260Z with a TIU that needs to be heated...
Thanks again... I am on the search for the TIU...
260Z with a TIU that needs to be heated...
I think it is time to replace the TIU... This may explain why I had so many spark issues all last summer... Any thoughts about how rare this Z might be with AC and Factory tint with automatic tranny? The other interesting thing about this Z is the paper work I have with. All paper work from the orignal sale, to repairs made back in the 70's, even the New Car Warehouse Order form...
260Z with a TIU that needs to be heated...
Thanks Stephen, it is so small and detailed inside that TIU I can not find anything that looks out of wack there... thanks
260Z with a TIU that needs to be heated...
I have used this site to help me with my 8/74 260Z 2+2 auto while bringing it back to life... you guys have been very helpful. THANKS SO MUCH! This is my first post for help though. This Z is from Hawaii and then lived in AZ and now resides in NH. It has been in storage for 16-17 years. I did get it running and was able to take it for some local drives last summer. As fall approached I then started having issues where one day it would start and the next it would not. The issue was no spark. I could not figure why one day I had spark and the next no spark... Well this past week I pushed it out of the garage on a few nice days and starting tinkering again... still no spark. On the 2nd day I unplugged the TIU and brought in to the house to get a closer look inside this thing... next morning plugged it in and BINGO my Z started again. I needed to spray fuel into the carbs to keep in running, but it fired and ran. Today is another pretty nice day here NH but colder than yesterday... and NO SPARK today until I got my heat gun out and warmed up my TIU and just like yesterday my Z is back and running... So as long as my TIU is warm I have spark... SEEM ODD TO ME. Now I need to start on those damn carbs again... This Z seems pretty rare and maybe you guys can set me straight here. 74 260 2+2 with automatic, factory AC, factory tinted windows... with NO RUST!!! Any thoughts?
first time post... 74' 260Z with history...
Lugmanhere here... 1st timer to the post thing. I have used this site from time to time and has been very helpful! THANKS SO MUCH. I do however need some more help...
little spark, or not enough gas???
Ok guys here is the update on the 74 260z... after getting my spark issues solved, I then found I had a bad electric fuel pump. The electric pump works but does not supply enough fuel... so after bypassing the electric pump, I have all kinds of fuel now. So here I am with the Z running the best it has since buying it, and we are having an ICE storm here in NH, so test drive another day. Now it time to start working on my lights, no tail ...
little spark, or not enough gas???
Thanks for the help... with the holiday time has been limited, but as soon as I get back on it I will let you know... spark is better now, but no fuel... Neil
little spark, or not enough gas???
I have found that I am running out of gas sometimes after running (idling) for a while and then reving up the rpms... just as it starts to completely starve it's self, a quick shot of starter fluid into the carbs makes her diesel and then right back to normal... this warm weather in New England has made working on the car easier than normal, but sucks for skiing...
little spark, or not enough gas???
Hi Rick, thanks for the help... I am on my second set of plugs. The first set of NGK are now toast, no spark. They lasted about 2 months of starting, idling, and a few short low speed drives down the road. ??? On a different note, does anyone have a starting point for my air/fuel mixture adjustments (the large flat head adjustment screws, 1 on the front carb and 1 between the carbs...???) Thanks
little spark, or not enough gas???
Hi thanks, when I bought the car there was no gas in the tank... I have check the fuel coming into both carbs and it flows steady for both carbs. I have round top carbs and manual choke. As for dielectric grease on my plug wires, NOPE. I am not familar with this grease you are talking about, e racer 1999... thanks
little spark, or not enough gas???
My new to me 74 260 Z auto had been in storage 15+ until now... I installed new plugs, dist cap, rotor, coil, wires, fuel filter, battery, and a new belt to get my new Z to finally come back to life. My spark is great at the coil, but is lacking at the plugs. It seems plugs 3,4, and 5 get better spark than 1 and 6. My timing is good and firing order is correct but she runs rough. If I let her idle and warm up, she idle up and down as the other cyclinders kick in... and then sometimes it just shuts off. Starting it back up with a few pumps on the gas or little choke and running again for a while. Both fuel pumps are working and plenty of fuel getting to carbs. HELP! Thanks!
new to Classic Zcar...
Hello to everyone... This summer I purchased a 74' 260Z auto with 68k miles. It spent it's entire running life in Hawaii, then was shipped to the main land in 1990 and was put in storage until this now. With that said, there is no rust on my Z, but I am dealing with all kinds of funny issues common with that of any car that has been sitting for 15+ years. So any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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