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Everything posted by geezer

  1. It is a tight fit with not a lot of clearance.
  2. Sounds like it could be either painted shut, or it was assembled last time before the paint cured. There is nothing else that should prevent the removal.
  3. Your absolutley right Jon, but until a case has run out of avenues and a decision isn't overturned, nothing changes. If the law is found to be unconstitutional, you have the right to take up a civil suit. Unfortunately, until a ruling is overturned or a law repealed, many will be caught up in the backwash. Like you mention, power is in the numbers. There have been attempts to repeal these laws, but not on a scale large enough. Before you could get enough support to repeal a law you need another to take it's place. My personal opinion in this particular car crushing legislation is, it is not an effective deterent. It does nothing to keep the daredevils off the street. They can cause just as much death & destruction with a 5000 lb land yawht. It just ups the thrill/challenge level a notch. On the other hand, stiffer fines & licence suspensions have been argued to be uneffective. What is the alternative that will get the support of the masses?
  4. The police would not be seizing anyones vehicles and crushing them if they were not empowered by law. Who empowers them? Local, State and Federal legislation brought about by "our" elected officials. I say "our" because all democratic countries operate under similar principals, although structured differently and worded differently. Do you think the majority of these kids ever took part in an election that would have made a difference in a law of this type being passed? That's something that isn't even on their radar, till it's too late. They don't give a rats arse about the global economy either. We all probably have enough stories to tell, about the dumb stunts pulled off in our younger days, without any thought of the consequences. I could fill a few chapters in that book. I, like these kids, thought I was in complete control and indestructable. I don't like being infringed on by government any more than anyone else, but I only have one vote and a voice.
  5. Mckrack - You won't get any disagreement from me, other than I think both cars will sell for much less in the end. There are still '69 cars out there in need of a complete restoration. In a few years you won't be able to restore one for $40,000. The parts needed to do it right will skyrocket and it will take many years just to find them all. As far as value for #51 and #305, here's my take. I know nothing about either of these cars, but for example lets say they both need about the same dollar amount of parts to complete. The cost to bring the shells back to their former glory will be about the same for each, no matter if one appears much worse than the other. Just ask anyone what had to be replaced on one that looked "not too bad" or one that it was obvious extensive work was needed. In the end most of the same body parts will be replaced on both cars. That only leaves the number. Any collector will expect to pay a premium for a lower number. My hat is off to anyone who takes on the challenge, because in my opinion it is not an easy thing to do. It takes an especially dedicated individual to preserve a small piece of history.
  6. Sounds like an awesome drive with the opportunity to get some great pics along the way. It makes me wonder what the longest trip taken in a 240Z is. 3000 miles is going to be a real test for a car of this vintage. I for one would love to hear more and see the pics. Best of Luck to you!!
  7. I'll try later. The Manage Attachement feature is not there right now. Maybe Mikes working on it. Shout is gone too.
  8. You didn't provide any details about any add ons installed on your car. Do you have an alarm, does the clock work, memory equipped radio or other accessories? These all contribute to battery drain. They shouldn't draw enough to cause the problem you are experiencing though unless defective. It is important to follow the correct sequence of testing proccedures to get to the root of the problem. You said you have ruled out the battery. The next thing to check is the starting system. You might think...what does that have to do with anything? Fact is, there is a possibility of current drain in this or any circuit. We used to have cases where the ignition system was the problem. Points were often the cause. After checking the charging system you can then connect your meter and pull individual fuses to locate the culprit. I will post a few trouble shooting pages for you to follow. Hope it helps. Check this out. Could be a handy item to keep in the glove box. http://www.jaycar.com.au/productView.asp?ID=QP2251&CATID=24&keywords=&SPECIAL=&form=CAT&ProdCodeOnly=&Keyword1=&Keyword2=&pageNumber=&priceMin=&priceMax=&SUBCATID=619
  9. After reading my post I realized I didn't mention that engine RPM will have a direct relation with the alternator output. I would guess that 3500 or so RPM's would be needed to generate 50 Amps. You could also do a simple night test to evaluate your alternator. With the engine at idle and the headlights on, watch for a change in the brightness of your headlights after turning the engine off. If there is no immediate change and no detectable difference after a minute has passed, all is well. If the headlights dim, chances are the alternator is OK and I would look at battery condition or power bleedoff. If the headlights become brighter the alternator is at fault. Make sure all other accessories are off.
