Thanks for the welcome and the reply. The current paint job is nearly 20 years old. And as far as the investment aspect, my main concern is not losing money on the deal. For example, I don't want to pay 10 grand for a car and then, if for some reason I had to sell it, find out it was only worth 5 grand. Based on my research the '78 280Z is the "best of breed" for 280Zs and the "black pearl" is the best of those and is gaining interest. I realize that pricing and value is to a certain extent subjective. I've looked on the 'net and seen prices all over the scale. I checked Manheim and their price is for a "generic" 1978 280Z; I didn't know if the "black pearl" mystique added that much more, plus the fact that other than the paint, this car is absolutely original and except for the bubbles is in great shape. And, would painting it the original color add much value to the car and is the Nissan dealer the best place to have that done?