good ? i was wondering the same thing my self.So i did some only some looking around but have't seen nothen! So good luck and let me know something too when you find out anything weasel240z, z_panic,thx!
I checked the ignition resistor and the coil with a meter I got today and the wires that go to the coil. No voltage is running through the coil at all.
I am buying a rebilt 260 motor for my z,knowing that the motor thats in it is just about gone! I plan on buying a supercharger,lightwhigt flywheel,and headeraswell.I'm almost shur my z has an lsd. Along with some suspension work as well as a crbonfiber hood my deam z will be closer to riality!!!I will put pics and up dates on my z as much as posible.I am open to sudgestions,and new to the z world."Tanx!!!" Z_Panic
I have an electronic distributor. I also don't have a meter or an indicator light to let me know how many volts I am getting. So...any more suggestions? Thanks for the suggestion hd240z
The Coil on my Z is fine, but when I go to start it, I don't get any fire from my coil. My restrictor is also fine. I traced the wires down and I can't seem to find the problem. I am a new owner of a 1974 260 Z, and I have no "How-to" or "do it yourself" books to help me. So, any suggestions would be welcome. I NEED MY CAR FIXED! Help! I can't get to work without it!!! I miss driving it really bad. :sleepy: :disappoin