  10. I used a Black & Decker heat gun on the low setting and slowly/evenly heated up the rubber. I was amazed at how pliable it became. Can't stress enough the need to be careful using heat in the presence of gas fumes.
  11. I agree with Stephen, Get the alternator tested. I've seen open or shorted diodes cause this before also. You can test the full output of the alternator, by bypassing the internal regulator. To do this, ground the field terminal and with an ammeter take a quick reading. If you get a reading of 50 amps or better, the internal regulator is at fault. Don't full field it any longer than it takes to get a reading. I am assuming that the battery is indeed OK.
  12. The ID history is still displayed. It can be seen by clicking on More Options at the upper right of the User Profile page.
  13. "78 Datsun 280Z2nd original owner converted to 2200, 4 cyl. Red with Black Interior That's the Rolls Canardly Conversion... Rolls down the hill, canardly make it up the next.
  14. Carls right about this guy. Cheap advertising. No pictures. He has a 3rd one listed now. This one had a gnose installed. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-Z-Series-1972-Datsun-240Z-Yellow-w-G-nose-rebuilt-motor-5sp_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ6187QQihZ006QQitemZ160128939615
  15. M ostly O ld P aint A nd R ust True in this case:mad: Anyone hear how Boyd Cottington made out trying to start it up? What a joke...he might need to get BlueBear back to pull that off! They should just drop it back in the hole, and sell more tickets in 2057.
  16. If you happen to have some coarse valve grinding compound, put some on the wrench to give some extra bite and prevent slipping. Soaking in Kroil, heating with a propane torch and repeated soaking first, always seems to work well. I would sacrifice a box end wrench and grind it down to fit, if need be. Good Luck
  17. That's great Juan! Company for your other Z can't hurt...maybe your wallet though. When you get it home in the daylight post some more pics.
  18. Mike's right, they didn't come with an inline fuse for the clock. The only fuse for it is in the fuse block. Check the blue wire at the clock for 12V+ and check for ground. The other wire is for illumination. If that checks out OK, an internal clock repair/replacement is needed. I've got 3 clocks here I tested and 2 out of the three don't work....No surprise.
  19. After looking at the actual parts, That's what I found also.
  20. I dug this out. It is the one from the other pic before it was disassembled. The yellow arrow faces to the rear of the car. Post a pic of yours once you get it together. Good Luck.
  21. This is a pic of the R200 I pulled from a '70 240. It looks like B is facing the front to me. I'm going to need to know this myself.
  22. Could be, you shook something loose while working on the radio. The one thing the horns & hazard flashers have in common is the 12V+ feed that comes from the white wire on the voltage regulator and goes to the fuse box. It feeds two fuses. One is routed to the horn relay and the other is routed to the hazard switch and also the emergency flasher. It looks to be unrelated to your dome light problem. Does your glove box light, map light or clock work? If not, the problem with the dome light is probably not the ground at the door switches. More often than not it is a ground but in this case opening either door will provide a ground path, so I would check the fuse box first. I feel your pain. Water skiing is just like riding a bicycle. You never forget how and can still pull off every stunt you ever learned. Getting out of bed the next few days is downright brutal though!
  23. Nice shots! Watching the video and reading the instructions would be good, but it looks like you already have the talent for getting great photos. The best camera in the world wouldn't help me.
  24. Nissan could do it. The question is, do they want to? With a "looking to the future" company policy and not concerning themselves with the past, I don't think so. They are in business to be profitable and one of the best ways to accomplish that is by creating vehicles with a high number of parts interchangability and by staying mainstream. Also, they are keeping a close eye on the competition, and will follow suit with successful practices. Ford is having great success with the Mustang. It is after all, an American icon and the people flipping the switches at Ford recognized the feasibility of going retro and took the gamble. I'm sure Nissan has done a case study of the Mustang success and many others. It takes a long time for a good idea from within a company to reach the people who make the final decision. These "good ideas" are sometimes put on the back burner, half heartily followed through with due to compromise, or killed during the development stage. It would be a huge gamble for Nissan to try to fill a niche market without a garanteed return on their investment. I know we would like to see a new wholehearted attempt made at a retro Z, but does it add up for the Nissan beancounters?
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