Injection problems
OK. here's all the info I have at this time. I can put 12 volts to the injector and it will operate, (clicks). With the key in the on position I get 12 volts on BOTH wires. I was told by a Nissan tech that the volts are constant and the ground pulses. I don't get a ground at any time on any injector. Reading the wiring diagram the ground has to come from the ECU. Pins 14, 30 and 31 have some kind of connection in the ECU. That is why I suspect the ECU. The resistors check good as I knew they would. If I have volts at the injector that means the relay and the resistor stack are good.
Injection problems
Plugs are firing. No fuel in cylinders
Injection problems
Rebuilt a 78 L28 and only have 3 cylinders working, 1, 2 and 3. 4 , 5 and 6 are firing but the plugs are dry. It runs suprisingly smooth at idle, I'm guessing it's cause 1,2 and 3 are every other one in the firing order. I was looking thru the WD and it seems thers is some kind of connection in these sets of cylinders in the ECU, which would be my first guess as to the problem. But from the WD I can't tell whether the connection is actually in the ECU. Any advise is welcome Thanks ECU.pdf
78 280z idling and warm starting problems
try checking the cam and the intake valves its posible that they were missgrinded and hav a leak there also could be a leake after the air meter and there isnt enough air for the fuel
damm car
uhh i have to rebuild now anyway the cylinder presure is way to low im surprised that it still ran but thanx for the help oh where is the best cheapest place to buy engine parts and rebuild kits at
My datsun dosent like me
usually the pump just builds up pressure for the next start up and i had the same problem with my z it just runs too lean i replaced the injectors vacuum lines and the air meter and it seems to run just fine now
damm car
need help car is running too lean and i cant figure out how to ajust the injectors or fuel flow or it might be the vacuum lines
78 280z wont run
sorry to say but you guyz were wrong it wasnt the tank it was just build up in the exaust
78 280z wont run
the gas i pulled out was surprisingly clean no sluge or rust came out ill clean the ijectors today and see if that helps any
78 280z wont run
i just got the car yesterday as a christmas gift all original it was running untill it was stored for 15 yrs iv changed the gas, oil, oil filter and i can get it to start up for about 5sec but the min i give gas or any thing it dies, its fuel inject which iv never dealt with them befor
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