Everything posted by zanthus
Welcome!! How long has it not been running? You could have crap in the gas tank clogging the fuel lines. I'd suggest draining the fuel dropping out the tank and having it cleaned. Also replace your fuel lines. Check the fuel pump too. Get a new fuel filter. That was what was wrong with my 78
Is someone trying to scam me?
Yeah the same thing happened to my parents while they are selling their 2003 Focus SVT. They asked a bunch of questions and never got a reply back. Total scam.
Old tmers disease...
Hey old guys, don't feel bad. I'm only 22 and improper English bugs the living crap out of me. I'm not an English major or anything like that I work as a body technician, but holy heck some people just plain don't care! I try to keep grammar the best I can but sometimes I screw up. Oh well at least, unlike my generation, I try. Just figured that some of you would like to know that even us young pups still care.
Console help?
I took apart my middle console again to see if I could get the hazards to work but no luck. I did however find about 4 wires there, 3 under the steering column, and about 6 around the fuse box that are all disconnected or clipped with nothing that it seems they connect to. Anyone with a 280 can you take pics of those areas and send them to me so I might be able to see if I'm missing any plugs or anything? I've looked at the wiring diagrams and they don't tell me anything that I don't already know and I don't want to have to rip the harness out. But if I do does anyone have any Idea where I could get a new one?
My lights suck.
new lights was the first thing I did.
My lights suck.
So I've been up since before the Butt-crack of dawn and I decided to remove and inspect the turn signal side of the switch so I could see if I can get the lights to work. I've taken it all apart, cleaned it, and put it all back together. No luck. The head lights still will not work unless I have my brights on. Any other ideas? Oh the Turn signals still don't work either. Is there a turn signal relay?
Members 240Z on front page of new X-Box game site
I love using the Z in that game its my most heavily modified car . Oh the beauty.
My lights suck.
So I got the car to run but the headlights don't work. I can turn the combo switch on and the parking lights work. When turning it so the headlights are on they don't come on. I can use my brights though, so I don't think its the combo switch (I took it apart and cleaned it anyway though) and its not a fuse I've checked and I've got power to the fusebox. Does anyone have anywhere else that is a notorious problem that I should start looking at so I don't just start tearing into things? Also my turn signals don't work. Any help on that one? All the other lights work but headlights and turn signals. Kinda need them in the winter though. Thanks.
What do I do now? Or Help me!
I feel your pain. My dad and I just went though this with his project of a 65 ford pickup. My Z is in the garage so his pickup is outside. The neighbors complained, and apparently in Oregon or maybe the city I live in. It doesn't matter if the car is covered or even in your back yard if it is missing 3 vital components to the car running or it is not in running condition and not titled in Oregon with current tags they can come in and tow it away. Even out of your back yard!
Flooding badly
stupid question but what about your dist. cap? have you double checked the order because mine was doing the same thing and I had the plugs in the correct order just going the wrong direction. Just a thought.
Replacement hood
How much are they? Anyone got a Dealer I can go though? The guys where I live say there is no way they can order any. I think they are lazy. They suck.
Anyone here drive thier Z during the Winter ?
Ah yes but maybe some other day. Lets just say it involves an 81 vw rabbit and a saws-all :laugh:
Anyone here drive thier Z during the Winter ?
Well seeing that my Z was in the garage all spring and summer. I finally got it running so today I pulled it out of the garage and drove it for the FIRST time up and down my street. The old man at the end chased me with a rake...again. Then back into the garage she went. I kinda need to take care of the rust hole in the front left frame next to the sugar scoop and in the rear on the flat above the tail lights. So it looks like she will stay garaged for the winter. Good thing too cuz she also doesn't have a passenger door or either fender and it rains like heck around here till about may.
Ever feel like an Idiot?
Well I was planning to rebuild the lower end sometime after I replaced the head and gasket. Once gasket was replaced I started the car only to find out 15 minutes later that my oil pump wasn't working...SOOO I rebuilt my engine sooner than expected. Like I said, lots of learning experiences. Lots.
Ever feel like an Idiot?
well I can't feel too bad since this is the first car I've tried to rebuild. Learning experience, lots of them.
Flooding badly
My guess would be yes. I wasn't getting fuel so I put fuel into it and jumped the cold start like I had been before and then tried starting it. The car was flooded. I took out the plugs cleaned gas off them and let it evaporate from the engine. Put the plugs back in hooked up the wires and it fired first try. So yeah the CSV could be a huge problem.
Weather Strip Kit
Yeah I'd go through Black Dragon. Shipping will probably suck either way but at least you have the company go back to if something is wrong.
Ever feel like an Idiot?
Boy do I sure feel stupid. Here I've been for the last month or so tearing everything apart in my 280 to find out why it won't run. I've tested computer components and wiring, dropped the gas tank cleaned it, put in new injectors, I've done it all. Even with all of that the car wouldn't run. So I'm sitting in my basement with the FI bible and my FSM scanning through everything I can and then it hits me all of a sudden; Maybe it's out of gas? I didn't think of that first because well nothing on this car has been remotely that easy and I had chucked a few gallons into it before pulling the engine for a rebuild. So as it turns out I just needed 5 gallons of gas. I put that in and she fires right up. No hesitation or anything so boy do I feel like an idiot. Any of you have similar stories?
Flooding badly
Will it hurt anything if I leave it where its at? It just seems that the electrical going to the Cold start valve isn't working or the AFM I'm not sure which. Once I hotwire the Cold start valve it will idle perfectly fine. When I try and rev the engine it chokes and dies.
Flooding badly
Is it a problem that my fuel pump is on when I turn the key into the on possession? I'm not sure but it has done that ever sense I got it. I've replaced the temp sending unit and the thermo-time switch. Is there anything else I can do? How would I get my fuel pump to only come on when I crank then engine?
Flooding badly
Just fine as far as I know. I'm not quite sure how to test them though.
Flooding badly
Old thread new problem. Rebuilt bottom end, I'm not sure what is wrong with the car, its either getting flooded with gas or starved. The car will start then after a while it will die. Replaced the temp sender and thermotime switch. Also dropped the gas tank and cleaned it out along with installing a new fuel filter. I have no leaks in the system and when I take the plugs out it doesn't smell like gas as it would if it was flooding. Any other ideas? The cold start valve doesn't seem to be working either. The only way it seems to get the car started is to bridge the Cold Start Valve to the battery like you would if you were de-pressurizing the system. Could the problem be in the ECU? Help?
where to buy internals?
I used black dragon for most of my internals and then used the local shops for everything else.
Finally Running! Break in time.
Well, Thanks to all the help from everyone on the site my 280 has the engine rebuilt and the bugs worked out and it runs like a champ. I was wondering if there is anything special I should do to break the engine in so I can get some better life outta it?
Vacuum help.
Okay so I've finally rebuilt my engine to my 280z and it actually runs. The only problem is the PO had the vacuum lines so jerry-rigged that I have no idea what goes to where. Most of them were not connected in the first place when I got the car. I have searched the Forums found the HVAC diagram and I have the FSM and it really doesn't seem to help too much. Does anyone have a better picture?