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Everything posted by skyc110

  1. skyc110 replied to Razor's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    suffering rubber problem is something commen, I went many times for seal & rubber manufacturers for a solution, the sol is their but the quantity is not ( they asked for printing 5000 pcs minimum ) !!! does that mean no sol ?
  2. skyc110 replied to skyc110's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    Stephen Stephen we wanna c some 240K from US , plase help us !!!!!!!! try to show the p# awa the SW. Bu Zamil
  3. skyc110 posted a post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    compaire the S and D wc. our 240k came with the letter S Look at it $50 for the S , $10 for the D ! http://00op.com/up/uploads06-10-25/a4356d9b9c.jpg aarc240 what members mean by oz (what does it mean ?)
  4. skyc110 replied to skyc110's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
  5. skyc110 replied to 73skyline's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    see the wagon http://00op.com/up/uploads06-10-25/58cb6ad03b.jpg
  6. skyc110 replied to skyc110's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    Zedric, Mikew (I Just said from internet Ididn't said in Saudi Arabia !!! aarc240 exactly as what u described. signal in the centre of the outer light surrounds by tail.
  7. skyc110 posted a post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    some of the forum members asked to see that I couldn't get it from a good car (all stored to be shown in winter) but I could get this 1975 240K photo see attach (consists of 3 parts , small extention at left , SKYLINE middle , 240K GT right) http://00op.com/up/uploads06-10-25/a0381f2c0e.jpg
  8. Fesal needs 240K sedan I think he is planning to export it, he is looking in Australia for the relatively cheap prices please if u can help him by giving him a contact #
  9. skyc110 replied to Mike's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    (Maybe the back seat is fine for midgets) how tall r u !! our Coupe 240K is so spacious in the back I'm 185 cm tall and I can sit their so comfortable (sit with my knees around my ears.!!!!) so strange ! as Lachlan said (heaps of room) I think the 240K is the most spacious back compaired with all the other coupes made by NISSAN DATSUN except the Laurel C130 coupe click to see the C130 للمشاهدة اضغط هنا Kyteler their wasn't a 240K wagon in our market (middle east)!!! I dont know what about Australia.!!! the Wagon was 180K only (4 cylinder 1800 CC) 30 cm shorter Bu Zamil click and c http://www.arab-x.com/get.php?filename=1161602990.jpg
  10. skyc110 posted a post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    below C110 240K LHD coupe 1973 was in Holland arabs brought it to UAE ( against $ 6000) arabs are continue searching day and night to collect all the LHD C110 awa C210 if they in a non astronomic prices like what I found in Lebanon (jan 2005) acceptable condition (not good) C110 240K sedan 1974 he asked for $ 10000 wow the next day when the car arrives (they change the rim (to steel), but a fender mirror, but a dual 1" exhuast pipes Bu Zamil click here to see the (what ws in Holland) للمشاهدة اضغط هنا للمشاهدة اضغط هنا
  11. skyc110 replied to skyc110's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    the diff between the 240K & the 180K 240K / 180K front grid aluminum / plastic tail twin round / 6 parts rect. suspention independent / live machine 6 cylin / 4 spedometer 240 km/h / 180 km/h mirror big a fender / small at the door later I will send photo, give me one month. only one 180K left in Saudi Arabia (0 on Kuwait) cause it is unwanted (it is far away from may village, but I know owner the same is for C210 (this 180K C210 is from the internet) Bu Zamil
  12. skyc110 replied to skyc110's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    our C110 in middle east is as follows (as imported by agencies) 1- 240K GT 2- chromiam (not black) fender (not door) mirror 2- L24 machine (single carporator not twin) 3- steel rim with S letter on the hard galvanized plastic cap (look at it on the sedan down ) 4- white letter Bridgestone (185/70/14) 5- Skyline badge (above the dash drawer, betn the two tails, back fenders) w letter S in the steering W center 6- 240 km/hr spedometer 7- 4 speed Gearbox (73,74) five (75,76,77) 8- rectangular A/C side vent (73,74) round (75,76,77) 9- wooden handbreak hand (73,74) plastic (75,76,77) 10- twin 1 inch app. exhaust pipes (look at the photo) we recieved the coupe (only GT and 6 cylinder) the sedan (gt 6 cylinder & 180K 4 cyl.) the station wagon (5 doors 4 cyl.) Bu Zamil look at that here it worth about $14000 btw the nickname for the coupe here ( the hunchback) in Arabic ( alhdab ) if u say alhadab here all enthusiasts know that u mean the coupe we have no nickname for the sedan if the owner of this coupe remove the three unstock badges (keep only the 240K GT and remove the hood nails the price of his 240K will icrease $ 250 more !!!!!!! the sedan worth about $ 17500 another C110 240K (overseas imported still not find the SKYLINE badge to replace the DATSUN we have a shotage spare parts skyline back badge may cost $200 or more
