Everything posted by zanthus
Painting / Spraying Question
wipe them down lightly with rubbing alcohol (test on a smaller area first but it should be fine) to remove any grease from you hands after the W&G remover just to be safe and then where gloves. I will look pretty.
lighting issues...help us!
Search the forum about cleaning your combo switch. That sounds like it might be the problem. Now if you don't have a combo switch thats an entirely different problem and that sucks.
I've been in an accident!
At least it wasn't one of the Hyundai's or the Z. Nice to hear your okay. Man, after everyone else saying that it really doesn't have that good of a ring to it....Least your still kickin'?? Is that better?
What does your Z want for the Holidays?
She would like a wiring harness bad so she can flash people. Not to mention a lighter front end she's feeling alittle fat.
My lights suck.
Thats what I was going to try and do but since I still have so many wires that are cut I'm going to atleast look at a hopefully unmolested wiring harness to figure out where my wires go and see if I'm missing anything. Thanks for the info about the relays I was really confused on that I replaced the flasher already and the turn signals didn't work after that. I'll try some more things and let people know incase they have the same problem.
My lights suck.
I did find out that my turn signals weren't working because someone had jacked up that little piece of harness that goes to the middle console. I'm in the process of going to Danny's Datsun probably sometime next weekend and getting a harness from one of his cars. Here's hoping I only need one.
yeah and the exhaust does sound good I love that game I'd be willing to play I just gotta get live.
My Harness is screwed.
Thanks alot Arne, I'll try to give him a call soon.
My Harness is screwed.
So in order to get my headlights and parking lights and turn signals to work I started tracing a bunch of wires. I started at the hazzard switch and down by the fuse box only to find out that one whole connector had melted. Not only that but I have wire ends all over the place and I don't know where to start. I've looked on ebay and it seems that someone has one part of the wiring harness. The best part of that is he lives in my home town so I wont have to pay for shipping. I just hope that he has the other parts or can get them for me. If anyone knows where I might be able to get a new harness that would be great. I've done a search and none of the sites mentioned in previous threads carry the harness. Does anyone know the number of the Z junkyard in Roseburg, Oregon? I think that is where it is at. I wanna see if he has a harness I can buy to make my life easier. Oh Happy Thanksgiving.
My lights suck.
Thanks for all the info I'll probably do it later on this morning. But now my parking lights are blowing fuses and I haven't done anything but replace the bulbs. Do any of you have an idea where I can start looking for the relay for the headlights? I'd love to be able to drive the car sometime soon.
Flywheel Bolts
Thats odd. My 280 only had 6 bolts.
My turn signals are dead.
well it seems that I'm having a little trouble as well. My parking lights wont work. I keep on blowing fuses and I'm not sure why. I've traced wires and I don't see anything grounding out. The weird part is they were working 3 weeks ago the last time I worked on it. Is there something that might potentialy go wrong? What would be the best way to clean the bulb sockets because they are a little corroded and thats about the only thing I can think of why I would be blowing fuses. Any other ideas?
My turn signals are dead.
If your dash lights are also not working I'd check your fuse.
msa performance exhaust, 6-1 header with pics
As do I on my 280z I love the sound it puts out. Though I have a rattle somewhere that I will deal with at a later date.
side markers yes or no?
I've always liked the side marker lights. I vote to keep them.
My H.I.D.'s
And Darbji and I are the only two on the site that like the good old Crooked H
headlights won't work
What about the engine grounds on the 280, anyone know where they are? Or is it the same as the 240?
Aside from Zs, what else takes your money?
Oh lets see, I spend a lot on my wife. Other cars Airsoft- because when I shoot people with it I don't go to jail for murder Tools thats where a lot of it goes. Video games,I love my video games.
headlights won't work
Stupid question time. Where do I check to see how many amps are going through my plugs. I've got a multi meter I just haven't figured it out yet and my headlights don't work. I have cleaned the combo switch however.
Need advice on this rust please
My hatch has the same problem. What was the website? I'd really love to get it fixed.
LS1 Swap into 240Z
If your really interested MSA (thezstore.com) sells a 350 v8 conversion kit and other items you might need with it but I'd go ahead and check out hybridz.org. Just giving you a little help.
Replacing the roof?
You also have to take into consideration that when your welding your heating the metal that isn't all that thick so you'll have to watch out for metal warping. Go slow and take your time, if you do that and get the curvature correct you should be fine.
Replacing the roof?
Yeah shops can put that roof on for ya. It's probably gonna cost a pretty penny because they have to reinforce everything on the inside to keep it all square. They should be able to do it, heck, I've seen them do it. Hope it all goes well. I'd start calling shops now to get a quote.
Destiny is not with me, or my Z
And that would be the main reason why I went to school for body work and paint rather than engine. Only problem is you gotta get a make-shift paint booth. Easy if you have the room, which I do not.
First ever branded car in a videogame?
HA! Ya just gotta toot your own horn don't ya