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Everything posted by brushie1320022

  1. As most of you see my avatar is a bunch of Lamborghini's. I have gotten a few chances to drive these cars. From Diablo's to Gallardo's.On one outing my boss had a photo shoot set up in Carmel. Well my boss didnt want to drive. To make a long story short me and my son(who is 9 ) got to drive the yellow Gallardo in my avatar to 17 mile drive and all around Carmel.Not to brag but my SON loved it.It was the best time of his life.Now when we move we are going to get our first Z and do the whole rebuilding thing together.NOW its not a Lamborghini but it will be fun and exciting to do it together...
  2. sounds good.Another website. But im really happy here. All the info i need i can find with the members of classic z cars. Thanks for the offer...
  3. How are the jobs out there? I have been a welder/fabricator for 18 years.I think i should have no problem finding a job.
  4. Obewon send me some pics of the snow thats on the ground now.Thanks Brian.. I did PM you so get ahold of me sometime.
  5. No our mind is pretty much made up..were going.The only problen is the shop foreman where i work offered me 100,000 for a down payment on a house here in California, The deal is after 3 years i have to refinance the house and pay him back. Now the cheapest house where i live is around 400,000.Colorado springs for the same house is 160,000. So Im most likely moving to colorado unless my payments here can be around 1500 a month. But we will see.
  6. Yes I will be there on valintines day.My wife hates me for coming on that day. But will be looking for work and a house that week. Hopefully the weather is a little better by then.
  7. I have been a welder for 18 years. Depends on how close your gaps are in your metal.How thick. Tig welding is good on thin. But you have to weld a little and let it cool. It will warp because of the heat. Or you can just spot weld with the mig.
  8. Car looks nice. Welcome to the club
  9. Im hoping the weather is a little better in the Denver area in the week coming.Taking a big step in buying a house in the Springs area. Any members out in the area let me know. Mabe we can hook up and talk some stories.
  10. I think e-bay charges enough money for listing and final sale.If you and the buyer can complete the sale without e-bay all the better...
  11. somtimes I have to put my user name and password 3 times before it will let me in...And yes I do spell it right...
  12. If you did alot of the PREP work before you take it to get painted you would save some cash..
  13. It does sound like an exhaust sucking in the air...But what do I know...
  14. welcomeeeeeee to the clubbbbbbbbbbbbb
  15. Welcome to the club...Lots of knowledge in here
  16. 4 years without REG..You better check with the DMV to see the fines to re register.. Might not be that much since it is an older car but I would still check..
  17. Dont forget Brushie..You have my number..
  18. I was wondering how much are these winndsheilds worth if you can find them new or in good condition used..
  19. I have been a welder for 20 years and you dont shrink by a torch. Atorch only expands the metal and it gets warped. Shrinking metal is hard. Cold does shrink metal. But it has to be a very cold stream to shrink it. Dont know if this helps but thought i would tell you
  20. 1000 miles is a good road trip..
  21. Get some MARVELS MYSTERY OIL and put it in there...This stuff works great...Just let it sit for awhile...
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