New Bushings
Hey thanks guys. Looks like I'll be going mostly oem rubber. Does anyone have a parts list and numbers for Nissan or another place to get all the bushings?
New Bushings
What would your recommendation be for a replacement because mine are quite worn and I would like to get them replaced.
New Bushings
I am wanting to replace all of the bushings in my 71z. I found a kit on Amazon, but I don't want it to be too stiff. I am wondering if anyone has had any experience with the Amazon complete kits. I am trying to achieve close to oem ride quality, something I would be able to daily drive on my long commute and not ruin my back. Thanks Energy Suspension 7.18101G Hyperflex Master Kit for Datsun 240Z https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004ALDDD6/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_-Q2bvb0XAYJ28 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004ALDDD6/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_-Q2bvb0XAYJ28
MidLifeCrisiz started following New Bushings
240Z at Sam's Club
Here is what I bought tonight. Looks like packaging might be a little different than the Sam's Club version after a second look.
240Z at Sam's Club
FYI Stopped at Costco in Grafton, Wisconsin tonight. They had at least 6 of the 1971 240Z collectibles in their Christmas season gifts area. Yellow and Orange colors. Both had California plates 755DAR and hubcaps, boxes were marked correctly. Same Maistro packaging and look as shown in Nota280's post from July from Sam's Club. I bought one of the Orange ones for $11.88 at Costco.
What's it worth?
seller is 2nd owner of the car, didn't ask him how long he has owned it has original bill of sale and manuals has all receipts for any repair work and maintenance he works at a Nissan dealer and has had the service mechanic at the dealership perform any of the service work while he's owned it Original paint is his belief the tires on the car are the ones that were on it when he bought it No rust and wants me to come and see it to prove it I'm going to take a trip and check it out next week...will report back after that
What's it worth?
I stumbled on this one a week or so ago. Have been exchanging emails from the owner. Here is what he has told me so far, I haven't seen it in person yet: 1973 Datsun 240z under 20,000 original actual miles Burnt orange w/black interior, automatic He has TLC'd this car and stored for most of it's life. He has other cars and cycles. Sounds as though he runs it every year though. I have asked about running condition and any work done as well as records. Should get info tomorrow on that. I really don't need another car...but...if this can be had for the right price...what do you all think? what would it be worth? It's in Wisconsin. I know it isn't the most desirable as a '73 with auto and flat tops. How would you even go about verifying that the mileage is true...not a disconnected odometer for an extended period. I have seen some of you reveal great knowledge skills by reviewing pictures...nows your chance. Any thoughts on value or general impressions of car? Thanks, Steve
Just a little donor car dilemma
Yep, previous owner was going to a 5spd and V8, plans were to dirt track race her. From what I can tell using a magnet on the traditionally susceptible rust areas, I have good metal...of course no telling for sure until I remove paint.
Just a little donor car dilemma
John, sorry didn't answer your question about "where in Wisconsin". I live in Manitowoc...for those tuning in on this...small city right on the shores of Lake Michigan 40 miles south of Green Bay and the currently frozen tundra. I saw your dot on the map registry some time back...I think we are the only 2 listed in Wisconsin...there are others but not active on this site that I have seen. Steve
Just a little donor car dilemma
Thanks guys. I've looked at the patch options, but I've read and been told by others that they don't match up real well and a body guy would still have to do a lot of shaping. I won't be doing the body work myself so figured if i could find good to excellent originals it would be cheaper and better in the long run. But hey that is why I posted...now that i have more than just the Tabco option I was looking for some opinions. I appreciate the input.
Just a little donor car dilemma
Just acquired a '73 body for a donor for my '71. I posted pictures in my album. Seems to be very solid at least where I need it to be, but now I'm feeling just a little guilt that I'm going to cut her up to make my '71 pretty. Short history...my '71 is very sound mechanically, 89k miles, strong structurally, and I have cleaned up the interior with new seat upholstery,etc... The bad...PO added fiberglass flares bonded over original steel and left no "weep holes". Also has a cracked windshield. So the midwest weather took it's toll and it needs new fenders, rear quarters and dog legs as well as new paint. So the plan is to strip the '73 of what I need and sell/dispose of the rest. I am always interested in viewing everyone else's projects and photos...so thought I would share some back. Sorry the car is extremely dirty and didn't photograph very well. It just came out of a 15" snow drift a week ago and it's only 5 degrees here in Wisconsin. Giving it a bath was out of the question right now. PO needed cash, the barn it had been in was collapsing, so it was pulled outside to rot, luckily I got to it first...I think I hit pay dirt for the midwest!:classic:
Stock 71 240z needs tires, pics please
put new Kumho Solus KR21 - P185 70R14's on last year, only seen about 200 miles so far since we have a little issue called snow up here! They hold the corners great and look great on the car. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/album.php?albumid=87&pictureid=532 I have them installed on my donor car right now, but no pictures, if you like I can shoot one tomorrow.
Clutch Slave opinions
Marty, I'm in need of the same part but for my '71. Based on Arnie's advice, when you do the research do you mind sharing what you find out? I'm out of town for the next week and it might narrow down my search for a '71 part if the same holds true on price. Thanks in advance if you can share anything you uncover, Steve
Are Reproduction parts a good thing or an evil thing
Esprist, thanks for the response and idea. Adamr, I'll PM you. thanks, Steve
Are Reproduction parts a good thing or an evil thing
Espirit, i went back and reread my first post...I'm confusing the situation with my post. I was agreeing with you that a reproduction part is very acceptable, especially when you can't visibly tell that it isn't original or it can't be found anymore. I am in need of a hazard switch and would love to know if there are any reproduction hazard switches made before I succumb to putting in a 30 year old replacement switch. I thought maybe the manufacturer of the reproduction fog light switch is maybe also producing the hazard switch for a '71. Do you know who that manufacturer is? Hopefully this clears up my comments and questions. Thanks and sorry for the confusion. Steve