Everything posted by skyc110
240K Coupe Brake booster / master cylinder
this is the original one.... I have it on my 73 sedan as well, part # 47210 - R3000 many of us change it to the bigger master of the c210, but now adays all old enthusiast go back to it. searching even for faulty ones , cause it makes the car look stock. to make sure I ll give some mesurements diameter 122 mm width 86 mm short distance between fixing bolts 88 mm long distance between fixing bolts 96 mm distance between the front bolts 68 mm
240k Coupe Wanted (with a story)
you can buy a mid condition one, then start restoration, 10 months probably is enough as well as 10K$ keep trying, cause we have to make our parents happy at least once
they have different brackets locations, modification distore the interior
wanted fender mirrors for c110
nowadays the new pair is against 1500 $ it is available in Kuwait and the UAE as well.
Tacho differences
and a loop wire (loop picks up inductive energy from the power to the coil I believe) (early) on my 1976 ( late edition of C110 ) I have that loop, dose that mean my meters are not the original ? took from an early C110 ? and BTW I am always facing prob with Tacho needle unstability !
240K Dash lights
we always need them to be green, to keep the classic style what I did, I replace them all by green bulb ( made in malaysia ) actually I didnot noticed how many watts are they, but at least they fit without base modification, as you know the bulb base ( holder ) is big any way I got the green illumination but I did not get the brightness, so I will search for the LED bulb, but what I am worried about is the holder modification
is this the pedal pad cover ?
I Just found this original pad, in a near buy shop has the # 46531-S0100 whst is on your car ? btw it has 11 setp up 3 steps horisontal and 11 step down is it the replacement for 46531-73001
Need help, Where to mount my fender mirrors??
ok, the center of the big hole is 42 cm away from the far end of the chrome trim the diameter of the big hole is 27 mm the center of the small hole ( preventing mirror from spining ) is 39.5 cm away from the trim the diameter is 7 mm I took these measurements this morning from my scrap 1973 240k
removing the "faux" fuel filler...
the same suffering we are face, but since it is rarely removed so we dont care unfortunately I broke one of the tabs of mine
260C as donor car???
I have a 1973 260c coupe and a 1976 240k coupe no parts are interchangeable, except the engine and the GB BTW the C is much stronger than the K and about 300 KG heavier
Radiator Overflow Reservoir
I use the 330 reservoir, looks stock and nice datsun cedric ( 1975 - 1979 ), just make a small slot for the steel holder
anyone got a spare ignition barrell/switch?
barallel IG. SW part # 48700-S0100 datsyn 810 and C130 can be used perpendicular switch ( datsun 610 is the replacemen 48700-U1905 ) Unkle , yea dremel them and use the flat secrew driver thanks
Ignition switch interchange
here we are using the ignition switch of the datsun 610 ( 1973 - 1976 ) as a replacement, the only difference is the key has no plastic end. part # 48700 - U 1905
78860-4600 is required
overturned in 1980
a 1973 240k sedan overturned in 1980 owner age about 65 YO refused to sell it for $ 700 ( consider it as a memorial asset ) waiting for inheritors decision
wanted fender mirrors for c110
I just sold ( unfortunately my car pair ) which is used over 12 years against $450 I sold them cause they reached a horrible price ( in 1998 I bought them new from the agency for $300) a young guy ( 20 yold ) took them for his 4 door restoration project !!!!
Another K on Ebay
looks firm & solid IMO restoration is not diffecult, hope it is near to me hope if I can take it out from the monitor of my laptop thanks
240K Different gill?
JDM, not necessarily for the GTX
door rubbers
I am same like you , want this part, it is available here in middle east but against 200 U.S
a nice new coupe
Congratulation, any idea about the cost? if possible
wanted fender mirrors for c110
those are ( I hope Iam right ) datsun laurel c130 mirrors c110 FM is a unique I never saw them on an other car. In middle east the price is used good looking pair ( 150 to 200 $ ) new pair ( 250 - 300 $ ) aftermarkit ( china & sometimes india 100 $ for pair ) BTW happy to know that their is a c110 in Thailand
Sale 240 kgt austria-vienna
وحوش والله يالكويتين كفو والله ليتكم ما تبقون جي تي بالعالم الا وتجيبونه Kuwaities have no time to wait ..... glad to hear this news, at least I can go to KUWAIT ( 800 km from me only ) to see the car unlike Austria more than 6000 km no need to tell you to change the wheel caps to original c110 steel rim centered by the star rim cap, and to fit the chromous fender mirror congratulation
My new 240k Hardtop
very nice car butt a chromium fender mirror and c110 rims and caps and a twin 3 / 4 inch back exust
Left hand drive KGC10? 2400GT?
in the whole middle east ( approximately 40 countries) only two (( 2 )) C10 - 2400 gt are left a live ... both of them are in Kuwait owned by one man . ( red & Silver ) another old man in saudi arabia has about 30 cars but unfortunately all of them. are 1800 Delux . 4 cylender live axle.
Another Datsun 240K on ebay
no quatroround tail no independent suspention no 6 cylinder no muscles no stability