To all that knew James Burgess aka "ZmeFly"
Delta, I have been a member for some time, yet have not been on the site lately (side note: my Zbaby was totaled by my son recently, and it's hard to face right now ). As others have expressed, James input was always appreciated, I believe he and I even hade a few one-on-one emails about specifics...again, he will be missed. As for your support... this group, as you have seen, is some of the best, and I assure you their hearts are sincere. My thought at this time though, without offending you or anyone else here, is to hopefully turn your trust, doubt, understanding, and ultimate peace in all this to a greater power. As much as these here have shown true consolment, only God will never fail. His compassion and peace, true peace to overcome even this, is yours for the asking. I for one, will be in earnest prayer for you. my email is always open... sincere sympathy, scott H2O-Z
My baby was stolen!!!
Well, I was just about to post this picture, and the police called that they had found my Z!!!!!! So to fill you all in (after bolting to go pick it up) It was found only .5 mile from where I live. From the initial look-see, it appears not to have suffered too much excessive wear. I haven't calculated the milage yet, but my guess is they took the car only for a short joyride and maybe expected quick marketable goods. The funny thing is, I have no stereo in the car right now because, as I mentioned in the 'dash' thread, my plan is to convert the heat controls to electronic...so all that is out of the car. All they got was the 'Q' ball stick knob, custom rear deck carpet (with 'Z' embroidery), and the change from the ash tray. If nothing else, it feels good to think they went to all that trouble for so little. I still am confused how they got in and started the car, but as some of you have mentioned...take note...there are other keys out there that will fit your Z! They definitely were not looking to strip the car, 'cause the interior is all original and immaculate! Part of me really would like to know who though...'cause it would be a WHOLE lot of fun to hold them down and break OFF every one of their fingers. But then that little voice says "vengance is mine sayeth...you-know-who" Once again, can't say enough how much I appreciate all your concerns, comments, support, and all-in-all, this incredible group and website! Keep on Z'ing!!!
- My baby
My baby was stolen!!!
Sorry, almost forgot... Send me a private message if you see something (sorry, not comfortable putting my # on the net). Otherwise you can contact the Junction City Police dep. 541-998-1245
My baby was stolen!!!
Appreciate all your notes... I don't have a picture with me today, but will post one tomorrow. the most significant eye catcher about this car is that it is the only Z in the NW I know of that has the old torpedo mirrors mounted "fairlady" style (on front fenders). Other details: dark green (almost black - especially at night) no front plate (BTW = Oregon EFC 934, the original yellow on blue, with special interest tag) 1971 all stock look (except mirrors) original bumpers, no flares, skirts, etc. original 60 series aluminum "wagon wheel" rims "OREGON" across the windshield tint, and "Duck" head center of rear window (I live in Eugene you know) Oh yah, dive flags on both quarter windows Oh yah2, almost forgot the mashed in passenger door (from the idiot that backed into me last year and I haven't found a "good" replacement yet) thanx all...
My baby was stolen!!!
All, Well, after 26 yrs of babying my '71...that has always been in the family BTW...I walked out this morning, and it was gone! :mad: :mad: :mad: So many things contribute to this result, most of which are having it parked outside at an apartment since my wife divorced me. It was locked, no glass broke, and I would have heard it start up with all my windows open, no one saw anything...so it would seem a professional job. I won't bore you all with the "life of Scott" any more than this, just make note of this VIN - HLS3027602 I just don't comprehend theft. Hope you all have a better day...
dash restoration
- dash restoration
dash restoration
Ok, finally got a couple shots of material samples sent from DR. The first is ID 'corinthian', that I believe is the same as what is in the photos biker took at the plant, and their recommendation. The second is ID 'haircell', which I feel better represents the original texture of a Z dash....only 'elevation' is inverted...as mentioned previously. Good zedn'
dash restoration
Ok, I'll throw more of my 2c at this one.... I actually moved my choke to the vacant cuttout, with the same style pull knob as the vents. 'Cause I got tired of that lever right in the middle of my console. The plan is then to 'cover' the flat area of the console from front to rear with (originally) wood veneer to match the steering wheel, or black plexiglass (which will also be replacing the temp control panel and ash tray as well). (Temp control is going electric, and the ash tray cover, I plan to engrave the Z logo) ...more sleek.
dash restoration
Again, as I tried to clarify in my original response to this post (#9, go back and check it out) they do have an alternative to what is seen in biker's photos, that I have a sample of, that IMO is more suitable to the original. I don't have it with me right now, but will tomorrow post the reference#. Also, will again try to get photo post to help clarify.:classic:
dash restoration
What these guys do is actually make a 'correct' mold replicating the dash you send them. So don't remove the damaged vinyl, just send the whole thing to them and they will...to quote..."restore" your exact dash with all spacefic detail.
dash restoration
Yes I have had several emails with James Kirk....that's James A. Kirk to be exact...or Jim Kirk, as his emails are addressed...from Dashboard Restoration www.dashboardrestoration.com.au and have actual vinyl samples of their recommended paterns in hand. Neither are exact replica of Datsun, but the one close is what I would call 'inverted'...that is the 'raised' part of the material is the 'channels' around the 'dimples', where the original is 'channels' indented around raised 'bumps'.....for those of us that are anal perfectionists....otherwise, very good qualified replacement that I will be using myself. I had discussed with Mike posting these samples, but have yet to see if that would show detail enough or not. They do BTW replace the foam core as well, with a much superior product...this is the reason old dashes cracked, they say, from foam core degredation...which I feel makes their option a well worth investment. Also, their price of 'around' $400 (I'll have to check if I received a more definite quote) does not include shipping to their North American agent here in the states, where they ship to AU from. If you happen to be here in the NW you can deliver it to them right here in Vancouver WA though. Good luck, scott
Early wiper arms
MSA says that all the early models, up to, and including the black '78 ones, are out of production! Unfortunately, my original '71 wiper arms have finally 'sprung' out. Anyone have a new set they can part with, or maybe another resource?? scott H2O-Z
Backfire and Dieseling
Ok, Ive been through most of the previous notes, and am not finding the answer. I have had the distributor rebuilt, timing set, adjusted carbs, replaced plugs all to no avail.... ('71)