Broken Bolt
Thanks guys! Guess I'll go looking for a 3/32" left-hand twist bit and an "easy out." Probably won't be the last time I'll need one...
Broken Bolt
Help, I just broke-off one of the (14) bolts ssecuring my oil pan. It broke-off slightly below the head when I was re-attaching the pan (didn't take much). It's slightly recessed into the threads. How do I get it out???!!!
Grease Points on Rear Suspension?
My newly acquired '73 240Z sounds like I'm carrying a bucket of bolts in the back seat... I'm sure the rear struts are toast and I plan to replace them (soon?). In the meantime, are there any greasing points either in the rear struts themselves or the rear suspension in general??? I greased the front end and it made a remarkable difference...
Front Brake Clips
Found out the hard way that front brake pad clips break easily... I was able to get another set ordered from O'Reily's (arriving tomorrow). So I can avoid the same problem next time, what's the proper way to install them without bending or breaking them? On a high note... the new pads went on pretty easily.
Low Oil Pressure???
I've just bought a '73 240Z, with auto transmission, and have noticed tht my oil pressure seems low. The gauge has a top register of 90psi and it normally hovers around 45 or so when driving around town. At idle, it drops frightenly low - maybe in the 10-30 range. Is this a concern, or normal running pressures?
Weber Hesitation...
Took it for another short run today... It's like the engine revs drop too low when cornering, and then hesitates before it catches up. Also, sometimes feels (sounds) like the automatic transmission is not downshifting properly and finally clunks into a lower gear and then takes off. I was looking at a couple of components in Haynes today called a "kick-down switch" (looks like it's under the dash above the accelerator pedal) and a "downshift solenoid" (mounted above the transmission pan). Given that the engine runs great at idle, would it be possible that the car is not downshifting properly and lugging the engine enough to cause it to hesitate and die?
Stupid Newbie Question...
Thanks Darrel. That's what I thought, but the differential fill plug experience has me a little gun shy...
Stupid Newbie Question...
Thanks guys! I was finally able to get the fill plug out. A well-fitting 17mm wrench and a b.f.h. finally persuaded it to turn... really siezed. Filled it with Castrol Hyploy C using a little $5 pump I picked up at O'Reily's... worked great! So, next, on to the transmission fluid. Guess I'll find the refill inlet BEFORE draining this time... right Carl??? Thanks again.
Stupid Newbie Question...
Thanks Vince. I see it now. Wow, that's about impossible to get to... looks like the plug takes a 17mm wrench...
Stupid Newbie Question...
Thanks guys... and Carl, what is the "best case"...??? The "worst case" sounds like a pita to me. I can't believe there's not an accessible fill plug. I though my MGB was bad...
Stupid Newbie Question...
Just got a 1973 240Z w/automatic... trying to replace all the fluids, so I thought I would drain the differential and refill this afternoon. Had no problem draining (once I got the plug unsiezed), but the filling is a problem. Is that stubby plastic fill plug on the top of the "diff" really the inlet for the new oil? If so, how does one overcome the narrow clearance and gravity to refill??? The access is so limited, I'm not sure if I can even get a tube in there to pump it in...
Weber Hesitation...
Hi, I just purchased a 1973 240Z with a three-speed automatic transmission and Weber DVG(?) carburetors... When I turn a corner (especially a right hand turn), the car hesitates and sometimes dies. It acts like it's not getting fuel... I increased the idle speed to 1000 rpm, but that didn't seem to help. Now, I'm thinking fuel pump... any similar experiences or ideas???
Wipers Don't Work...
Thanks for the tip, Ramses... I got my Haynes yesterday and you'd need a pretty high-powered magnifying glass to read the electrical diagrams. I'll look for a shop manual. By the way, I took Enrique's step-by-step instructions and got my wipers working yesterday... tuns out it was the fuse. Also, got it through the Texas safety inspection (woo-hoo) and got it titled at the Tax Office (a pain - the ownership had passed through probate in California). So, I'm legal and on the road!!! Next project: changing the transmission and differential fluids...
Wipers Don't Work...
Thanks Enrique! I definitely have three dots, so I guess I have intermittent wipers... I'll work through your "checklist," starting with the fuse. I pulled it the other evening and it looked okay, but very unusual - the fuse inside the glass tune looked like a saw blade... odd. I'll replace it, just in case. Thanks for your help. I've also ordered a Haynes manual to help guide me through some of these questions... Mike
Wipers Don't Work...
I just bought a 1973 240Z... I can't get my wipers to work. Any step-by-step directions to troubleshoot? When I turn the switch on there's no response, no sound, nothing. Otherwise, all electricals seems to work. Also, does anyone know what type of automatic transmission fluid to use for a '73 automatic? Thanks... new to this site. Mike Abild