  13. skyc110 replied to skyc110's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    thanks Sakijo I went through but unfortunately no photo !!?? btw ur name Miles or Sakijo
  14. skyc110 replied to Razor's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    Razor do you have a 240K GT ? cause Im facing the same prob.? I think many reasons contribute in that 1- check the contact points (14 pin behind the tachm. & 6 pin behind the watch) split them and put WD40 & contact cleaner 2- take the nine bulbs awa their bases (clean, file , push the bulb terminals a bit away to increase the friction 3- well we have to know that the actual problem (dimming) is caused by the reflectors on the meters them self !!! they are not phosphoric ?? (same like the new cars... but I think this has no solution) may be the car dealer will study that and coming out with a spray give a reflection features.!? Bu Zamil
  15. skyc110 replied to skyc110's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    thanks Sakijo for this worthy information - (a few C110 ? are the LHD? what brand (GT, GTR, GTX, GL, others or maybe mixed ?) - (at least one C210 !!!! something strange !!) - (C10 most popular now) in middle east awa in all arab countries (Iam watching skyline for the last 25 ys since I was less than 10 yo) among about 40 million cars running on the roads their only tow S50 - one in a running con. saw in Syria 5 y back driven by a women ! may be she dont know it a skyline S50 ! - one S50 scrap missing many parts (owner dont wanna sell !! tough oldman he dont know anything about the car he just dws) - tow C10 (2400 GT) only in rc (red & silver) owned by oldman in Kuwait dont wanna sell (I paid him $ 4000, they r in an aceptable con. originally LHD) - about 20 pcs C10 (but delux not 2400 GT) short bonnet & non indep. susp. lying up to now in a scrap in saudi arabia for about 33 years beside the S50 (owner dont know them and dws & not allowing to get photo but I will try!) -C110 (1 pce Oman, 5 UAE, 2 Qatar, 6 Saudi Arabia, 0 Bahrain, 3 Jordan 3 Syria, 5 Lebanon, 3 Iran, 5 Iraq, 2 Egypt, 1 Sudan, 3 Yemen, 5 Lybia and about 500 pcs in our neighbor Kuwait !!!! believe that - C210 , the same C110 story - Skyline is uncollectable after 1981 , no one wish to buy the DR30 and above Bu Zamil
  16. skyc110 replied to skyc110's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    unfortunately no, hope soon it will be Iam pushing the enthusiasts here for and Iam not accepting their apologizing we have about only 5 C110 240Ks (three original LHD mine is one of them and 4 converted australian) among 6 million cars running in our roads !!!!!!!!!!!!!! soon I will upload (if they allow me) cause they are far away from me (800 km, 500km, 950 km, and .......) what about the US is their any C110 is their any C210 by the way we like the Skyline badge brand GT only please send photo if you want to see LHD C110 ( about 500 pcs in a tiny country) go to Kuwait (about 150 original LHD and 350 converted) call me from their I'll come to you (my village is only 650 km from (Onaiza)) thanks Bu Zamil
  17. skyc110 replied to skyc110's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    تعرف فيصل الموقع دولي صعب نتهارج بالعربي عموما حاليا ما أفكر بالبيع ونا من عنيزه والحوش اللي تشوفه في عنيزه لاكن أشتغل بالدمام الجياتي ابلاش بستراليا على 700 دولار بس مقود يمين وتصدير ومشاكل هذا انا احاول مع واحد فنلندي كود يحصل لنا شي يشار أحسن وبرد لك خبر بحول الله الرجال وعدن انه يراسلني ان حصل شي يخوك حتى الأمريكان اللي معنا بلمنتدى يقولون المقود عندهم يمين ونهم يستوردونها استيراد شخصي لاكن بنصيد وحده عن قريب خنتكلم انكليزي لايطردونا من المنتدى any way let us talk in english Faisal I thing it so easy to find a 240K in Australia concentrate on melborn and increase ur advertisements
  18. Mat big hat we r trying our best, but the RHD we usualy use it for spare parts cause we are not allowed by our (trafic office) to drive or to convert it to LHD, but some enthusiast break the law and convert to LHD but he will still suffer the an annual inspection check, if the trafic office know about that problem for him (to b in the safe side use it as spare parts)
