Everything posted by 76Datsun280z
It runs on all 6 sometimes
It would be best to just replace the boots for the AFM to just elminate that problem 100%, but a couple things to look into first would be your fuel pressure regulator and making sure your injectors are getting a good connection and are all firing.
Highly recommend it
Thanks for advice, cleaning out all the crud and grime and then re-greasing seems to be the trick. Lithium all weather (something like that) grease from Napa seems fine.
Highly recommend it
The wipers on my car have always been really slow (something that I've been leaving on the back burner for a while) and finally they went "cupoot" on me a couple days ago so I finally needed to do something about it to speed them up. Replacing the fuse got them going again (I think it was just taking way to much power to move them which was the cause of the blown fuse) so by taking appart all the moving wiper rods under the cowl and greasing every moving part got them to speed up move like their new! iT made a huge improvement then before. A whole lot safer too non the less. Any how, I thought I'd just suggest that taking appart the rods under the cowl and greasing everything really makes a huge improvement and is proably a big help to the motor so it doesn't have to work so hard.
Maaan am I embarassed...
You're probably talking about this video: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1264566096417590780&q=v8+240z&total=88&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=0 Any how, I wouldn't worry about, it wasn't a fair race. I say take it to the track one day to do some auto crossing and show some guys up there at the track what your car can do!
Watch my Z video!!!
Pretty cool! You pretty good at those powerslides?
She's finally painted! Pictures
Thanks a lot guys!! I took them along the water of Lake Washington on a street called "Lake View Drive".
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Freshly painted with Nissan "silver metallic"
She's finally painted! Pictures
Thanks a lot guys!! I will need to adjust that left turn signal on the grill some how so it's not angled down so far.
She's finally painted! Pictures
Well, here she is!! The paint job turned out great, my folks and I are really pleased and impressed. It's sure nice to see her with paint, finally! The color that I chose was a Nissan color "silver metallic" with metal flake used with PPG paint. I thought it would be kind of cool to have a Nissan color. Whenever I park in parking lots now, I have to park far away because I'm worried about scratches and car doors banging into it. I've got it entered in a car show which is comming up next Sunday the 22nd, so if you all are interested, I will post some pictures of it in the show and other cars which wouldn't be Z's as I think mine will be the only Z in the show. Shot at 2007-07-15 Shot at 2007-07-15 Shot at 2007-07-15 Shot at 2007-07-15 Shot at 2007-07-15 Shot at 2007-07-15 Shot at 2007-07-15 Shot at 2007-07-15 Shot at 2007-07-15 Shot at 2007-07-15
1980 280zx10 Black Red 8,732 Miles 1-owner
I've noticed you've put it up on Ebay a lot lately. This is just my opinion, but if you're really wanting to get rid of it on Ebay, try starting off the bids at much lower price, atleaste under 10 grand with a lower reserve and see where it goes from there because I think starting it off at such a high price is scaring people away considering what other zx's have been going for on Ebay. You may also want to consider the Barrett Jackson auction as to me that car would be a good fit for that auction considering it's one owner and the low mileage as you say.
Need tips on Buying 1977 280z Please.
Yup, isn't that car in your avator from GT4?
Need tips on Buying 1977 280z Please.
She's a beauty! Congrads!! Looks like you'll be wanting a leather wheelskin in the future!
Took some photos of the lime 72
Definitely. Feel free to post more pictures when you take them!
a really nice 240z on Ebay
The seats don't have the vents in them...
Took some photos of the lime 72
Very beautiful car!!
a really nice 240z on Ebay
Seems to be in great shape. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-240Z-Stunning-and-Beautiful-OEM-STOCK_W0QQitemZ130132739403QQihZ003QQcategoryZ6187QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
Long Trip Home - Badlands National Park