Tonyasap, Gav, Camouf In Kuwait as well as Saudi Arabia as well as United Arab Emerates, we like the 240k crazily !!!!!! cause we live with that car for decades 1973 up to today.. for me I have a 1976 240k and I,ve paid about 5000 $ and more eventhough it has some rest and missed many parts, you know those guys whom go to Australia and pay you hundreds of dollars they will pay thousands of them if your cars are LHD, cause we can not drive them here in GCC countries (GCC means Gulf Counsol Coporation including six Arab countries ) what we do we just cut the car into tow parts and ship it otherwise we can not inter it to our countries !!!! our trafic office in all GCC countries are so tough... then we start selling them as a spare parts ( yea it is a profitable challenge) we brought almost all the 240Ks in Europe (about 60 pcs from Germany,11 pcs Portugal,10 pcs Holland 5 pcs Finland and .....) and about 300 pcs from Austrailia what to do you are accepting the offer ........ our market prices nowadays are as follows 1- Europian 240K sedan with Skyline emblem good codition $ 18000 2- Europian 240K Coupe with Skyline emblem GC $ 12000 4- Europian 240K sedan with DATSUN emblem GC$ 13000 5- Europian 240K Coupe with DATSUN emblem GC $ 9000 6- UK, Australian, Newz, Japanese 240K sedan GC $ 8000 7- UK, Aus, Nz, Jp 240K coupe $ 6000 8- GCC 240K sedan GC $ 22000 9- GCC 240K coupe GC $ 18000 GCC means the car was imported to our pretty hot countries with ( A/C , Skyline badge on fender , steering wheel center, dashbord, at rear between the tails, Steel distinguished rims and so and so) sorry I wrote to much later I will show you some photos from my yard which has C110 & C210 all of them KHLGC110 005019 but now I lost my Digital Camera and thank you very much brother Austrailian and whom others and please forgive us about what we did, BTW soon or later you will see no C110 or C210 240Ks running in your street