  19. skyc110 replied to khughes's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    hope you get your customer soon drum to disk conversion is some thing become essential surprise how datsun manufacture the 240K in that single one pushing direction piston ?????) how to stop the missile!! they may rely on the double piston front caliper !! since I bought my 240K (1998) I'am suffering oil leakage from the rear break piston, I did overhauling two times cleaning and put a new rubber (dont remember may be a 3/4") then after a while (less than one year) suffering the leakage again!! some thing not acceptable from datsun (I had T crown 1974, the rear break consists of twin piston of two direction !!!!!!) . and Im realy now thinking to convert to disk (I may do it this december) to get rid of that repeating headache. appreciating any photos help & describe the conversion status.. thanks (Bu Zamil)
  20. thanks Kimi through my 25 years with the 240Ks (C110 , C210) this is the first time I know and see in my eyes a C210 with headlights cleaners (so they just need a tiny wiper to clean the lights after pushing the water ha ha ha....) was ur car electric window or manual? was ur car power steering or manual? please please dont forget me if u see a 240K C110 sedan give me a misscall on my NOKIA (made in Finland) or Email me (skyc110 at yahoo.com ) 00966506814859 Mazen Zamil Al Shamlan or (Bu Zamil)
  21. skyc110 posted a post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    for you this is my 1976 C110 skyline 240K GT KHLGC110 00 5019 originally was blue .... beside you see what I collect through 10 years searching ( very dif to find 240K in scrap ! or even if I find it transportation will cost more than the price) any way the photo is so big next time I'll try to adjust specially after I bring the C210 which I found last ten days (1750 km away) in Madina bought as a scrap $ 500 and transfer $ 500 again !!! on my car you can't see the original steel rims cause they r in the left side. what to do not available and if .. so exp. on the sedan far their you see the original steel rim. this is the factory rim which we like it to be on our 240Ks ( my personel (not open to puplic) junkyard which I bought only for collecting 240Ks (as possible as I can) before the reaching of raw steel merchant (crushed the cars and send it to factory for $ 15 only) this what they pay to those whom interesting to sell as a raw material) if I reach before them I pay ( from $ 250 minimum to $1000 and some times more) they become so happy and they said to me what about this mazda what about this mitsubishi. wiling to buy? ( ha ha ha ha ha ) I just say later later I'll see if I have enough space (why should I !!!) Mazen Zamil Al Shamlan you can call me ( Bu Zamil ) look at the link I couldn't make a small phoyo http://l22l.org/uploads/f9bf38c732.jpg
  22. Kimi very nice C210 coupe, I'll check it this model is so loved here and valuable awa your C210 is distiguished by 3 wipers (our C210 has only 2 wiper in the front we dont have back one) - eventhough the front bumber rubber is missed in your C210, I can see a vertical small piece of plastic on the front bumber (left) is the water comes out of that and clean the headlight ?????????? 2- How much did u sold it (curiously) 3- is thier any other one u can see.... 4- is thier any C110 (sedan - coupe , specially sedan ????) 5- is their any spare parts in your Nissan agency 6- how were you maintain the car before when you need a decoration part? Sblake01 this factory alloy was fitted on different models to different markets 1- for the middle east was for the Skyline C210 & Laurel C230 (1978-1981) 2- just now I see it on an 810 in US ( btw very beautiful car)
  23. Kimi unfourtunately no. I wish to visit. I think your C210 now already in Kuwait (I'll check it cous Q8 as we abriviated is only 650 km from my village and I visit it annualy. 