Everything posted by 76Datsun280z
This one is sure going to need some body work-Ebay
Maybe just a little. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1971-DATSUN-240Z-WITH-302-289-VINTAGE-Z-CAR_W0QQitemZ190184141480QQihZ009QQcategoryZ6187QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
What color are S30 wiper arms?
They're the original silver here.
Sticky EFI thread, please chip in FI guys!
Thanks gusy, That would be great!
no power to fuel pump,all fuses are fine
It does under the dash on the drivers side. Something that should be checked. Place your hand over it, turn the key to on and then to start and the relay should click.
1975-78 280z passenger door mirror
Passenger side mirrors were not offered. You can however drill holes on the passenger side door and buy a mirror kit from MSA for example. That's what I did with mine as I liked the idea of having the extra mirror for better visability. http://www.thezstore.com/page/TZS/CTGY/OM
Sticky EFI thread, please chip in FI guys!
Since there has always seemed to be a lot of threads with people in need of help with their 280z EFI systems, I have come up with an idea that might get those people in need of help on the right track and give them a little basic knowledge about how the fi's on these cars work! This in return would give us a break on not having to explain everything and how the efi system work so often as they could refer back to the sticky post for those types of questions. Not only this, but they could refer back that post for example and they will know what the parts are called so there wouldn't be anymore of the "black part on the top left", but the actual name and part so we would know exactly what their talking about the first time. I'm not however implying that this post would be all the answers to all their techincal questions, that's not the point of it. The point is to give them a basic understanding of how the Bosch efi system works on these cars and what the parts are called before they ask their question. That's why the sticky post would be called "Please read before you post your efi question" at the top of the help and fi sections of the forum. Basically this might include a link to the atlantic Z car page and a link to the the efi bible. Better yet, a diagram that shows the names of all the parts on the fi system that could be posted right into the post so it's easier to refer to for part names without clicking the links. I would do this from my book, but my scannor I can't seem to get my scanner to work. Before I posted this, I pm'd Stephen (sblake01) as he is our big fi guy here on the board and he thought that is was a good idea so I forwarded the message to Mike who in return liked the idea. There are down sides to everything, and like Stephen mentioned, different model years differ and sometimes these cars get tampered with by previous owners. This is why it would be great if all you efi guys could chip in and post links, diagrams information, common problems (all efi related) or whatever you feel is necessary to be included in this post. Please keep it as simple as possible. Since a lot of us own different years of 280Z's, you might have some stuff to chip in on here as you're familiar with that particular year of car. Hopefully you see what I'm getting at. I will wait maybe a week or so and this will go you all a good chance to post what you want into the post. Once this is done, I will copy and paste everything into one post and send it to Mike who in return be the one to make the sticky post. Like I said my scanner is not working at this time to post that diagram of the efi names and pictures of each part, but will keep working on it. Here are the links to the EFI bible and the Atlantic Z car page. I will start off: Electronic Fuel pump- Pumps fuel from the tank to the engine Fuel Damper- Acts as "muffler- that is, it keeps pressure surges from making noises which could be heard by the driver Fuel Filter- Filters out particles in the fuel before reaching the inectors Fuel injector- Spray fuel into the combustion chamber Dropping Resistor- Causes a voltage drop so that the injector operates on less battery voltage and also protects the injector from voltage surges coming from the alternator from the effects of other parts in the electrical system. Electronic Control Unit (ECU)- Controls the injectors by turning their ground on and off. Governs how much fuel is injected by holding the injectors open for longer or shorter periods of time. Fuel Pressure Regulator (FPR)- Keep the pressure in the fuel system to a constant 36 psi. Air Flow Meter (AFM)- Measures the amount of air coming into the intake mainifold. The more air passing through, the farther the flap inside will be pushed open. Idle speed screw- Use it to adjust the idle speed Throttle Position Switch(TPS)- Contains a set of contacts inside that tell the ecu if the engine is either idling or declerating. Water Temperature Sensor- Allows the ecu to richen the mixture until the engine arrives at opperating temperature. Air Temperature Sensor- Measures the temperature of the air coming in from the air cleaner. Cold Start Valve- A seventh injector to add additional fuel on a cold start up. Only gets current when the starter is cranking. Thermotime Switch- Opperates according to both temperature and time. (Hopefully somebody can come up with a better definition than that). Air regulator- Allows the engine to be at a fast idle to aid in warm up. http://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/EFI&fuel.htm http://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techti...ectionbook.pdf http://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techti...e_Bulletin.pdf Please chip in what you would like to see in this post!
Total Restoration Project. 71
Looks great, keep the pictures comming.
"nos" '75-76 front rubber bumper end
Jeeze, does it look nos to you guys?:stupid: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/NOS-75-76-280Z-BUMPER-CORNER-VGC_W0QQitemZ120196720733QQihZ002QQcategoryZ140700QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
Do you think your car had Led Zeppilin played in it?
Of coarse it has!!
What did you find under your seat?
Cool thread! When I first got mine, I found a couple really old cigarettes, lots of pennies and best of all the original green 4 speed metal top to the orginal shift knob which I thought was pretty cool.
New BRE website!
Very cool and interesting! I like those Shelby Daytona Coupes.
I get so tired of this -ebay listing
Mine was bought off Ebay too, as a project car.
Found on Craigslist in Colorado
That is a nice one. Looks similar to one that on Ebay a while ago, wondering if it's the same one.
I get so tired of this -ebay listing
Looks like he like he takes really bad pictures like me or like you said photoshoped. The pictures of the outside of the car look really glossy and fuzzy. You gotta admit though, those pedals sure add the extra touch.
differences throughout 280z production
The bumper styles are slightly different like the rubber ends, steering wheel horn pad is different...
Datsun 950z?
Maybe it's the horsepower, or his favorite number.:disappoin
"Sub Frame support connector" from Z-Specialties
Funny that he doesn't atleaste give it coat of black paint to give it a better look when you're going to be spending that kind of money for it. I'd expect it.
"Sub Frame support connector" from Z-Specialties
Datsun 950z?
The State of Things....
Looks like you're making progress on your repair, interesting wire looms!
Total Restoration Project. 71
They look beautiful! Looks like a nice 5 series you there too.
"Sub Frame support connector" from Z-Specialties
I was looking at through on the Z-Specialties online store and came across this pricy "sub frame connector" that they sell that they build themselves. After I came across it and read what he says about it, I wondered what you guys thought of it and have seen anything like it. http://www.datsunstore.com/product_info.php/products_id/620 http://www.datsunstore.com/product_info.php/products_id/620
Winter Car..?
It is called "Molasses Thermal Melt".
Do people notice you in your classic Z on the road?
I passed a 240 two days ago. I flashed my lights but he wasn't paying attention as he was on is cell phone. I it would have taken me flashing my lights, honking the horn and giving hand motions out the window to get his attention.
Can I Save This???
Mine was worse as it had rusted all the way through. We ended up having the tray and all the rust cut out and have all new metal welded in down there, then having the tray get welded back into place.