McKrack – If you are intent on restoring a ’69 build S30, I will offer a few suggestions. -Don’t be enticed by a low number alone. Fact is, there are many more of these cars in need of restoration than there are correct available parts. That is assuming you don’t compromise on originality. -You should start by acquiring the parts you know you will need. I am referring to ’69 build specific parts. This is the most time consuming aspect of the restoration. You will have to get your ear to the ground and develop a network with like minded individuals, if you can. Even though you will be competing for many of the same pieces on some occasions, in the long run it will be beneficial. Be prepared to spend years searching. Also be prepared to lay out the coin on a moments notice. Consider it a long term investment, liquid assets if you will. Even if the restoration doesn’t ever come about, there will be a demand for these parts. -The correct body/shell components, although most are not ’69 build specific are becoming hard to come by. I know how hard it was to find inner rocker stampings and the rear roll pan panel. Other likely needed pieces will be the floor pans, outer rockers, outer half wheel tub, quarters, front frame, floor support sections and other misc. pieces. It will take a skilled metal man to graft some of these pieces also. Even though we are blessed with a supplier for good floor pan replacement pieces, they need a lot of refining for this level of restoration. Most candidates you find for restoration will likely need most of these pieces or extensive reconstruction, even if it is not immediately evident. -This gives you time to network and find the right car to begin with. I would put more emphasis on locating one with most of the original pieces intact and not focus on the number. When you find one acceptable, let it be known to the owner that you are a serious potentential buyer and have an interest. Don't make an impulse buy. You have expressed the opinion that these are "once in a lifetime opportunities". I believe time is on your side.