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Everything posted by 76Datsun280z

  1. She would be good for parts, but looks a little beyond repair... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1973-Datsun-240z-Nissan-Turbo-A-C-4-Speed_W0QQitemZ190101349574QQihZ009QQcategoryZ6187QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  2. 76Datsun280z replied to 76Datsun280z's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Thanks, I'll see if I can pull it off tomarrow and do that.
  3. 76Datsun280z replied to madkaw's post in a topic in Exhaust
    Looking great!
  4. 76Datsun280z commented on madkaw's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  5. 76Datsun280z replied to 76Datsun280z's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I think this is what he is talking about here. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/DATSUN-280zx-FUEL-INJECTOR-COOLING-FAN-ASSEMBLY-L-k_W0QQitemZ320100506921QQihZ011QQcategoryZ6763QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  6. 76Datsun280z replied to 76Datsun280z's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I talked to the Z guy about it and he said that it is a really common problem with the efi cars. He said the carbon canister can get plugged and said to take the hose off labled "fuel tank" and to hook a hose up to it and blow inside there with low air pressure with your mouth with the gas cap off. I did that a few times. Another thing he suggested which I am having trouble understanding is you can put a quart of motor oil into the gas tank. Wouldn't you be just blowing blue smoke like crazy I asked?? But he said it wouldn't really have an effect with 17 gallons of fuel.:nervous: He said you can buy a fan for the injectors that's made specifically for these engines and if I remember correctly mounts on the fuel rail or something. I'd like to see a picture of this if anybody knows what I'm talking about.
  7. 76Datsun280z posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    It's about 75 here today and I ran a few errands with my Z. After the second errand, it was really really hard to start, I barally got it going. After I got it going, it ran fine as usuall home. So after I got home, I could smell a lot of gas fumes comming around from the gas cap, so I thought I'd unscrew it. Immediately as I unscrewed it, it went "KA BAM" and shot off really hard and you could smell and see all of the fumes comming out. After I took the cap off, I wanted to see if it would start, and it fired right up, no problem. I assume this is vapor lock? This has never happened before, and I assume it's because of the heat? What may have caused this, and what do I do to prevent it? I'm going to call a local Z guy to see what he has to say about it too. Thanks again with all your help guys.
  8. Look forward to watching the progress!
  9. The original fusable links were pretty corroted and one had already been fried, so instaid of repairing the old wiring, they decided to go with this new set up. I myself don't really mind the look of it, but I always like hearing everybody's opinion on it too.
  10. 76Datsun280z replied to TBK1's post in a topic in Interior
    Same here, I can't seem to get odometer switch back on because it's slightly off, but everything else seems to look alright, but not concours.
  11. Sounds like a good plan. What all do you do to your Z for it's spring tune up?
  12. 76Datsun280z posted a gallery image in Miscellaneous
  13. We had some electrical work done on my 280 last month to go over the wiring and replace some of the old corroted wires and connections. One of the things they did was put a different style fusable link set up which loses the fusable link covers, so here's a picture of what it looks like. Thought you guys might be interested in seeing it.
  14. Talk about a nut, you gotta read some of the answers this guy gave to the questions that he recieved. http://contact.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ShowAllQuestions&ShowAllQuestions=&requested=naserz123&iid=170097670260&redirect=0&ShowASQAlways=1&SSPageName=PageAskSellerQuestion_VI&frm=284&guest=1
  15. Thanks for the info, is this kind of a rare part, or was a pretty commonly used compressor? Thanks again.

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