Everything posted by 240 4U2NV
Gauge Illumination
this may not be exactly what you were looking for but try checking out speedhut.com, they have gauges for 240 and 280z's in development.
SpeedHut Guages
just to answer your question yes they can make them in metric ( kmh instead of mph) but as for the price for you it just sucks.
SpeedHut Guages
Go ahead and spread the word where you can, i posted to several sites and mailing lists and we got six orders. I had at least 25 people tell me they would be ordering for sure or i wouldnt have wasted my time but now it seems everyone is short on money or something. Im sure we will get there though just may take a little longer then we want it to. Hang in there everyone
update on speed hut indiglo gauges
Well guys they are up, let the preordering begin! Dont forget to tell everyone you know about these gauges so that we can get to our 20 as soon as posssible!!
update on speed hut indiglo gauges
Zed, It would seem that you are right about the dimmer thing, maybe the guy i talked to was not one of the tech people but a sales person instead or maybe they have changed the style of inverters they use recently to include the dimmer or the other way around. I will check back with them again and see what they say could have also been just a misunderstanding on my part, we talked about several different things i might have been confusing them. I will also ask about mounting of the 6 color controlls, looks like maybe they have a sticky sheet on the back and you just stick them to whatever, also could be you have to cut out a square hole and then there is a bracket that goes behind but i will get a for sure answer later this week. It would be great if you posted that pic for everyone to use, i really like the idea of having a z on my gauge faces. Maybe if we get enough interest in haveing the z put on it will become one of the logos in their clip art gallery so we dont have to each send in the file. How many of you would like the z logo added? Keep the questons coming and tell everyone about these gauges the quicker we get our 20 orders the quicker we get our kits.
electrical relay? '73 Z
it is the throttle opener relay, look at the wiring diagram in the fsm it is the only thing that has the right combination of wires in it.
update on speed hut indiglo gauges
The problem is that they cant set a specific date untill they get the 20 preorders because it could take a week or a month to get them but you raise and interesting point, I bet there are more people out there in your same situation, I guess you can wait untill after the origianal 20 orders and then just order like you would from a regular mail order place, although they seem to have a good business going for someplace out to rip people off. I think i will check them out a little more and see if anything turns up maybe ease some minds, I will also bring this up to them next time i call and see what alternatives they suggest. Ill let you know what i find out.
update on speed hut indiglo gauges
I just got off the phone with speedhut, they will have our guages up for preorder by the middle of next week. They also said that after we get our 20 preorders (maybe less it is based on the amount of materials the kit uses) then they will begin "tooling" which takes 6-8 weeks. After the tooling is done your credit cards will be charged the full price of the kit (not 100 as a deposit and then 20-30 later for shiping ect) and then you will get your kits about 10 days after your credit card is charged. I also got some questions that were e-mailed to me answered: 1. Those of you with out access to digital cameras or good scaners, take your gauge pictures with a 35mm camera and have them developed onto one of those kodak picture cds-these are good enough quality to base the new faces on. 2. I was e-mailed a question about dimming the indiglo light, speedhut says that you can hook up the factory dimmer but in some cases it causes strange side effects but that the color inverter functions like a dimmer with green being brighter and blue being darker. 3. I wondered about the heater controls and maybe getting a matching indiglo kit for them-- they said it is a posibility and maybe even included with the gauge kit but they will need a donor heater pannel for each time the layout changed. Anyone got parts cars with ok heater panels?? Im sure it could be worked out that the first person to send in the heater panel for a given year would get $20 off or something like that but there will have to be interest in it and then i will have to talk to speed hut. What do you all think?
1/4 mile times
the 12 second guy refered to above is Norm, he runs a l26 with su's and runs in the 12's. Go to zcar.com then click on the 07-83 tech forum in the uper left corner and then click on search at the top of the page. When the page comes up search for norm or norms engine or something like that and you should find a bunch of hits, he has posted his setup several times.
everything ive ever seen says that in the later 240z's Datsun used slightly thicker metal to make the unibody part of the car.
electrical relay? '73 Z
thought that your question sounded familer so i looked back and i answered it once before for someone else, check out this thread on zcar.com Click here for your answer Long story short your car should work without it. As for the fuel pump question are you sure you have an electric one, i know 73 are supposed to but mine doesnt and never did, not trying to insult you or anything just covering the bases. Always check the basics and work back to more complicated, if you fried that then it is possible that there was some sort of electrical spike and you fried other relays/components as well.
electrical relay? '73 Z
I just went through and rewired my entire 73 240z and i can tell you that the relay on the firewall is emission controll related, i cant remember exactly what it is called right now but if you wait till wednesday i can look it up and tell you for sure what it is and does. Just in case your interested i have the relay i took off my car that i will let you have if you want one, but i am not sure if it works or not as all the emissions stuff is removed from my car now.
update on speed hut indiglo gauges
Thanks for posting that pick, i want the z logo on my guages too but was having trouble finding a good size pic to use. Any chance you have it already in the format that speedhut wants? I dont have a program that has the ability to put a jpg image in one of the two formats they specify on their web page.
update on speed hut indiglo gauges
hey guys, glad to see there is still some interest, we do need the twenty orders but i dont think that will be a problem we have 3 people here willing to go after just one day, also there are a few people from zcar.com that are interested and im sure the folks at hybridz.org will like these because they are always talking about the whiteface gauge sets or putting aftermarket gauges. Driftmonkey if you dont have a digital camera you could still get them with a regular camera then scan them, or if you dont have a scaner just have them put on one of those picture cd's instead of regular prints made of them.
custom indiglo gauges for your z car!!