1- was your C210 I or II ( I is 1978 and 1979 4 lights in the front II is 1980 and 1981 2 lights in front) 2- was your car DATSUN badge or Skyline 3- sedan or coupe any way if a C110 or a C210 imported overseas it will not be parked in the road (it will be parked deeply inside the house) imagin I know one enthusiast has 240K C110 and Mercedes 300 Sel with one garage he park the K inside and the Mer Out !!!!!!!!!????? Camou prices are only for the C110 and C210 are high and 80% of that prices will be given to the C130 coupe and C230 coupe. but imagin collectors here don't know the faimous 510 !!!!! lying in the scraps for some years then crushed. in middle east I saw one only in Lebanon (light blue) running and one in Kuwait parked for the last 20 ys (not running) and 5 pcs in Saudi Arabia scraps (no value for the 510 here !!) another example Skyline 1982 1983 (I think it is called R31 right) price is ($ 1000 - $ 1300 max) Skyline 84 & 85 ( the one withoutfront grid $1200 - $ 2000 max) 86,87,88,89 ($ 1500 - $ 3500 max) 90, and abve up to 2005 no one like them (only the new generation whom dont know the old skyline awa we doubt that they r RHD converted to LHD ) we like the C110 , C210 here specially the C110 because 1- the well galvanized bumbers 2- the shining stainless steel (chrom) 3- the aluminum front grid 4- the chromiam fender mirror (BTW our C110 has fender mirror, whenever we imp. with door mirror we change it soon and if it is black we but the chromiam 5- the wooden steering 6- the 240 km/h spedometer ( eventhough we can't reached it) 7- the most important thing that pushing us to love the C110 is (please share me your opinion in this point and forget the other please .. is the special cut shape (non arc) that covers the back wheel !!!!!!! hope all undersd what I mean , we never found that in any other Datsuns this special cut continue to be in the C210 but not exactly the same. write 8- the rear independent suspension. 9-the seven circls in the dashboard (one small on the left, tow big in the middle and four small in the right. 10- the twin round tail for the sedan 11- the parallel side cut for the coupe. which creat the big triangle in the side where the circular decoration (gas cover and decoration) are their. 12- the easy maintenance sorry for lengthening Bu Zamil ( Mazen Zamil Al Shamlan)
  24. thanks Alfadog & Khuges the story of Skyline in Arab countries S50 (was imported in Qatar and Kuwait and Lebanon only ..) C10 (was imported in Skyline badge not DATSUN in Qatar, Kuwait, only.) not sure but only my estimation about 1000 pcs were imported and only two left now (the others were crushed by the iron & steel merchants whom they just thing about their business and they crush what ever they reach (most of them are rough and uneducated and unfamiliar...) the two survived are both owned by one a 45 yo man in kuwait (red & smoke silver) C110 (was imported by Qatar, Kuwait, UAE, Lebanon, Oman and only little in the west agency of Saudi Arabia (we have 3 nissan datsun agencies in SA )) the total amount was about 10000 pcs 99% of them were crushed C110 imported as Datsun (with datsun badges and a letter D in the steering wheel center and wheel cap in Qatar, Oman, UAE, Jordan, Lebanon and all the other countries in the middle east while it is imported as Skyline (with Skyline badges and letter S in SW and WC..in Kuwait only amazing why !!?? what is left now !!!!!!! about 5 pcs in Oman 5 in Lebanon 3 Jordan 7 in saudi including mine 5 UAE 2 Qatar 5 Syria 5 Iraq and about 150 pcs in Kuwait !!!!! BTW Kuwait is only 650 KM from my village nowadays about 500 pcs in Kuwait 150 what is left from what was originaly imported and 350 personally imported about 40 from europe 300 from Aust and 10 others (this information is my own estimation as a lover since 1981....) and the # is increasing C210 ( the as C110 story) all cars that imported to our Middle east area are with the following chassis # C110 sedan HLGC110 00 XXXX brand GT only ( no GL, no GTR, no GTX ...) C110 coupe KHLGC110 00 XXXX mine KHLGC110 00 5019 same only GT C210 sd HLGC210 00 XXXX for Kuwait and MLGC210 for Qatar and others C210 Cp KHLGC210 00 XXXX OGT our agencies in the 60's and 70's and early 80's imported as well the C10 four cylinder (non independent suspension) sedan and box which no collector like (one scrap in Al Ahsa (east of Saudi Arabia up to this moment have about 20 rust pcs.... C110 & C210 four cylinder (NIS) we don't like them , we use them as spare parts , we call them 180K some collector feel shy to ride them. hope less than one month youll see photos (remember previously when tried to put some in some forums . no access the camera which I lost was 4 mega pixle and most of forum dont allow such a like this size. winzip don't know how to use any way I'll try to get help by one of my computer sp. friend regarding . patient and happy.
  25. Schwiplarkin when I bought my 1976 240k,the previous owner told me he but an L28 machine ( from datsun cedric 330 ) and what he did for the oil pump as a solution he cutted it and extended it with a piece of pipe and he returned back the oil pan of the original 240K machine ( the L24 ),cos you can't but the L28 oil pan, no clearance !!! that is what he told me .....

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