Everything posted by 76Datsun280z
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Classic Z Car Club licence plate frames?
I like the phrase "Enjoy the Ride", that's kind of cool, or maybe even an old z ad slogan or a saying they'd say in commercials to represent these cars or you'd see in magazines from the 70's might be kind of cool even? This is kind of corny, but my next door neighbor has a few Z's and says that he's got the "dizeez" which I admit might look stupid on a licence plate frame but was just something I thought I'd through out.
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What does the Dove Tail do for the doors?
Must be. Mine has them too.
280z going for over 6,000 on ebay ...
Definitely gotta admit though, it's one of the nicer 280's out there.
Classic Z Car Club licence plate frames?
This is kind of both a question and a suggestion, but I was thinking it would be cool if the club store sold Classic Z Car Club licence plate frames. I don't know about you guys, but I'd buy one and how cool would that be if you passed somebody that had the sameone?!? Any how, I was curious if this would be something worth looking into or maybe they were for sale at one time and now are not for one reason or another.
What you look like.
Here I am at the Canby show earlier this year next to a nice 510.
Help Help FIRE ! ! ! !
Just don't let them install your battery!!
Sad to see all these beautiful Z's rustin away
I used to following that thread every now and then on HybridZ but I don't think he's posted for a long time on there. Did he ever finish that car or made any recent videos?
I have to find these!!!
Does your Delorean still have the original wheels? If they are the originals, they should be this same basic turbine Western style as you posted but not as deep.
Odd shaking at 50 - 80 and sometimes not there . .
Well, just drive it at night then! (sorry, I had to say it)
NOS Z car ski rack on Ebay
I thought the exact samething. On a side note that would make a good thread sometime to here "caught in a snow storm" stories. I got caught in one last year with mine and that was not fun.
I have to find these!!!
Thanks, I think the brand of these wheels were Western as that's what the original center caps said on them and they aren't made any more. It's pretty easy (and fun) to restore these old wheels and make them look new again. Ebay and Craigslist are again probably the best places to look along with posting your question on other sites and you might be surprised to find a set in your area. I bought the center caps along with the "Z" logo from MSA. Just make sure you get the right size caps! I've also seen this same set listed on Ebay before. http://www.thezstore.com/page/TZS/CTGY/WCC American Racing also sells this same style in their "vintage collection" of old style wheels which is pretty cool. The picture on their site shows them in a 5 lug, but would imagine they sell them in 4 too. http://americanracing.com/wheels/details.asp?wheelid=225&name=Vector%20SE&style=47&desc=1-piece%20painted/machined%20alloy%20wheel§ion=V
I have to find these!!!
They are nice! I've got the same style on mine (westerns) but a slightly different style. They had been painted an orange which was pealing off all over the place so I ended up taking a wire wheel to them to get the old paint off, getting them sandblasting then painted them with PPG. I'd check Craigslist and check Ebay as they are on there every so often.
NOS Z car ski rack on Ebay
Maybe I'm the only that didn't know this, but I didn't know Datsun made a ski rack for first generation Z cars! At first I thought it was in the wrong section, but then I saw the picture of it mounted up there and was surprised! That's pretty cool, one of those types of things that would be fun to display at shows! Check it out, http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/DATSUN-240Z-260-280ZX-SKI-RACK-NEW-NOS-IN-BOX_W0QQitemZ110173392814QQihZ001QQcategoryZ6763QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
ouch, i'm overheatin bad
Also, taking your radiator out as mentioned before and thoroughly flushing it, could be all corroted up in there causing a blockage.
oil change
Personally, I'd do it myself too, always do. Places like that tend to way over tighten drain plugs and sometimes usually leave a mess of the oil resulting in that burned oil smell on the way home. I'd turn it into a learning experience and do it myself, it's pretty easy. Like David said, it's a little over 4.5 quarts. An FYI, PH8A is the code for a Fram filter which is the brand most auto parts stores (around here atleaste) carry.
- seats redone
- seats redone
- seats redone
- Interior of my 280z
- Interior of my 280z
- Interior of my 280z
For us novices
I assume he's talking about the ping you get from low grade gas, but it's a little brief.