Everything posted by skyc110
anyone got contacts with a jp yahoo auction account?
your mirrior are ( C130 coupe fender electric mirror ) DATSUN LAUREL ( 1973 - 1977 ) search for her photo on Yahoo ! see but why u primed them??? orignaly they r chrome ( u may want to use them for GTR not for GT or GL ??? )
New Door Glass for C110 Coupe
well what to say, ummmm so exp. !!! I did that in 1998 I paid about $ 100 each up to now they r unscrashed .... blue glass is their on the cars that are imported in the State of Qatar ( I noticed that the glass is blue ) here also it was expensive, but later on cause of the demand it get a little cheaper btw convertable , why dont u buy them second hand ??!!! since u have to many Ks in oz.
any 240k for sale
The C110 don't warry about the 510 ( worth no big value hear ) in all middle east one ( on road ) 510 is still alive I saw it on Feb 2005, in Lebanon .......!! others are wreck ( about 10 pcs waiting for their time to be crushed. Mr cam you r write most ( 90% ) of ur 240Ks r stripped for parts nowadays we r searching in Europe.... we got about 20 pcs from Germany , 5 finland , etc ofcourse they are LHD I inviting u all guys to visited middle east to se our Ks we have about 300 C110 ( 270 pcs in Kuwait and about 350 C210 250 in Kwt ) so don't miss the chance to see especially in 25 and 26 Feb, every year in celebration of thr National day Bu Zamil
back light maintenance
Hi every body sorry for no photo ( prob. in my system ) men, here we r facing some problem in the C110 240K backlight we wanna know how r u solve it overtheir ? 1- repeatedly whenever an enthusiast wanna restorate,minimum one of the six bolts holding the BL with the body get loos and no way to open it unless using fire ( expand the hole and pull it out ????) 2- we face diffeculty to remove the two big lights ( white for reverse and red for tail ) due to the highly intensive iglo ( most of the times broken in our hands ????!!) BTW cann't the white one be round same like the red ??? why DATSUN avoid doing that 3- we always find the two big reflectors rusty ? r u chainging them overtheir or take them out and recroming them ??? thanks Bu zamil
Skyline like yours in Redondo Beach
yea please, a picture ... or some pics.
240K GL in Japan?
looks so firm first time I see a gray C110, we go it only ( blue, white, brown, light green )
K Rear bumper interchangability
ummmmmmmmmmm looks like, unfortunatelty I didn't try. but I think the same
Sandblasting the K
a rust such lik this http://00op.com/up/uploads06-11-06/68c24c0799.bmp make me sad, that is why in one of my threads said that sometimes I dream if nissan made the body from ss or aluminum. what to do ... we have to live with that (remedy, remdey, keep spending $ ) but all in all its funny. wish u good luck with ur project, wish u the best saving
Sandblasting the K
am not sure, could be, but I didn't see yet. what am sure about - sb then strengh then primer and some put diluted liquid asphalt. its a good tech. doesn't affect the strenght of the rail. but the SB grit mayn't reach the inside well . wont affects the strenght? this what force to do that. now u need to go in the car cabinet remove the carbet and inspect what is under the driver & the pass. feet
Sandblasting the K
what is the powder for ? so dif, and he want to save time and grit.. also me. early in the 70's & 80's our Ks weren't with enthusiasts, when the car get buncher (air out of the tyre) they rise upthe car (by jack) from any point no care wether that point is designated for raising or no, so sometimes the jack goes inside the body making bends and holes helped by the cumulated rust cos of rain and wet mud etc, also I can blame some workshop whom not care about where to rais the car from.btw I dont take my K to ws unless if I realy cant go further. the two perpendicular rails ? if show photo Anderwin my opinian rust depends on 1- how far away is the K from the sea. 2- how rainful is the area which the K live in. 3- how much the owner care about his K, dont clean you car daily, do drive in muddy roads etc.
