the Japanese guy is talking through the loudspeaker to get him to race in a Howard Cosel voice, because it's the only English he knows...and when he rips out his radio because it's only playing love songs...Wasn't there another John Cusack movie where they steal the other guy's ferrari and use it to power their boat in the yacht race? One Crazy Summer or something like that? Oh, how about She's Out of Control, with Tony Danza, where his daughter gets one of those 80's extreme makeovers, and her boyfriend has to drive Tony Danza's pristine E-type jaguar in a drag race against this jerky guy's Stingray, and it gets hit by a train...Ah, the classics...
  20. I think he was talking about how some of the early 240s had the differential in a more forward position than the later ones. Depending on which one you've got, you may or may not need the different drive shaft (I'll let someone with more intimate knowledge of 240z standard equipment give you advice, since my car is a 77 280z and I haven't had to deal with that issue myself). You could get the tranny out of a 280z instead of a 280zx, unless you want a t-5 from the later turbo 280zx models. As for how hard this is, that will depend on what tools and workspace you have available, and whether or not you end up needing a custom drive shaft. You can swap a transmission with jackstands and basic hand tools in a driveway or garage (I've done this many times myself), it helps to have an assistant, and ideally you would have an engine hoist so you could just pull the whole engine/transmission assembly out together. I would look at the clutch while you're in there, it's one of those things that is better to do "while you're at it" than to go through this job, then have to do it all over again a few thousand miles down the road.
  21. veritech-z replied to vin00127's post in a topic in RACING
    I know this is an old thread, but I was bored at work and reading through the archives...All you guys concerned about losing oil pressure at speed, are you familiar with these? It's called an "accusump" and it accumulates oil pressure in a reserve canister while driving, and if it detects a low pressure condition, it will inject a burst of oil into the engine to compensate. Here is how the website explains their operation: Here's a link to the website: http://www.accusump.com/acc_products/acc_units.html 15-60 seconds should be plenty of time to finish coming out of your corner and start slowing down safely in the event of a belt loss.
  22. veritech-z replied to Cincy_280Z's post in a topic in Aftermarket
    Nothing wrong with a 4-cylinder, but if you want to stay NA that doesn't really seem like the way to go. If you really want to ruffle some feathers, and have deep pockets, g-force makes a 5 speed transmission that would allow you to use a honda b-series motor in rear wheel drive configuration.
  23. veritech-z replied to reegs01's post in a topic in Aftermarket
    I have one of the smaller large autometer tachs in my 280z, but the mounting is a bit.....questionable.....I'm not sure what the exact model number is, but it's a Sport comp tachometer. It looks ok in there, but I'm trying to do all digital behind tinted plexi now so I don't know if it's going to be permanent. Defi makes a heads up display (or used to, anyway) for a reasonable price that I've thought about many times. just did a quick search, here you go: http://www.optionsauto.com/prodinfo.asp?number=DEFI-03206
  24. veritech-z replied to WingZr0's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    This is why I can't have money...I would be having cars like this 2kgt in various states of dis-repair all over the place... 425hp station wagon? I'll take two please...
  25. Alan, I would love to say hi and see your cars! I'll likely be there for about a week. My wife's family is from India, and the cousins that are getting married in London are having an inter-faith marriage, so there will be a Hindu ceremony followed by a Christian ceremony. It promises to be quite the event...I'm not 100% on the time frame, I'm looking to start my master's program around that time as well...I'll definitely shoot you a PM when it gets nearer though!

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