Everything posted by mar2c
difference between FWD and RWD
try driving a FWD and a RWD in the snow. the handling difference is very easy to tell, especially when you're trying to accelerate!
My new plates
Motorsports Auto car show
unfortunately I have to miss it this year. I'm not as close as I was last year. Steve - I'm sure that the CCZCC will be well represented! Wish I was there!
Z's of Nebraska Meeting Today
hey, where is there more info on this club ? I just moved to NE from CA 6 months ago. I drove my Z around before all the snow hit, but only ever saw 1 other 1st gen... where are they all ???????
I am now Z less
Vic, THIS SUCKS !!! I can't imagine getting a car stolen. To be honest, it's one of the reasons I'm glad I don't live in California any more. I'll be thinking good thoughts. Hope you find it soon, and all in one piece. I was just looking through my MSA pics from last year, and as it turns out, I snapped a shot of your car. Best of luck to you!
MSA 2002 - Is this your Z ?
this photo was taken at 2002 MSA show. It looks almost EXACTLY like the one my dad had. Is the owner a CZCC member ? PM me, please !
What Kind of Radio Do You Have?
just a regular Pioneer CD player...something to listen to the tunes on. it's a detachable face unit I have also put Pioneer 150W speakers behind the factory speaker covers, so on the inside, it all looks stock. I am also one of those who REFUSE to cut holes in the door panels and put speakers in the door. The thing I really like about how my stereo install came out...I still have manual control of the antenna. I have moved the swith since this picture was taken, but it still works the way it should Pioneer Radio
Clutch Bleed
my 78 has the bleeder at the slave as well...
r.i.p my z loving friend
My parents found this in a newspaper just days after we had to put our dog to sleep years ago. DOGS DON’T HAVE SOULS, DO THEY? I remember bringing you home. You were so small and cuddly with your tiny paws and soft fur. You bounced around the room with eyes flashing and ears flopping. Once in a while you’d let out a little yelp just to let me know this was your territory. Making a mess of the house and chewing on everything in sight became a passion, and when I scolded you, you just put your head down and looked up at me with those innocent eyes as if to say: “I’m sorry, but I’ll do it again as soon as you’re not watching.†As you got older, you protected me by looking out the window and barking at everyone walking by. When I had a tough day at work, you would be waiting for me with your tail wagging just to say, “Welcome home. I missed you.†I could always count on you to be there. When I sat down to read the paper and watch TV, you would hop on my lap looking for attention. You never asked for anything more than to have me pat your head so you could go to sleep with your head over my leg. As you got older, you moved around more slowly. Then one day, old age finally took its toll and you couldn’t stand on those wobbly legs anymore. I knelt down and patted you lying there, trying to make you young again. You just looked up at me as if to say you were old and tired and that after all these years of not asking for anything, you had to ask me to do one last favor. With tears in my eyes, I drove you one last time to the vet. For some strange reason you were able to stand up in the animal hospital. Perhaps it was your sense of pride. As the vet led you away, you stopped for an instant, turned your head and looked at me as if to say: “Thank you for taking care of me.†I thought, “No – thank you for taking care of me.†Author – Charles B. Wells, Jr. Appeared in Ann Landers, 4/10/92
What is in my 78 Z
not entirely a true statement. my 78 is a factory 4 speed. according to the 1978 dealer brochure, the 5 speed and the auto transmissions are referred to as "optional".
Income poll...
put us in the 40-60 range, now that Jenna doesn't work anymore. well, the twins definitely keep her busy, but she doesn't get paid to take care of them. anyway, regardless of HOW MUCH we make, I've found that my money now goes ALOT farther since I don't have to make a CA house payment, or pay $2 a gallon for gas !!! Steve, if we could move the CCZCC and all our Zs to Omaha, life would be perfect ! no smog test for those curious (or worried)
Horn Pad model differences
that's the same horn pad I have on my '78
Shift knob: what is it made of?
sounds like an MSA after market knob...definitely not stock, though
all hooked up..
well, i'm not really the best one to ask about registration prices...military nonresidents usually get a break on car licensing...in CA I paid $42 a vehicle, as we are exempt from the VLF. in Nebraska..$29 for tags. sorry guys !
all hooked up..
CA Z leaving CA
Driving a 1977 Z across the country
Interesting timing. I just moved from Vandenberg AFB (Santa Maria, CA area) to Omaha NE myself. Unfortunately, I trailered the Z instead of driving it. Bummer, because it's not that bad a drive. I still haven't moved into my place yet. Haven't been able to assess the Z scene here yet either. I've seen a few Z31s driving around, but nothing too exciting. Anyway, regarding your 3rd stop...stop in Cheyenne ! It only takes 45 minutes to get from Cheyenne to Pine Bluffs, and there is NOTHING in between except for a few gas stations and a SHITLOAD of tumbleweeds. There is not much of a Z scene in Cheyenne..I just spent 2 days in Cheyenne..saw a 76 driving around town that was in BAD shape rust wise. Winters are pretty tough there. there is a Holiday Inn right there off I-80. If you're looking for a good place to eat/drink, try a place called SANFORD'S. it's downtown on 17th. the ride from Cheyenne to Omaha will be fun. Lots of high wind areas. When you get into Nebraska on I-80, look off to the fenced area on the right at Exit 29 in Dix. That is K-11, one of the nuclear missiles I used to be responsible for when I was stationed in Cheyenne a few years back. Exit 59 is the world famous Cabelas. If you're into hunting/fishing, then stopping there is a MUST. Enjoy your trip !
1978 280Z Floor mats
I bought the 280Z embroidered mats from MSA as well LOVE EM ! I think they look so much better than just plain black mats...
Pea brain security
...but typical
Immaculately Restored 1972 240Z For Sale
first of all...very nice work ! the car looks good. especially the engine compartment. I wish you luck getting 12.5K for it...some things that might hinder a purist from offering: 1) white door panels and plastic trim, instead of black 2) the speakers drilled into the front door 3) the carpet instead of the diamond vinyl 4) the dash cap instead of a full dash 5) aftermarket mirror on passenger side 6) the plastic headlight covers 7) THE SUNROOF !! just my $.02
- Dash-Caps
Emblem Missing ?
my wife's '77 that she drove in high school was a factory original 5 speed, and she did have that 5 speed logo on the left side of the hatch. on trucks, it used to be even worse. dealers used to engrave the dealer name AND location on the rear bumpers. thankfully, I haven't seen that done in awhile. my father-in-law once walked away from a new car purchase because the dealer INSISTED that a dealer tag was going to have to be added (drilled, not taped) to the car....stupid salesman cost himself a sale....
anyone here in the Omaha area ??
we bought a 1700 sg ft place, built in '98. 2 car garage, fenced yard and a deck. 150K !!
anyone here in the Omaha area ??
good to know. we bought a place in La Vista, right about where 72d and Giles cross. Ardmore East. you'll see it driving around there in 2 months !!
for those who trailer their Z
Steve, I'm surprised you didn't try to talk me out of my Z before I take it away !! I know your wife wouldn't give you any grief if it were sitting in your garage !