240Z Parts Variations
Let me take a crack at explaining the strange engine #'s, chassis #, and year the car was produced. For those of you that don't know, when Datsun z cars came off the assembly line they went threw a post production inspection. Some of the cars passed, with no problems, and were assinged a month and year build date. When other cars, that failed the above named inspection, they were recycled and put back on the assembly line for further fit and finish. If the engines, transmissions, or other components needed to be changed, later parts #'s were used. That is why, when you look at 240z's side by side it can get confusing, i know because i own #1651, build date, 1/70. After checking all the supporting documents, with the selling dealer, the P. O., we all came to the same conclusion, my car went through the line, twice. I'm very confident my information is correct, as i was a line mechanic for Datsun from 1973-1975, and we got tech. bulletins all the time, on this type of information. We also got factory training, in Chicago, 4 times a year, where these topics came up all the time. I hope this helps, Dannys 240 z
z's anyone?
Tony, i haven't seen any posts for a while. I'm looking for 2 70, wiper arms, and a wiper motor. Pm me with the cost. My particulars are Dan Linquist, 503 s. w. 10th st., Battle Ground, Wa. 98604, 360-666-7222. I can use paypal. Thanks, Dan.
Loop pile carpet, any recent purchases? (2008)
I ordered the cut pile carpet because that was in the series 1 cars. I was a datsun mechanic in the 70's, and i spent many hours tracing shorts in wiring. I had to remove the carpet at least 3 times a week to gain access to the wiring
Loop pile carpet, any recent purchases? (2008)
Arne, i just ordered the carpet kit. I don't really care what type of backing it has, because i layed down dynamat in all the areas under the carpet. I also installed dynamat in the doors, and the sides in back behind the interior trim panels. Should make for a much quieter ride. I'm just finishing up a 21/2 yera resto.
Door seal or weatherstrip
I need help identifying this weatherstrip. I don't have a pic yet. This is for the doors, and has 6 metal clips on it, and is roughly 24" long. Both L, and R, doors have one. Its been a while since i took these off, and i'm now putting all the glass back in the doors, and can't remember where they go. Thanks in advance. Danny
Looking for original 1970 Radio/Stereo
Hi, i know this is a very late reply, i have a 1970 stock hitachi radio. I haven't checked the later interior posts until now. If you're still interested in an org. 1970 radio, shoot me an e-mail, danlinquist@yahoo.com. I hope this helps. Danny
How Close Are Our VIN #'s
I own a 1970 240, build date 1/70 HLS30-1651 out of hermosa Beach, Calif. 2nd owner, ext. color 904 green, int color black, upgraded L-28 engine, car is just in the finishing stages of being completely rebuilt, and restored. All originalparts have been used in this restoration, including the fasteners. No parts were replaced except the engine, which came with the car when i purchased it
Who's got a spare radio...
Mally002 i have an org. radio from my 70 240z, that i,m willing to sell for $325, it works fine, and has the org face plate to. Let me know if your interested. Dannys240z, my email is danlinquist@yahoo.com.
New Club DVD!
Carl thats exactly correct.
New Club DVD!
Will i have a L20,24 engine factory manual, let me know if you need this and i will send it to you. PM me, or e-mail me @danlinquist@yahoo.com. And thanks for all the hard work. Danny
z's anyone?
Tony add me to the list too. You are a lucky man. E-mail me at danlinquist@yahoo.com Thanks, dannys240z
Parting Out '72 240z! What Do You Need!
Hi how you doing? I live in Battle ground Wa.. I need a good combo switch, and if your rear upper deck, the one that holds the lock plate is good, i could use that. Also any interior lights, map ect. Give me a pm @ danlinquist@yahoo.com Thanks alot, dannys240z.
Hello from wa. state
Hi everyone, I'm a new guy from Battle Ground, Wa.. Glad to have found this message board.