Your absolutley right Jon, but until a case has run out of avenues and a decision isn't overturned, nothing changes. If the law is found to be unconstitutional, you have the right to take up a civil suit. Unfortunately, until a ruling is overturned or a law repealed, many will be caught up in the backwash. Like you mention, power is in the numbers. There have been attempts to repeal these laws, but not on a scale large enough. Before you could get enough support to repeal a law you need another to take it's place. My personal opinion in this particular car crushing legislation is, it is not an effective deterent. It does nothing to keep the daredevils off the street. They can cause just as much death & destruction with a 5000 lb land yawht. It just ups the thrill/challenge level a notch. On the other hand, stiffer fines & licence suspensions have been argued to be uneffective. What is the alternative that will get the support of the masses?