Everything posted by 76Datsun280z
My new...err, old 1971 240Z
Just noticed this, looks like you've got a TR6 in there too! Nice cars!
My new...err, old 1971 240Z
Wow, she's beautiful!! Very nice!! Congrads on your new purchase, keep us updated for sure!
No Power To Fuel Pump
Have you checked you grounds? Check them and clean them to make sure it's not just a bad/corroted/dirty connection.
whats wrong with my idle
Does the throttle itself stick, or is does the throttle return and the rpm's don't come back down? If the throttle returns, a guess is that the flap inside the AFM is getting stuck (staying open) and needs to be cleaned.
Road going!!!!
Congrads!!! I remember that day ( I always will), after three years of hard work and finally getting her licenced and taking her on that first (long) drive sure payed off! More than a year later, I'm still as excited as I was that day a year ago to drive it!
My baby's water pump is going
Their talking about the a/c idler pulley. If the ZX style is the same as the 280 style which I think its, the assembly is held on by three bolts to the left of the a/c compressor and needs to come off in order to take the the bearing out. Once you get the bearing out, take it to an auto parts store and they should be able to match it up, if not order one from online. In fact, here's a picture of one that someone sent me when I was putting one on mine, it is just on the left side of the compressor that the belt is hainging off of.
Recommended hardware to mount spook?
Looks great Arne! Just personal preference, but the BRE style looks better on the 240's and the Xenon "wrap around" as I call it looks better on the 280's.
Smokey MTN Zcar club show pictures
Awesome, looks like you had a great time and your car fit right in! That is one nice 2+2!
Color = Ticket?
I have to say though when my car was primer grey, the cops would not leave me alone and pull me over just to see if I had insurance and registration. It got so bad that my dad really incouraged me to drive down to the police station to introduce myself to them to talk to them about it. Now that's it painted, haven't had any problems with them.
Any 5-speeds in the NW?
No worries. I replied to your pm, Dan.
Any 5-speeds in the NW?
Thanks, Spokane would be a bit of a drive, but if it comes down to it, I may have to check into it. I'm going to call some wrecking yards around here to see if they would have anything like that first, but I'll have to check into that if I can't find anything around here. I have that same problem that you had, 3500rpm going 65-70 is just to much for my tastes. EDIT: wow, $50.00 each?? Are they crap? If so, maybe you could pick one up and I could meet you and pay you for it.
Any 5-speeds in the NW?
As hard as they are to find, I'm looking to put a 5-speed in my 280 so if any of you who read this that live in the pacific northwest that would like to sell or trade for one please send me message!
MSA "Bullet" mirror installed
Looking great! Great looking car too! I had to do the samething and drill holes on the passenger side for a mirror, but it sure helps having one there I must say.
How Stuff Works Website
Hahaha, I caught that too.
Do You Text while Driving?
Not to mention people holding ipods and looking down while they change/browse through songs.
Do You Text while Driving?
I've never done it and think it's down right stupid as you have to (for me atleaste) have to be constantly looking down at the keys while you do it. I actually have a friend who was doing it while he was driving and rammed the guy infront from doing it, dumbass. I can't even hold a cell phone, steer and shift at the sametime, although a lot of people can though but it's pretty hard for me atleaste. I just use a hands free Bluetooth when I drive so when people call I don't have to hold my cell phone.:paranoid:
Whats your fuel economy?
I see.
Whats your fuel economy?
Are there 4 or 5 of these switches that get unplugged?
Barn fresh low mileage 240 on Ebay
Doesn't appear to be too far gone, needs some rust repair, but would make a great restoration canditate in my opinion. Since it's got such low mileage, I don't think I'd restore it, I'd just get it to the point where it's driveable again and have an all orginal Z. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/71-datsun-240z-240-z-series-low-miles-original_W0QQitemZ260159366371QQihZ016QQcategoryZ6187QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
New pix of the 71
Wow, she is gorgeous! Keep up the great picture taking!:classic:
I Lost my Clutch Pedal...
Sorry to hear about that! As I have found, you always have those up and down days with old cars. I have just tried to play that into the fun of maintaing the car. Another way you can think of it, the more parts you replace, the more reliable it will be and less parts to break and go out in the future! Save up for a while, take a break and get er' back on the road again:D.
How many of you are members of ZCCW?
Thanks for the responses and opinions, it's nice to hear what you guys like and don't like. Do you think they would mind if I attendent one of the events or maybe a drive to see what I thought before actually joining up as sort of a "trial"? I'm sure because of my age there aren't many people in that same age group and might be kind of strange having somebody my age be there, but I'm really just looking for a little Datsun/Z club that I can join and do drives, events car shows with a once a month or so with other people that have the love for Z cars too. That would be fun to have a Wa. Z car get together/drive/show or whatever sometime.
Fairlady 240ZG ( HS30-H )
Wow, very cool! I'm curious what that red "thing" is sticking out on the left side of the steering wheel?
How many of you are members of ZCCW?
I was curious if many of you (or even at all) were members of the Z car club of Washington? I did a search on the site to see what I could find out but didn't turn up much. I'm really thinking about joining the club as it would be fun to attend some of cruises and stuff and was wondering if any of you on here were members by any chance.