Everything posted by skyc110
its no more than a proportional matter ( through your rope .. you may get a fish ) well ( allow me to represent the middle east people if possible ) you may facing the son or even the grand-son .... of those whom bought the C110 from the agency ... some of them even less than 18 ( believe that ) they think ( as they are inside the 240K room ) that this room is an international room gathering the 240ks owners from all around the world and when they see you offering you Ks in a so cheap prices they think that this is the market price for the C110 .. wether it is LHD or R .... say thanks god ... that your Ks are a RHD ... other wise you wont see the K any more on your roads.. ask the 240k enthusiasts or collectors in Finland .. in Germany .. in Holland in Portugal ... and in where ever the LH was imported can you see a K on your roads ?????? sorry if I say something wrong ... any way . even though it is not my country ( but we are close neigbor ) I am inviting you to visit Kuwait for a three days ( tourist visa is so simple ) from the airport go to Sinaeat al shuwaikh ( al shuwaikh auto workshops area 30 km) then go to both ( Al Khalyjyyah work shop & Failaka workshop ) 2 km between them wed & Thu go to Wafra roundabout go their and see the collectors which they park the latest mercedes and bmw outside and the K in
C110/240k pictures yours or random
very very nice photos thank u very much
any Skyline 1973 to 1981 for sale
the C210 was used as a police car in cyprus
any Skyline 1973 to 1981 for sale
Holland , Germany , Finland , Lebanon , Kuwait , Qatar , cyprous
Horn Pad Removal
me on youtube
amazing !!!!!!!!!!
one of the saudi arabian 240ks
we have about 5 240ks ( all coupe ) ( among 9 million car ) that is one of them in ( Hafr Al batin city ) 550 km from capital by the way soon or later it will go to Kuwait we call Kuwait now ( the cemetery of the 240Ks ) they have about 600 pcs the rim that u c is the most popular in the middle east ..... we like to keep white thick letter tyers specially Bridgestone ( 185 / 70 / 14 ) and chromiuam fender mirror http://www.up07.com/up6/uploads/0f0e595e3b.jpg' alt='0f0e595e3b.jpg'>
is this the only major 240K forum?
show us .... what do you have ????? what is your car ? if you have a 240K C110 place a photo pls .
one shoe was enough
hummmmmmmm. this scientific analysis can not be come out from a non engineer !!!!! for that reason the cylinder is not bolted on the back plate .. it is only fixed unfirmly by a three lock plates ( one of them is stainless steel ) I brought a magnet near to them ( one of them is not attracted ) but why stainless steel ???? does it represents more coast to the manufacturer ?
240K Wiring Diagrams
we like to do that some times, specially with those whom we don't know .
save them before crushing
spare wheel well worth $100 .... on the top car it is much better than the one on my car !!!!!!!!!!!
one shoe was enough
correct , but is it strong twelve !! where are they ????????
7/8 or 13/16 cylinder
unfortunately I missed the parts manual which shows each and every thing ..... generaly I don not like ANNETTE , ( pushing the rotor from one side may bend it ( even slightly ) especially when it is hot ... while pushing it from two sides ( with the same strength simultaneously ) keep him in balance and stability.!!!!!! whose that stupid engineer who design the single piston ( ANNETTE ) ( actually it is not stupidity rather than reducing quality ( some thing well known after 1974 up to today !!!!) ) any way 13/16 = 20.6375 mm while 7/8 = 22.225 mm so I will use the 7/8 TOKICO which I think it is stronger to stop our six cylider car !! hope to find the repair kit ( 7/8" rubber and 126 dust cover locally )
save them before crushing
first .... we like to see them ( to look at them ) daily especially before sunsite ( when we drink the coffee and remember the past ) second .... we use them to take the firewall to be used when coverting an australian 240K from RHD to LHD ..... the firewall nowadays cost about $200 third .... we really can not see a 240K going to iron and steel factory !!!!!! so we thing that its part of the fidelity to the car which keep us happy for decades
save them before crushing
despite the long long distances and the high cost of transportation ( forklift to load - loading car - forklift to download ) and the risk-taking ( due to going to isolated villages and faraway places ) stil some enthusiasts take that risk and pay mony to save the 240K before the reach of the ghost ( crushing machine ) ..... a white 240K over white 240K over a blue one so he full the trailr and came ( about one week trip )
one shoe was enough
I believe that what it must be.... in 1999 I had a toyota crown 1974 ( rear and front brake are drum ) both have top and bottom cylinder each one has double end !!! imagine how strong the brake will be !! four pushing points at least our 240K, should had two pushing point ( that is why some went to disc conversion ha ha ha ha ha ha the best expression ..... even you can't use it as a spare , cause it has different lining location.
