Everything posted by 76Datsun280z
280Z Fuel Lines
I had something similar to this happen early this year, only it would happen when I'd go to start the car after it was warm, not when I was driving it. Stephen suggested to me that I take the carbon canister out and clean the filter out with a solvent and spray carb. cleaner into the nipples of the canister and to blow them out with low air. Guess what, it's never happened again, even on these really hot days this summer. Not to say this is your problem, but it's worth a try if you're out of ideas.
Homemade Rotisserie
That's awesome, I bet you're itching to use it!
Adding a Filler Neck Restrictor
You worried about adding diesle by accident?
Will Cars of Today Become Classics?
I've always wondered this samething too. In my opinion, some will and some won't. Who would a want a Ford Taurus 30 years from now? Cars like you mentioned the Chrystler 300, current generation Mustang ect, for sure cars like that I can picture people collecting and obtaining them and using them as collector vehicles decades from now.
Luck at the junk yard!!!
It's too bad the original poster doesn't feel it in the gut to take the part back to the junk yard and put it back and or explain what he did and rightfully pay for it. Quotes like this make me think somebody needs a warning. That's all I"m going to say.
fuel guage reading question
I wonder how many gallons left need to be in the tank to get that red light to come on then?
- 280z ad
fuel guage reading question
Interesting, thanks for the responses guys!
fuel guage reading question
Sorry about that, I meant to say in the first sentence "when the ignition is off".
fuel guage reading question
You know how when the ignition isn't off and the fuel guage reading is all the way to the left side of the guage past the "E" mark? I was kind of curious if this is how far the line actually goes until the tank is completely out of fuel, something I'm not going to try but was curious about.
TPS Adjustment
In the EFI bible, they just call it a "throttle switch".
best spark plugs?
NGK's for sure. I've had both NGK's and Champians in my 280z and with the NGK's, I did notice a difference in the way it ran as it was smoother. Not a big difference, but it was there.
vacuum tubeing
Sorry about posting that diagram, I was using that one for my car and just automatically posted it. I should have asked first what model car you have.
vacuum tubeing
Hey there, you'll have to state what model your Z is, but here is one for a 280z if that so happens to be what yours is. Shot at 2007-08-15
Let's see some wheels!
Here are the wheels that I've got on mine, restored 14x7 Western "turbines" (not mine) but here's some panasports which I don't think anybody has shown yet
Advice on potential 280z purchase
Checking for loose, corroted old wiring under the hood that can effect the running of the car that might need replacing in the near future which is also a common thing with these cars. Check the hoses ect, ect...
left side seat recline mechanism cover part number
I was wondering by chance if anybody could give me the part number for the left side seat recline mechanism cover? I need to get a new one for my car and a part number for it would be great for reference when searching for a new one, thanks a lot!
Frame up resto. 240 on Ebay
I was quoting the seller and shortened the word restoration.
Frame up resto. 240 on Ebay
This one caught my eye. What a descriptive description he gives about it:ermm: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1971-DATSUN-240Z-2-DOOR-RARE-PRESTINE-RESTORED-COUPE_W0QQitemZ200139908511QQihZ010QQcategoryZ6187QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
Naked Z.
Nice, it will look beautiful! What color did you choose?
Sweet story: Guy reminisces over Z
Nice story! I'm sure you more than made his day.
She's finally painted! Pictures
Thanks guys, I've actually been on a trip for the past week so that's why I haven't been on here lately. I'll send you a pm on the painting cost, but no, we did not have him paint the engine bay as it would have meant pulling the engine and being a lot more costly both of which I couldn't do at the time, but on the plus side it was orginally a silver car so the paint inside the engine compartment doesn't stand out as much as you'd think where as if it was originally a totally different color. Haha, yeah I think you're right, if I had it my way, I wouldn't even have a front licence plate on it as I really don't like the look of them, pounding it out with a mallot seemed to help it some. He did, wet sanded it and buffed it out. Hahaha, well I think it's probably a little mix of me being a poor photographer (I really need some good practice at taking quality photos:stupid:) and the fact that it was pretty early in the morning when I took these photos at sun rise. The Kirkland car show. Turned out to be a great show... got there a little before 7:00 in the morning when it was pooring and the rain finally stopped around 10:30 I'd say and the sun came out to be a beautiful day. If any of you from the PNW get the PI paper, you may have seen my car in it as it was the picture that was chosen to be featured in that article from the show in the paper the next day which was pretty cool. Thanks again!
What is it with rollovers and these cars?
What is it with rollovers and these cars? It's kind of a funny thing, when ever I seem to go places and or if people comment about my car and tell about theirs way back when, there's always seems to be the "me and so and so were driving home one late night seeing going a little faster than we should and we ended up rolling it three times". Now I know this can happen with any car and I'm by no means implying that it happens more with these cars, but do you guys get that a lot from people telling you stories about how they rolled their Z one late night or is it just a big coincidence with me?
Watch my Z video!!!
Cool, would love to see it!
Highly recommend it
I did to clean out the dirt and grime that was in there and spraying them off with a cleaner to clean them up.