EOI: 240K Coupe - Brisbane
Razor senaprivate message to Fesal and alz3bi they r looking for ... or just but a new thred 240K for sale
How we restorate
yah they only six .sor I just count them again.... this not my car (btw this is beeing restorated (not y finished) in a ws that dose accept other than K's (110,210) sounds bettersome call it tinkering yea this is metal to metal :mad: metal with plastic turning the nut or the screw? when metal to metal use heating (oxg acyleline) so successful time saving tech, (care about nearby) not too much (this is what I think about also, but we maynt get the same sizes.
How we restorate
first we prepair as much spare parts as the K needs second the sandb. unfor nowadays enthusiasts went to paint remover instead !!! ummmm my advice (no one listen) that the sb. is better for stripping. third (strengh. & straight. !!) 2 save m some enthusiasts stop do it (assuming inner status wont affect the all in all outer shape!) 4th denting (chak chak chak chak by hammer! :stupid: do u call it denting?) 5th dipping or spraying by anti rust material (look) http://00op.com/up/uploads06-11-01/1d727b45ab.jpg http://00op.com/up/uploads06-11-01/2f4f3ff797.jpg 6t oven painting - 7th upholstery - 8th some like audio system (I don't, I like the classic radio and tape. - 9th silencer (1" twin stain s pipe) Anderw, Gim, Kent, Lach , one of our biggest problem is to open the seven bolt linking the tail with the trunk (look at them so clear in my photo) when we wannaopen them they loos from bases :mad: (as u know plastic base holding steel bolt in a square room for more than 30 y. if we use acytelyne heat will damage the base. holding them by vicegrip, vg will dam the teeth! :mad: ???
what if the 240K has a body & chassis !
even if their is a V10, we keep like the L24 ! u mean the av annual income ? is about 10000 us dollar only ! ha ha in that case u may need to wait for a hurricane or a tornado ! well depends on how faraway r u from the coast ? minimum u need 150km away and that is not the case in our working places. I work and temporary living in Dammam which is so humid, all the gulf states are humid also. but my village not. any way I support Anderw when he said
what was in Holland
Noddle No. I just got it form internet... z3bi ماعندي شي وسوف أطلب من صاحب الموقع تخصيص خيمه للبيع وشراء لان كثير من العرب يدورون سيارات ومحد يرد عليهم بالشكل الذي يسهل لهم عملية الشراء , عموما نشالله المشرف يلبي طلبي المكتوب تحت ويخصص خيمة البيع والشرا بسرع وقت ( هذا أضف لذلك البعض عنده معوقات في اللغه وشكرن) بو Lach (moderator) winter came, looks like the demand inflated, could u please designate a (buying & selling chamber) for cars, spare parts, manuals, etc and I suggest (ofcorse if Iam allowed) to join the other 5 chambers here to motivate the discussions. so one for disc, and one for b & s.. cos 99% of our enthusiast in (ME) they just have the vocabulary of buying a car , couldn't share discussing, and they r describe to me their suffering .Q .... (apologizing advancely if not accepted idea)
what if the 240K has a body & chassis !
Anderw they will only do wiring as per the wiring diagram, but professionally (no cut twist and tape), removing the oxidized terminals soldering and putting shrinkable tubes (forget about redisconnection again) providing that u will supply the male female nodes when needed (single, double, bulbs etc..). . . hope that I have the same. send him regards cos he shairs us beautifying what we love. Jim did u hear? btw thanks for the gas tank diagram iffff this what I always think about. you touched the sensitive gut.sorry for prolonging...at least we know what we share..
what if the 240K has a body & chassis !
ha ha ha thats true. same kid if u give hime sm he needs sm else! see the datsun pickup 521 or 620 not so much heavy its chassis is about 15 cm X 10 cm hollow section tube (5mm thickness) not pricisely but if u multiply it by 0.8 steel density u get about 150 kg more (look at the datsun pkup chs 4 men can carry it! ). (I dont mean a chassis same like the patrol or the L Cruser.. absoulutely write price of SS is 10 times the price of steel.. that was before when their were too much spare parts nowadays (due to luck of sp) we take more care...btw Jim in an average case hm rest coasts in oz. here 1- sandb & strengthening $ (US) 500 2- denting $1000 3- antirusting & oven painting $400 4- wiring $200 5- comp upholstery $700 6-ext parts $2500
what if the 240K has a body & chassis !