one shoe was enough
do you think that the rear two shoes in our 240K are both working ??? of course No. the right shoe of the RH and the left one on the LH are doing nothing !!!!!!!! I opened rear drum and with the help of a hand oil pump, I linked the system and started applying pressure ... I saw only one shoe pushed by the cylinder ( the same one that is used for hand brake ) while the adjacent is doing nothing !!!!!!!!!!! http://www.upload2world.com/pic17/upload2world_ead48.jpg' alt='upload2world_ead48.jpg'>
7/8 or 13/16 cylinder
Hi enthusiasts for long time ago I thought that the rear cylinder assy. is 13/16" dia , as what is written on it ( My 240K is 1976 ) I opened the cylinder from another 240K ( in my junk ) surprisingly I found the cylider 7/8" !!!!!!!! so which is the original ? the 240K which I have in my scrap collection run for two years only ( 1977-1979 ) as the scrap owner told me so I believe every thing on it is original .. if any one can check his 240K ?? http://www.upload2world.com/pic17/upload2world_dd4bf.jpg' alt='upload2world_dd4bf.jpg'>
WTB Toyota brake calipers for a Datsun 240K / Magna brake upgrade.
thank you very much for that , I will try to find it soon and if so I will put some photo thanks
back arm overhauling
something well known that those are to reduce the vibration in car. I thing from 32 years ago no one opened them , I just opend them today really not sure where to find them 1-outer bearing 6306 found $4 standard,available in abundance I took 10 pcs. 2- inner bearing 6206 found already $3 standard , AIA IT10p 3- oil seal 62 x 40 x 1 found already $2.5 , AIA IT10P 4- bushing OD 32mm - ID 14.5mm , length 64mm by chance found 3 pcs only so saad cause I want 10 pcs min. 5- upper spring rubber ( not yet found , I will search in mercedes shop ) 6- bottom spring rubber ( whre to find this !!!!!!??????????????????????) 7- a rubber metal piece smae like the mashroom ( wher to find this ???) 8- as well as I nee the big bushing holding the diff to the body ??? I think if I change all of those the car will be more stable on high speed and more rigid and hissing less. http://www.upload2world.com/pic11/upload2world_6a137.jpg' alt='upload2world_6a137.jpg'>
Brand new rear 2 door, Quarter Panel on ebay
K owners must store some K parts ... and that is what Iam doing ....
back arm grease nipple
since 2004 thinking about butting a grease nipple in the what we call it here ( back arm ), I just finished from that today ( I saw what i considred as a dream before ) , I opend the arm took it to a sandplasting shop ( $15 agaist arm + spring + some other parts ) search in the market to find 10mm x 1 grease nipple with soft ball in the head to allow grease to go inside, I used SANWAMTAL ( M I Japan ) I think in this way we help the two bearings inside to have better enviroment... hope to show you small photo but unfor still dont know! take care dont drill on the top of one of the two bearings !!!!!!
Glass supplier failed
what is going on !!!!!!!??????? sometimes we feel strange about your prices for a whole car ?????? like $500 up to $1000 more or less ( so cheep ) and others we feel more stranger in the vice versa ( so expensive ) what $300 is for !!!!!!!!????? in 1998 I went to Kuwait ( ALRIFAEE GLASS FACTORY ) they charge me less than $100 for left & right ..... Convertable .... I realy can not help u in that cause Iam 800 KM from Kuwait and my car has some problem ( no trust to cut that distance ) please contact MR240K ( Saad ) in this forum ... he may help you..... BTW ... up to know the glasses are on my car and they are so pure and shiny
anyone got a rear bar?
instead of painting better to do chrome plating ! hope u will get it soon .
anyone got contacts with a jp yahoo auction account?
the spring is inside the tube ( to prevent rotating ) the C130 has a plastic chrome mirror ( electric !!!! ) the C110 has a metal chrome mirror ( manual !!!!!!) shouldn't be the vice versa ?