To answer the question above, with the speed hut gauge kit you can order whatever color text, background, font or back light, text style, and graphics you want as part of the pre order, each individual will get their own choice of what they want. To see some of the options go to speedhut.com and just click to order for a different car and it will show you all the different colors and styles available. I guess to keep with the forum change we should really be in the interior section so i started a new post there as well. Now for the update... I just talked to the people at speed hut yesterday and they told me that they will start with our gauges next week sometime, they will be on the web site for pre-ordering sometime around wednesday the 17 of july. These gauges will be for all the z's between 69 and 78, however if you have a car that is not a 73 or 74 they will need good clear pictures of your gauges, you can wait and send them to speed hut or send them to me at abbottbd@student.gvsu.edu. Thanks to everyone who called or e-mailed speed hut or myself for the interest. Brian
update on speed hut indiglo gauges
I just talked to the people at speed hut yesterday and they told me that they will start with our gauges next week sometime, they will be on the web site for pre-ordering sometime around wednesday the 17 of july. These gauges will be for all the z's between 69 and 78, however if you have a car that is not a 73 or 74 they will need good clear pictures of your gauges, you can wait and send them to speed hut or send them to me at abbottbd@student.gvsu.edu. Thanks to everyone who called or e-mailed speed hut or myself for the interest. Brian
4.0L in a 240Z?
why does everyone insist that they dont rev up fast? I drove a jeep pickup with a five speed and a 4.0l and it reved up nearly as fast as my z does, or at least is seemed like it. Im sure it would rev up a lot faster with a lightweight flywheel on it. I thought about it but the tranny went out in the truck and a five speed for that motor is kinda rare and hard to find for a good price.
Mad parts from Japan
ok, second look maybe its not the same car but it is the same kind of intake setup it looks like. no matter how you cut it its a very nice looking motor. http://z31.com/~morgan/nd/?z/030705.jpg
"Stone Wheels"?
just a word of caution, and i dont personaly know this to be truth but i looked at a 280 near my house that had wheels like that on it and one of them came apart at 70+mph. All i have to go on is what the guy told me when i looked at the car, he said he was driving down the free way and it just came apart. The rim was in the back in about 5 peices and the fender, door and front trim were all messed up.
Mad parts from Japan
hey i have a link to another angle pic of that silver car if anyone is interested. Very very very clean engine bay!!!!
custom indiglo gauges for your z car!!
What would you like to know? The cost is going to be around 120 for all the gauges. It cannot be set for sure untill they(speedhut) get around to our gauges and what they will need to supply us with. These are similar to the white face gauge kits sold on ebay with the exception being you can get whatever you want on them and there is an indiglo sheet you put on before the face. You will have to remove the gauges and the plastic bezel on the front of them. These just screw on so its not hard. Then lay the sheets on the correct gauges and put em back together. You will also have to supply 12 from the dash light circut but that should be easy with all the lights you will no longer need to light your gauges.
Wireing Problems Questions and seeing if anyone has parts? Kind of long but plz read!
I have just started rewiring my car from the ground up, i ordered new wire (biger then the stock stuff) new waterproof connectors and some plastic looming stuff. So far i did everything from the firewall forward and have had no problems, it is more of a time consuming job then a hard one. I am doing this for much the same reason you are, at some point the fog light wires in my harness melted and so every wire forward of the radsupport was sealed in one big block of melted rubber and i had melted wires all the way back to the headlight switch. If you want i can tell you what i orderd and how i did it so far. you can e-mail me any questions you have. Good luck.
Wiring diagram for 1972 240z
I have a couple scaned images of wiring diagrams from a fsm up on my web site, you can download em and have em as big as you want on your computer or print them if you want, www.geocities.com/psyco_guy_abd/Brians_240z_page.html, then click on the link for z files. Hope that helps ya.
custom indiglo gauges for your z car!!
no i dont think they look "ricey" just as with anything else if you take something to the extreme it will look bad but if you go with say the silver background and dark blue or red text and the text glow style i think it looks very nice. It's just like rims, if you get nice 16 inch polished rims for your car it looks good, if you get 23 inch polished rims for your car it looks ricey. I think that with the font glow it wont be that much different from a white face gauge kit other then it will be better illuminated and be more unique. If you dont like them dont order em i guess.
custom indiglo gauges for your z car!!
www.speedhut.com makes custom gauges for many different cars and offers a model development program. I have already talked to them about becoming a "model leader" for 240z's. These are sweet gauges with indiglo backlighting and your choice of background color, text color, logos, ect. They will do this for around $120 per set of gauges including everything you need. This sounds like a lot but when you consider that autometer gauges cost about $40 each and there is a big hassle with fitting them in the dash $120 sound great. The only draw back is we need 30 people to order to get the development started. I have already sent them a set of gauges for 73 240z, these are the same as the early 74 260z gauges alos but not sure about other years. If your spedo starts at 10 and goes to160, your tach goes from 0 to 8, temp from 120 - 250 oil pressure from 0-90 and volts from -60 to 60 then these should work for your car. They informed me that they have a huge back up right now and will not get started on our gauges for about a month meaning that 240z's wont show up on the preorder list for about a month but i will let you know when it is up( they have about 50 boxes of clusters people sent in unopend) so start saving up now so we can get this done, also once we order these they will be available for all 240's forever meaning you can order for a new car if you get one. You can check out there site listed above and their model development page www.speedhut.com/15orders.asp for more details and some examples of their work. Please post here if you feel that you will be preordering so the rest will know how close we are to haveing these produced. Also feel free to e-mail me with any questions you might have. Im am trying to get interest started early so we can get our 30 orders. These gauges will be available for all z's 70-79. Please e-mail me if you have questions.