in middle east we've about 5 historic cars the C110 240K is one of them (2 restoration WS, another car like (what is below 1966 ford pickup), when I visited them in their unique restoration workshop I feel so shy and so sad (heart tear) (can't be eyes :mad: !) specially when I see the Chassises here and their (without the body) are sandblasted straightened and strengthened and primary coated !!! (I say (but silently offfffffffffffffffff why that not in our K)) I start looking at the 8 rubbers that separated the bd f ch sadly!! have any one think about that ? you know with chassis the restoration become easier and cheaper and more funny. well some times I tell to my self if NISSAN did it , as well as manufactured the body from stainless steel (no rust (I saw convertable thread) what was the result will be? sorry if I bother u or make u sad
protection metal sheet
Q jim, Q Lach looks like u've the parts book which we miss it here ! at least am sure now that it is their in the K also.
protection metal sheet
friends, am i write ? (not avl in my K) is their a protection metal sheet under the L24 ?? well if it is, will be so helpful for the machine specially when driving on a nonasphalted roads? (speedy undirected stones will not reach)... why did I estimate that ? in 1996 I visited state of Bahrain (900km) afmv I saw un increadible C230 1978 when inspect it I found un original pms beneath the machine it was so firm (he owner chromed it !) so helpful (eventhough it may interrupt you changing the oil (I think that was the ( " minor ") reason pushed owners to remove it permanently ? - my request - from my teachers !- send it if u could (the detailed page from parts book ) or an actual photo (if the C110 desighned same like the C230) Q Bu Zamil
help if u know gas ventilation
unimaginenable ! fast & precise answers ! thanks Noddle , thanks Jim
Original wheel trim bits :D
Matt if any 240K in Middle east (without the rim u show & wcap) awa (185/70/14 white colour letters Brigestone MIJ it's price will lower $ 1000 means ( if 10 it will be 9) btw u mean this http://00op.com/up/uploads06-10-25/97e2e4903f.jpg or this http://00op.com/up/uploads06-10-25/9c169972ec.jpg
help if u know gas ventilation
unfrly I didn't buy my K from agency, kid in (73-77) second hd K from a non collector has many system modifications (elect, ventilation, etc.....) in 1997 I went to Skyline agency in Kuwait (650 km) away asking f pts, the receptionist opened the parts manual on the shelf (showing the K in details) I told him P give it to me for an hour I'll make copy & give it to u back (said sorry NA ) offffffffffff ... anyway friends whenever I go to gas station open the tank hear ishshshshshshshshshshshsh (m more than opening a pepsi can!) I bought a transperent hose (same size) to set the sys back as it was but unfr no diagram (show if u hv or describe if u know) see photo below http://00op.com/up/uploads06-10-25/190b63cb1b.jpg
240K with SKYLINE badge
actually, we got it DATSUN in (Qatar, Lebanon, Jordan, UAE,..) & SKYLINE in Kuwait only !!!!!! A- the one that we got it SKYLINE (believe me their is no NISSAN or DATSUN emblem on it at all, at all !!!!??????) with 1- Letter S on (SW center, w cap, see my thread 240K WC & Sk badge ..) 2- Skyline emblem on (fenders, dash (above the drawer),back btw tails) B- twtwgi DATSUN 1- DATSUN (capital Ltr) back btw tails 2- Datsun only d capital (fenders and dash) 3- D letter (SW center, W cap) both of them were 240K GT (later I may support that w photo...) Alfa (or who knows)tell me about ur upholstery (our K come in... 1- black leather for the DATSUN 2- black cloth with not so visible lines for the Skyline not sure some of the enthusiasts said 5% were dark blue (I never saw this type, eventhough Iam with the Ks since 1981 !!!...)