Modernized 240Z?
Hey all, It's been a while since I posted on here, a lot has changed in the past few months! I'm not sure if this is old news but my brother emailed me pictures of what looks like a modern 240z. Anyone have anymore info on this?
First Car: 1972 240Z
Beautiful man. Beautiful.
Opinions on this 1973 240z?
Advice taken! And thanks about the avatar, I made it in illustrator if you wanna mess with it. I made a 13x19 poster in brown to match my room and I think i wanna put it on a tshirt soon
Opinions on this 1973 240z?
Yes it is, i love it
Opinions on this 1973 240z?
Good point - thanks for the input. My brother has someone to check the car in Kansas City, so I'll make a checklist of things that you mentioned.
Opinions on this 1973 240z?
I thought I'd run this by you folks, since this might be my first Z car purchase. I have a chance to buy this car for $4,500 and I wanted to see if you guys thought it was worth it. The engine was rebuilt 15,000 miles ago and a performance cam and valves were put in. There seems to be rust on the fender and door hinge. Other than that, the car looks nice, but I'm a little worried after seeing a rusted 260z last night (even the floor was rusted through). The car is in another city, so my brother and I would have to fly there and drive it back. Opinions?
Seized Header Nut - Help?
Hey all, sorry to resurrect a long-dead thread, but I just wanted to thank yall for all the help. I got a can of kroil and a set of craftsman bolt-out sockets for rounded nut heads. They worked perfectly together! I installed the aftermarket header and it sounds great. here are the casualties:
Members 240Z on front page of new X-Box game site
I know it's a month old, but great read! Whenever I visit, I always get sucked in and end up spending hours reading various posts
Seized Header Nut - Help?
Gotcha, Carl. Thanks for all the great help!
Seized Header Nut - Help?
Thanks a lot, you guys have been more than helpful! Let me try this out and see if it works. Carl, is this bernzomatic torch enough to get the nut red-hot?
Seized Header Nut - Help?
Ah, good idea david. I tried a snug fitting ratchet & socket and it's still seized so hard that it just turns after enough force
Seized Header Nut - Help?
Well, I went to home depot and got bottle of MAPP gas + the nozzle extension. I let the nut sit under the flame but not enough to get red-hot. By stripped, I mean the nut isn't exactly hexagonal as the vertices have been deformed by the wrench. So the wrench moves, but the nut doesnt.
Seized Header Nut - Help?
I wish that I was asking for help with a 240z, but unfortunately I don't have one yet. Since a lot of you seem to have experience working with all kinds of problems on cars (namely aged and exposed ones), I thought I'd give it a shot here. I have a sentra, but nuts are nuts, right? It seems that the dealership impact-wrenched the 14mm header nuts extra hard when they replaced it last year. I'm tring to put on an aftermarket header, but I'm having a crazy-hard time getting the nuts off. I sprayed them with PB blaster anti-seize and let them soak for a few hours. Came back with and they didn't bulge. SoI got a blow torch and heated them for a while so they'd expand - nothing. Now three of them are pretty badly stripped and rounded off. anyone have any ideas on how to get these stubborn nuts off?
How long have you had your Z?
Awesome. So they've grown to share your love of the 240z, eh? Talk about keeping it in the family...
New member here - long time enthusiast
Carl, Definitely A, with the exception of the "original factory" spec. Having limited knowledge about the intricacies of the 240z, I've long dreamt of putting in a modern powerplant, suspension, and brakes. I've also been toying with the idea of a modern interior. I'd like to run into a 240 that isn't completely rusted, but I understand that rust is inevitable with 30 year old cars. And one of the daunting things to think about is sourcing out old and rare replacement parts. Hopefully as a industrial design student at UH, I'll learn a lot of important skills that will aid me in a future restoration. As of now, the only way I'd get my hands on a 240z anytime soon would be to slowly save up for one, so I can do plenty of research in the meantime