1973 240z - Local help
Thanks Steve. That is not too far.
Hello members
I am in Mid-town area near Venice/Washington. By the Wilshire police station.
1973 240z - Local help
Thanks Gary!
1973 240z - Local help
I need electrical assistance in Los Angeles,CA. Does anyone know a local place they can refer me too or someone that has 240z that is knowledgable. My car does not start and needs to be local. Thanks in advance.
1973 240z - needs electrical help!
Thanks again Arne. I am at lost with how the interior should look like on the passenger side where all of the relays are. Everything there is hanging loose. Do you happen to have any pictures so I can get a idea. I also removed the dash to fix it and placed it back again. I also replaced some bad wires by the coil. I know cannot start the car and not sure where to start. I did remove the coil and had it tested. I also checked the wires and it seems to in place. Not sure...
Hello members
Thanks Arne. I am looking forward on all of the new things I can learn here. I appreciate the welcome.
1973 240z - needs electrical help!
Hello everyone, I have been working on my vehicle for a while and have not been able to figure out what the previous owner did with all of the electrical. I think I may need to replace the wiring harnesses or pay someone to help me. I am not exactly sure how everything is supposed to be connected because they cut wires everywhere. Can anyone refer me to a place or person that can assist. I also need to know where I can purchase a new harness. I live in Los Angeles, CA Thanks, Desperate...
Hello members
I am new to the Z- world. I have a 1973 240z. I am slowly fixing my vehicle and any assitance would be appreciated. Thank you in advance....